Rio Case Study Flashcards
Where is Rio?
South east of Brazil, in the continent of South America. It has grown around a large natural bay called Guanabara bay.
Is Brazil a HIC, NEE or LIC?
A newly emerging emerging economy.
What is Rio’s population?
6.7 million people in the city, and 13 million in the surrounding areas, so the city serves the needs for many people looking for jobs.
What is Rio’s importance to brazil?
It is the second largest city, and remains the countries cultural capital.
It has a major port, exporting coffee, sugar and iron ore.
It is brazils second most important industrial centre, producing 5% of brazils GDP
It’s main service industries are banking and finance.
What is Rio’s importance to the world as a whole?
The statue if the Christ redeemer is one of the seven wonders of the world.
Rio staged the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 olympics.
The city is an important international transport hub, with 5 ports and 3 airports.
How has inward immigration led to a population increase in Rio?
People migrate in Brazil to Rio, for its job opportunities. This is largely from poorer areas such as the Amazonia and the drought hit north eastern Brazil.
His has natural increase led to a population increase in Rio?
Rio’s population is quite young, because young people are more likely to move to richer areas for jobs. This means that natural increase is high as more people of child bearing age live in Rio.
What are the Social opportunities in Rio?
To improve healthcare in favelas, they have arranged for medics to take health kits to people homes, and have prevented the spread of 20 diseases. This has caused life expectancy to increase.
To,improve education the authorities have arranged for volunteers, given school grants to the poor, and opened a university in the favela Rocinha.
What are the opportunities for access to resources in Rio?
To improve water supply in favelas, 7 new treatment plants have been built, and over 300km of pipes laid. Now over 95% of the population have access to clean water.
Electricity supply has been improved by installing 60km of new power lines, building a nuclear generator and a new hydro electric complex, which may increase Rio’s energy production by 30%
How has economic development increased the opportunities in Rio?
Due to improvement in roads, healthcare and transport many companies have been attracted to Rio. Rio now provides more than 6% of employment in Brazil.
What are examples of economic development in Brazil?
One industrial area in Rio is Sepetiba bay, where there is the largest steel works in South America.
Land river opened a £240 million car manufacturing factory in Rio, employing over 300 people.
The city is subject to a lot of tourism, and during the 2016 olympics building projects provided many construction jobs. Tourism, banking and manufacturing are all big employers in Rio.
How are favelas a challenge in Rio?
Rocinha is the largest favela in Rio. Favelas are illegal settlements, built by arrivals to the city. There are over 1000 favelas in Rio.
Social deprivation in favelas is high. Favelas are located along the edge of the city, along hillsides. Therefor houses are poorly constructed and there is limited road access.
How is providing clean water, sanitation and energy a challenge in Rio?
In non improved favelas 50% have no sewage collections, 12% have no running water and 30% have no electricity.
How is providing education a challenge in Rio?
In rio only 1/2 of children continue education beyond the age of 14. Many drop out of school and some get involved in drug trafficking. There are shortages of local schools, and low lay and poor training for teachers.
How is healthcare a challenge in Rio?
Over 40% of the city has no access to a local clinic. Infant mortality rates are high at 50 per 1000.