Right Realism Flashcards
What are the politics of Right Realism?
- Right-wing politics
- Conservative/New Right.
- Zero tolerance.
- Individual responsibility.
What do realists try to focus on?
The reality of crime: real problems and solutions.
Practical measures to make crime less attractive = control, containment and punishment.
Causes of crime, Biological Differences:
Low intelligence and personality traits such as aggressiveness means people are more prone to committing crime than others. E.g: testosterone.
Causes of crime, socialisation:
Murray = underclass fail to socialise their children properly. Dennis + Erdos, dependency culture/overgenerous welfare state.
Seek immediate gratification.
Causes of crime, rational choice:
Assumes individuals have free-will, crime is a choice based on a rational calculation of the consequences vs the rewards.
Wilson = costs of crime are low, so crime rates have increased (inadequate law enforcement).
Solutions = situational crime prevention:
‘Target hardening’ measures such as CCTV/security guards, reduce opportunity and increase likelihood of getting caught.
E.g: Felson, reshaping physical environment to reduce luggage thefts. E.g: large sinks replaced by small basins, no homeless people.
Evaluation = Displacement Theory (crimes will move elsewhere), doesn’t consider irrational choice.
Solutions = environmental crime prevention, sends out a signal and encourages more crime:
- Broken Window Thesis (Wilson and Kelling): signs of neglect leads to more crime. e.g: leaving a window unrepaired.
- Environmental improvement strategy = cleaning up neighbourhood, looks like people care.
- Zero tolerance policing. E.g: minor deviance, petty theft.
Evaluation = Displacement Theory, zero tolerance is hard to enforce.
Solutions = increased social control:
- More responsibility for children = conforming to social norms, no deviance. May be issued with parenting orders.
- Community Protection Notices and Criminal Behaviour Orders. ZERO tolerance.
- Supervision. e.g: electronic tagging.
- Reducing benefits.
Evaluation = zero tolerance hard to enforce, ignores structural causes of crime, ignores corporate crime.