Right to Exclude Flashcards
Public Trust Doctrine
public areas government holds in trust, giving access and right to use to the public
Balancing test 4 factors
4. usage of land
Right of Access
Right of Use
Navagable airways
ad column doctrine
a landlowner owns everything above and below the surface of the land
punitive damages
physical interference with the ownership or possession of land
super adjacent air space
airspace at altitide so close to the land thats its
what are limitations on right to exclude?
social policy
free speech
public trust doctrine
what is an “easement”?
tresspass v nuisance?
common law of dedication
appropriation of land for some public use, made by the fee owner and accepted by the public. A dedication is implied in fact when the period of public use is less than the period for prescription
private necessity
when emergency caused someone to trespass on the land of another