Right Realism Flashcards
Right Realism general view
Conservative political outlook
Zero tolerance approach
Influential in UK and US.
Other theories have failed to solve the
problem of crime
Labelling theory and critical criminology
too sympathetic to the criminal and too
hostile to the police and courts
Practical solutions to reduce crime.
Control and punishment > rehabilitation
and tackling underlying causes
Causes of crime
- Rational Choice Theory
- Biological factors
- Poor socialisation
Hernstein and Wilson - biological factors
biological differences between individuals make some individuals more predisposed to crime. For instance, personality traits such as aggression and low impulse control signify people who are at greater risk of offending. In addition, low intelligence is also a contributing factor.
Murray - poor socialisation
crime is increasing due to the mounting underclass defined by their deviant behaviour.
The nuclear family is being undermined
by the welfare state. Dependency culture means
men no longer need to take responsibility for
supporting their family.
Absent fathers mean boys lack discipline and
positive role models, turning to delinquent role
Clarke - rational choice theory
Takes the assumption that individuals are
rational beings with free will. Deciding to commit
crime is a choice based on the weighing of costs
and benefits
Felson - routine activity theory
for crime to occur
there must be a motivated offender, a target, and
the absence of a ‘capable guardian’ (policeman,
Solution to crime
It is impossible to target the underlying causes, so
deterrents such as control and punishment must
be used
Wilson and Kelling
The broken window thesis - it is essential to maintain orderly characteristics of neighbourhoods and reduce any signs of crime immediately.
Zero tolerance policing
A zero-tolerance policy to undesirable behaviour such as prostitution, begging and drunkenness. Police should patrol the streets and take a ‘short, sharp, shock’ approach, and carry out on stop and search on suspicious characters.
Target hardening
If you making it harder to commit crime (Eg. by locking doors) this will reduce the rewards and act as a deterrent.