Right Realism Flashcards
How does Right Realism differ from labelling and Marxist theories
Labelling and Marxism see crime as social constructed rather than real fact.
Realists see crime as a real problem, especially for its victims
How do Left and Right Realists differ
Left = ‘tough on causes of crime’; reformist socialists who favour policies to tackle structural inequalities and promote equality.
Right = ‘tough on crime’; Conservatives who support ‘zero tolerance’ stance on crime
What do Right Realists think crime does in society and what do they think people are like
undermines social cohesion and destroys communities.
Think people are naturally selfish, individualistic and greedy.
People are naturally inclined towards criminal behaviour if it can further themselves.
What 3 theories do Right Realists propose crime is a result of
- biological differences (Wilson)
- The Underclass (Murray)
- Rational Choice (Wilson)
What’s Wilson’s Biological differences theory of crime (RR)
argued some people are biologically predisposed to crime;
effective socialisation doesn’t always work and people such as extroverts (impulsive personalities and lower intelligence) are more likely to commit crime.
What’s Murray’s view on the underclass in crime (RR)
A way of explaining the existence of criminal behaviour within society. The underclass are a distinct lower class subculture (below the w/c) who have deviant values and socialise their children into those values. They're welfare dependent and rely on generous handouts which discourages them from finding work. This leads to moral decline because people lose obligation to society; with single parent families on the rise (as a result of traditional family values breaking, like divorce and abortion increases) there's a lack of discipline in families. For example, young men don't have a disciplinary father figure to keep them in line.
What’s Wilson’s Rational Choice Theory in crime (RR)
He sees people as naturally selfish, greedy and individualistic. Therefore, if an opportunity presents itself, then crime will happen.
If the reward outweighs the risk, they’ll do it, if it doesn’t, they won’t = RATIONAL CHOICE
What’s Wilson’s broken windows theory in crime (RR)
when areas look uncared for then crime will take place as the risk is deemed low.
What are the criticisms of Right Realist views on crime
1. many reject the idea of an underclass as a deviant subculture that is voluntarily unemployed and devoted to crime. Poverty is often causes by external factors they can't help. 2. RR overstates the rationality of criminals, For example, it is doubtful whether violent crime is underpinned by rationality.
What 2 solutions to crime do Right Realists suggest
- situational crime prevention
2. environmental crime control and prevention
What’s routine activity theory, in situational crime prevention (RR)
Developed from rational choice theory (Wilson), Felson and Clarke argues crime occurs as a part of everyday routines when these 3 conditions are met:
- suitable target (person, place, object)
- no ‘capable guardian’ (police, CCTV)
- potential offender present who chooses to commit the crime due to absence of a capable guardian and presence of suitable target
What does SCP aim to do (RR)
Ultimately to design out crime by doing 2 things:
- target hardening
- defensible space
what’s target hardening in SCP (RR)
Measures to make it more difficult to steal things (CCTV, neighbourhood watch, anti climb paint, alarms, gated communities)
What’s a defensible space in SCP (RR)
Newman (1972) argued by changing the design of streets and housing estates, it was possible to make them safer (cul-de-sacs etc.)
This reduces opportunities for crime in particular areas
What’s a criticism of SCP
- it displaces crime, it won’t go away, the criminals will just find an easier target
- focus on opportunistic crimes, ignores WCC or non opportunistic (domestic violence)
- ignores root causes of crime like poverty
What’s environmental crime control and prevention
includes formal and informal social control measures to clamp down on anti-social behaviours and prevent an area deteriorating.
Based on Wilson and Kelling’s Broken Windows Theory
What’s Wilson/Kelling’s ‘0 tolerance’ approach to crime (RR)
They argue physical signs of physical disorder give off the message there is low informal social control which attracts criminals and increases crime rate.
Visible decay signals people don’t care; ‘respectable’ community members leave the area which weakens community bonds and undermines ability to maintain order.
to be effective, you can’t allow big or small crimes to prevent deterioration of social cohesion
What are criticisms of EC&P
- Reiner argues that the police would be better deployed focusing on more serious crime hot spots rather than clamping down on minor forms of anti-social behaviour.
- Interactionist’s would argue that giving more power to the police will lead to more labelling of certain groups.
- these strategies over focus on opportunity petty crime and burglary, ignores WCC, CC and state crimes, which are worse.
What are some crime prevention policies
- neighbourhood watch
- fixed penalty notice
- 3 strikes rule