rigging hardware Flashcards
Determine If this statement is true or false. The two types of wire rope center core designs are fiber core and independent wire rope core.
1. true
2. false
- true
page 74
What is the percentage gain in strength using an IWRC
versus a fiber core wire rope?
1. 3.5
2. 5.5
3. 7.5
4. 9.5
- 7.5
page 75
What characteristic increases in a wire rope by using a rope with more strands and more wires in the strands?
1. rigidity
2. breaking strength
3. lubrication
4. flexlblllty
- flexlblllty
page 75
Determine if this statement is true or false. Grade 110/120 Improved Plow steel has the highest tensile strength for any type of wire rope.
1. true
2. false
page 76
- false
page 76
A regular lay wire rope has strands and wires in the
strands that:
1. are all laid in the right hand direction
2. are all laid in the left hand direction
3. wires and strands laid In opposite directions
4. wires and strands laid in the same direction
- wires and strands laid In opposite directions
page 77
Due to its tendency to unwind, which wire rope should NOT be used on smgle part hoisting lines?
1. regularlay
2. lang lay
3. alternate lay
4. none of above
- lang lay
page 77
Determine if this statement is true or false. A 6 x 19 wire rope classification could have as many as 16 to 26 wires per strand.
1. true
2. false
- true
page 78,79
Which rotation-resistant wire rope classification is non-rotating?
1. 3 strand
2. 8 strand
3. 19 strand
4. 35 strand
page 80
- 35 strand
page 80
When a non-rotating rope is used in a wedge socket, care must be taken to prevent:
1. core slippage
2. ropefromunraveling
3. wireslippage
4. strandslippage
page 81
- core slippage
page 81
When hoisting personnel on a crane equipped with rotating resistant wire rope, what is the Design (safety) Factor required by most safety standards?
1. 3.5:1
2. 5:1
3. 7:1
4. 10:1
page 81
- 10:1
page 81
Newer designs of wire rope with shaped wires and triangular strands are an attempt to prevent rope damage from:
1. multiple drum layers
2. cross winding
3. improper tensioning
4. all of the above
page 83
- all of the above
page 83
Referring to the number of broken wires allowed in a wire rope, The “Rule of Thumb” for determining replacement is:
1. 2/6
2. 3/6
3. 4/8
4. 2/12
page 84
page 84
Wire rope should be replaced if the wear in the outer strand wires exceeds:
1. 1/16 of original diameter
2. 1/8 of orig,nal diameter
3. 1/3 of original diameter
4. 1/4 of original diameter
page 85
- 1/3 of original diameter
page 85
When spooling wire rope from a reel to the bottom of a crane or hoist drum. the wire rope must come off which part of the reel?
1. top
2. bottom
page 87
- bottom
page 87
When standing behind a drum being overwound wath
Right Lay Wire Rope, and using the fist method to determine the correct position of the end connection and the winding procedure, the hand would be:
1. right hand palm down
2. right hand palm up
3. left hand palm down
4. left hand palm up
page 87,88
- right hand palm down
page 87,88
If the wire rope hoist line coming off a drum is fed into a sheave, how must the sheave be positioned:
1. aligned with the proper fleet angle
2. aligned with the left drum flange
3. aligned with the right drum flange
4. depends on the rope lay
page 89
- aligned with the proper fleet angle
page 89
Determine if this statement is true o rfalse. Before using an air operated tugger, the air line should be blown out to remove excess moisture.
1. true
2. false
page 93
- true
page 93
What is the Rule of Thumb formula to find the Ultimate Load (breaking strength) of an IWRC wire rope?
1. D2 x 42
2. D2 x 45
3. D2 x 5
4. D2 X 10
- D2 x 45
When the Ultimate Load (breaking strength) of a wire rope is divided by a safety (design) factor the result is called the:
1. ultimate tensile load
2. nominal strength of rope
3. yield strength of rope
4. working load limit (WLL)
page 97
- working load limit (WLL)
page 97
What happens when a wire rope is bent around a sheave or a hook?
1. nominal strength does not change
2. nominal strength is reduced
3. outside strands are ln compression
4. Inside strands are in tension
Page 99, 100
- nominal strength is reduced
Page 99, 100
A 1 inch wire rope eye sling (no thimble) lifting a load with a 1 inch shackle will be approximately how efficient?
1. 100%
2. 75%
3. 50%
4. 25%
page 99, 100
- 50%
page 99, 100
Referring to slings, the terms “RatedCapacity” or
“Working Load Limit” replaces the old terminology of:
1. safety factor
2. breaking strength
3. rule of thumb
4. safe working load
page 101
- safe working load
page 101
What is considered the minimum Design (safety) Factor tor general sling use?
1. 3 to 1
2. 5 to 1
3. 7 to 1
4. 10 to 1
page 101
- 5 to 1
page 101
Determine if this statement Is true or false. A 4-leg bridle sling will carry the load weight equally on all 4 legs If the load is rigid.
1. true
2. false
page 103
- false
page 103
With an ‘‘improved plow” wire rope sling, the preferred D/d basket hitch ratio is:
1. 25 to 1
2. 20 to 1
3. 15 to 1
4. 10 to 1
page 105, 106
- 25 to 1
page 105, 106
When slinging a bundle of pipe or tubing, which of the following would provide the best contact between sling and load?
1. double basket
2. bridle hitch
3. two double wrap chokers
4. single leg choker
page 109
- two double wrap chokers
page 109
Determine if this statement is true or false. Synthetic slings can be safely used under any environmental circumstances.
1. true
2. false
page 110
- false
page 110
Determine If this statement is true or false. Because all web slings are manufactured Identically, the ID tag does not Indicate the rated load.
1. true
2. false
page 110, 111
- false
page 110, 111
Referring to the standard format ofsling load charts, the angle between the top of the load and the sling leg is called the:
1. double angle
2. working angle
3. vertical angle
4. horlzontal angle
page 115
- horlzontal angle
Using two slings to lift a load, at what angle to the horizontal is the load on each sling considered to be equal to the weight of the load?
1. 15
2. 30
3. 45
4. 60
page 115
- 30
page 115
Calculate using the recommended safe lifting angle, the distance between the lift points connecting the load using two 12 foot slings.
1. 6 feet
2. 8 feet
3. 10 feet
4. 12 feet
page 116
- 12 feet
page 116
Using the basic “Riggers Rule” (L/V x load/2) calculate the load in pounds on each sling leg, using two 12 foot slings with a vertical distance to hook point of 8 feet, and a load of 8,000 pounds.
1. 12,000
2. 8,000
3. 6,000
4. 4,000
page 118
- 6,000
page 118
Determine if this statement Is true or false. Safety regulations prohibit the use of clips to make hoisting sling eyes.
1. true
2. false
page 121
- false
page 121
Correctly installed U bolt type wire rope clips are installed with the U portion of the clip on the:
1. dead or short end
2. on the live or long end
3. installed either way
4. alternating up and down
page 121
- dead or short end
page 121
Correctly applied wire rope clips have an efficiency rating of approximately:
1. 50 percent
2. 80 percent
3. 20 percent
4. 100 percent
- 80 percent
page 121
When compared to the rated size of the body of a
shackle, the diameter of the pin is always:
1. same size
2. larger than body
3. smaller than body
4. depends on manufacturer
Page 126
- larger than body
Page 126
Shackles are only rated for their maximum capacity when used for what type of pull?
1. straight llne pull
2. 90 degree pull
3. 45 degree pull
4. designed tor any angle pull
Page 126
- straight llne pull
Page 126
With two shackles or sling eyes in a hook, what is the suggested maximum included lifting angle?
1. 0 degrees
2. 45 degrees
3. 90 degrees
4. 180 degrees
Page 128
- 90 degrees
Page 128
A wedge socket must be attached with the load line pulling in a straight line from the:
1. wedge
2. shank
3. point
4. pin
page 129
- pin
page 129
Determine if this statement is true or false. Referring to wedge sockets it is permitted to clip the wire rope dead end to the load line.
1. true
2. false
page 130
- false
page 130
Which type of eye-bolt should be used if there is any possibility of an angular load?
1. shoulder type
2. shoulderless type
Page 131
- shoulder type
Page 131
Custom fabricated lifting beams or any homemade lifting device must be:
1. designed by an engineer
2. have the rated capacity clearly stamped
3. be test lifted at 125% of rated capacity
4. all of the above
page 134
- all of the above
page 134
The main advantage of a side opening snatch block is:
(pick the best answer)
1. change direction of load
2. change direction of wire rope
3. swivel hook
4. ease of Installing on wire rope
page 138
- ease of Installing on wire rope
page 138
With the load suspended, a single block hoisting
assembly has a lead-line pull of 200 pounds. If the lines are parallel what is the load on the block?
1. 600 pounds
2. 400 pounds
3. 200 pounds
4. 100 pounds
Page 139
- 400 pounds
Page 139
What is the mechanical advantage ratio created on the top fixed sheave of a two block hoisting system?
1. none
2. 2 to 1
3. 4 to 1
4. depends on number of sheaves
Page 141
- none
Page 141
When determining the number of parts of line needed for rigging a system what unknown factor makes the use of a ratio chart a necessity?
1. block weight
2. friction
3. length of wire rope
4. diameter of drum
Pages 142-144
- friction
Pages 142-144
What Is one of the mam advantages of lactng a set of blocks?
1. they can be used in situations where headroom is tight because the blocks can come closer together
2. there are more reverse bends
3. the mechanical advantage is higher than square reeving
4. the blocks are 90° to each other
Page 147, 148
- they can be used in situations where headroom is tight because the blocks can come closer together
Page 147, 148
Determine if this statement is true or false. Load decking chain is the type used for chain hoisting slings.
1. true
2. false
page 150
- false
page 150