Rights Flashcards
Criminal law
Protects all citizens from people who pose a threat to society
Civil law
Focuses on disputes between people
Case in which a person is harmed because of another’s persons actions or failure to act
Defamation of character
Intentionally damaging a persons reputation by making false statements about the person
Unintentionally harming a person by acting in an improper way
Breach of contract
If a contract is no performed according to the agreement
Legal disabilities
Minors under age of 18
Incompetent people: mental psychotic illness under influence of alcohol or drugs
Semiconscious or unconscious
Informed consent
Clear explanation of a procedure or test(risks, benefits, consequences, alternatives)
Permission given to perform procedure or test by a competent and voluntary patient
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Law to protect patients and their personal health information
Prevents health insurance companies from denying or limiting coverage for people who have pre existing conditions
Privacy of health information
Provides detailed instruction for handling and protecting a patients personal health information
Electronic medical records
Records are electronic to help with privacy
Security rule
Regulations to make sure confidential records are kept secure
Physical safeguard
Provides a safe/ hazard free environment
Technical safeguard
Medical records kept secure by passwords that are updated regularly, transmitted information encrypted, computer systems have anti virus software
Administrative safeguards
Rules for managing employees who have access to protected health records
Privileged communication
Information that is shared within a protected relationship
Privacy rule
Established nationwide standards that are used to protect private patient information
Protected health information
Any individually identifiable health information about a patient
Using discretion when handling protected health information
The release, transfer,or provision of access to protected health information
Permission that patients give in order to disclose protected health information
Medical records
A form of privileged communication
belong to health care providers
Legal documents
Advance directives
Legal documents that allow people to state what medical treatments they want or no not want in the event that they’re unable to make decisions or communicate because they have a severe illness or injury
Living will
A document that allows people to state what medical treatments they want or do not want to prolong their lives in the event that they’re unable to make decisions or communicate because of a severe illness or injury
Durable power of attorney for health care(DOPA)
A document that allows a person, a principle, to give another person, an agent, the right to make decisions regarding the principals health care if the principal is unable to make decisions and communicate due to severe illness or injury
Uniform anatomical gift act(UAGA)
Allows people to donate body or body parts of their body after death for transplantation or medical research
Patient self-determination act of 1990
States that health care providers tell adult patients their rights to make decisions regarding their health care and to have advance directives
Human rights
Basic, fundamental, rights that belong to all people. Equality, justice, and peace
Civil rights
Rights that people are entitled
Rules of proper conduct among a group of people, such as religion or profession
Known as personal ethics/values. They reflect in people’s personal beliefs about what is right and wrong conduct
Code of ethics
List of written statements describing proper conduct for a group of people
Ethical dilemmas
Occurs when moral beliefs conflict
Bioethical dilemmas
Involve health care and bioethical sciences
Refers to being legally responsible for causing harm, or allowing harm
Personal liability
Refers to health care workers being responsible for causing harm
Supervisory liability
Refers to supervisors of health care workers being responsible for workers causing harm
Employer liability
Refers to employers of health care workers being responsible for workers causing harm
Principles that direct the facility’s activities
Methods the facility uses to carry out its policies
Event reports
Who What When Where Statements from witness, health care workers involved, people who were harmed
Anecdotal records
Personal accounts of events not in the charts
Health care workers respect patients dignity and rights including their right to make decisions regarding their health care
Health care workers care for patients according to their professions scope of practice
Health care workers promote patients health and well being
Health care workers refrain from harming patients
Communicate with patients truthfully
Maintaining confidentiality of patients health information
Treat patients equally and without discrimination
Rules of conduct enacted and enforced by government