Rights and Environmental Issues Flashcards
Name three rights appointed to a landowner in the State of Texas
- Water rights
- Mineral rights
- Homestead rights
Which rights applies to any attempt by the government or a private entity to take your property?
State of Texas Landowner’s Bill of Rights
Water rights are for what purpose?
They address the rights to own and use water found in lakes, streams, rivers, and the ocean
In Texas, land owners along rivers or streams are granted which type of rights?
Riparian Rights
Unlike surface water, groundwater is the property of the landowner, which allows a landowner the right to do what?
Capture the water beneath his or her property, and sell, lease, and move the water pumped from his or her property to a neighbor, corporation, or city
What are the major forms of a legal life estate?
Homestead, dower and curtesy, and elective share
Property acquired under dower laws is owned by whom and for how long?
The surviving spouse for the duration of his or her lifetime
Concerning mineral rights, the landowner or lessor retains 1/8 interest free and clear of all costs. This is referred to as what?
Name three places human exposure to asbestos may occur.
Exposure may come by air, wind, and water erosion from naturally-occurring deposits as well as by the mining, manufacture and use of some asbestos-containing products
Explain the term “friable”.
The term friable refers to any asbestos-containing material that, when dry, can be easily crumbled or turned to powder by hand
In children, lead-based paint can cause what to happen?
In children, studies have shown that lead alters the development of growing brain cells
Name three locations radon can enter a home.
Radon can enter the house through: Cavities in walls Joints in construction materials Gaps in suspended floors Gaps around utility pipes and wires Crawl spaces that open directly into the building Openings around pipes or sump pumps Cracks in concrete floors or foundation
What is the main component of mold growth?
When excessive moisture or water accumulates indoors, mold growth will occur
Electromagnetic fields can be caused by what?
Power lines, electrical wiring and appliances, which produce electric and magnetic fields
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a deadly, colorless, odorless, poisonous gas. How is it produced?
By the incomplete burning of various fuels, including coal, wood, charcoal, oil, kerosene, propane, and natural gas
High level carbon monoxide poisoning results in progressively severe symptoms. Name three.
Sever carbon monoxide poisoning can create symptoms of mental confusion, vomiting, loss of muscular coordination, loss of consciousness, and death
There are many rights appointed to a landowner in the State of Texas. They include:
Water rights
Mineral rights
Homestead rights
State of Texas Landowner’s Bill of Rights
Eminent Domain
is the legal authority that certain entities are granted that allows those entities to take private property for a public use.
Water Rights
basically concern the rights to own and use water found in lakes, streams, rivers, and the ocean. In addition, they determine where parcel boundaries can be fixed with respect to adjoining bodies of water.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
issues water rights for people who can show a beneficial use for the water, such as crop irrigation.
Littoral Rights
concern properties abutting bodies of water that are not moving, such as lakes and seas.
Riparian Rights
concern properties abutting moving water, such as streams and rivers.
In Texas, land owners along rivers or streams are granted
Riparian Rights
A riparian owner’s right to use water was changed in 1969 and requires
a state permit for the maximum actual water put to beneficial use without waste.
A legal life estate is created by
state law, as opposed to, being created by a property owner’s agreement.
Homestead law in Texas provides that:
A homestead can be held by every head of household and every single person.
The premises must be occupied or intend to be occupied by the family or the householder.
The head of household or householder must occupy or lease the property.
An owner of a homestead must have lived in his or her home in Texas for 1215 days
in order to use the homestead exemption against bankruptcy.
is a wife’s life estate interest in the husband’s property. When the husband dies, the wife can make a claim to portions of the decedent’s property.
is the identical right enjoyed by the husband in a deceased wife’s property. Property acquired under dower laws is owned by the surviving spouse for the duration of his or her lifetime.
To the extent that a landowner also owns the minerals in his tract, he may legally
sell such minerals from the surface estates. The owner of the minerals may mine or lease them.
If buyers are concerned about potential environmental problems
they need to include a contingency in the contract that requires inspections and resolution of existing problems.
Human exposure to asbestos may be caused by
air, wind and water erosion from naturally-occurring deposits as well as by the mining, manufacture and use of some asbestos-containing products.
The term friable refers to
any asbestos-containing material that, when dry, can be easily crumbled or turned to powder by hand.
Lead-based paint cannot
be absorbed through the skin. However, it is dangerous when it enters the bloodstream through ingestion or inhalation.
Real estate agents who take listings of homes built prior to 1978
must have their sellers fill out a disclosure form about their knowledge or lack of knowledge about the presence of lead-based paint in the home.
is an odorless, colorless, tasteless, and radioactive gas created in the ground where uranium and radium exist.
estimated to cause thousands of deaths each year, because by breathing radon, people can get lung cancer.
a fungus that grows under moist conditions and causes allergic reactions in some people. When mold spores land on a damp spot indoors, they may begin growing and digesting whatever they are growing on in order to survive.
Molds produce tiny spores to reproduce, just as some plants produce seeds.
electromagnetic fields or “EMFs,”
are invisible lines of force that surround any electrical device. They can be caused by power lines, electrical wiring and appliances, which produce electric and magnetic fields.
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
is a deadly, colorless, odorless, poisonous gas. It is produced by the incomplete burning of various fuels, including coal, wood, charcoal, oil, kerosene, propane, and natural gas.
High level carbon monoxide poisoning results in
progressively more severe symptoms, including mental confusion, vomiting, loss of muscular coordination, loss of consciousness, and death.