RIGL Title 12-1.5 (DNA Violent Offender), 12-5 (Search Warrants), 12-5.1 (Interception of wire/oral comms) Flashcards
What are the crimes of Violence as defined in 12-1.5-2 (Definitions)
Murder, Manslaughter, 1st dg arson, kidnaping w/ intent to extort, robbery, larceny from person, 1st dg sexual assault, 2nd dg sexual assault, 1st & 2nd dg child molestation, assault w/intent to commit murder & robber & sexual assault, burglary, entering into dwelling house w/intent to commit murder & Robbery & Sexual Assault or larceny.
12-1.5-2 (DNA Sample Means)
means blood or tissue sample by person to be submitted to DOH lab.
What does the DOH DNA database maintain records for?
1) Forensic casework, including ID of missing persons. 2) Individual arrest for “crimes of violence” and convicted felony offenders. 3) Anonymous DNA records used for research on ID technologies or quality control.
12-1.5-8 (DNA sample upon arrest or conviction for any crime of violence) for whom?
Every person ARRESTED for “Crime of Violence”, pleas guilty or nolo, or convicted of ANY felony shall have a DNA sample taken for; anyone sentence to a term of confinement to prison, for any term of probation, or deferred, or release prior to maximum term of confinement.
12-1.5-8 (DNA sample upon arrest for any crime of violence) for whom?
Arrested for Crime of Violence, at the time of booking and susp shall be notified at that time of their expungement rights at the time of DNA sample taken. Arresting agency submits to DOH. DOH shall not test prior to arraignment unless; arrestee appeared before judicial officer for arraignment and JO made finding there was PC for arrest or; defendant was released and failed to appear for initial hearing or escaped custody.
12-1.5-8 (DNA sample upon arrest for any crime of violence) if charges are not determined to be supported by PC;
DNA sample shall be immediately destroyed. And notice sent to prosecuting authority and defense counsel for record of it being destroyed.
12-1.5-8 (DNA sample upon arrest for any crime of violence) for what other reasons to be processed prior to arrignment.
Consent by suspect for sole purpose to have their sample checked against a sample at the crime scene / hospital that is being processed as related to charges against the suspect.
12-1.5-9…withdrawal, collections and transmission of dna sample. What are the rules to protect an authorized person to do so?
authorized person cannot be civilly or criminally liable for withdrawal of dna if acting on good faith pursuant to this chapter. 2) it is a complete defense for LEO and CO who physically restrain a person for taking DNA sample, as acting in good faith and under instruction/supervision of medical personnel under this statute to withdraw dna.
DNA samples under Crimes of Violence/conviction chapter shall be used only in?
(Except otherwise provided in 12-1.5-11) LEO ID purposes, assist in recover of human remains, other humanitarian ID purpose including ID of missing persons. SHALL NEVER be used for the purpose obtaining info on physical characteristics, traits or predisposition of disease.
DNA samples under Crimes of Violence/conviction chapter, in respect to 12-1.5-11 (DNA database exchange) shall be used only in?
Criminal justice agencies or DNA forensic labs that serve these agencies. Written/electronic request of a official investigation by criminal justice agency/or forensic lab of a criminal offense or offender. Prosecution Attn for relevant DNA record for grand jury/courts when records are subpoenaed. defense attn for relevant pending case.
Expungement of DNA Record in regards to Crimes of Violence Chapter 12-1.5 How can they and are they expunged?
If conviction was reversed where upon written request and certified copy of final order the DOH shall purge all samples in regards to collection by this chapter. Also shall purge/destroy all DNA records pursuant to this chapter for a person deceased after official proof of death of at least 3 years to be a certified copy of death certificate. 2) if sample taken in regards to this chapter with either no true bill, dismissal, or NG verdict AND state does not retry defendant or appeal decision, or plea/conviction to lessor charge from state DNA data base requirement, DNA profile shall be expunged; The prosecution shall notify DOH within 30 days of this and within 30 days DOH shall destroy all samples/records relating.
Expungement of DNA Record in regards to Crimes of Violence Chapter 12-1.5 notice by suspect to LEO Agency and AG….when?
Expungement notice shall be served to the AG and LEO Agency with 10 days notice prior to hearing.
What are the penalties for obtaining RECORDS of DNA illegally. What are the penalties for obtaining SAMPLES of DNA illegally
Any person carrying out functions of this chapter obtaining any DNA records illegally is guilty of misdemeanor with 1 yr prison/$1000 fine. For DNA analysis performed and Obtaining/attmepts to obtain DNA illegally or tampering w/DNA is guilty of a felony w/5 yrs prison/$5000 fine.
After being arrested/charged with any crime of violence and refuses to submit a DNA sample…
Is in violation of their terms of release/bail/probation/parole or home confinement.
Search Warrants (12-5), may be issued by
any judge of the district court, supreme, superior or family court.