RICS Valuation - Global standards 2021 - Red Book Global Flashcards
Briefly outline the structure of the Redbook
Divided into six parts
Part 1. Introduction.
Part 2. Glossary
Part 3. Professional standards (PS) - 2
Part 4. Valuation technical and performance standards (VPS) - 5
Part 5. Valuation applications (VPGA) - 10
Part 6. The International Valuation Standards (IVS)
What are the five exceptions for when a valuation does not have to be Redbook?
- Advice only during negotiations or litigation.
- Valuer is performing a statutory function
- Only for internal purposes without liability, and not communicated to any third-party
- Valuation is provided as part of agency or brokerage in anticipation of receiving instructions to dispose of or, acquire an asset
- Valuation advice provided in anticipation of giving evidence as an expert witness.
What is PS1?
Compliance with standards and practices statements are written valuation is provided
What is PS2?
Ethics, competency, objectivity, and disclosures
Includes: professional and ethical standards, must act in accordance with RICS RoC
Must be independent and at objectively must manage conflicts of interest
Terms of engagement- must understand clients requirements and comply with minimum terms of engagement and must demonstrate professional competence
What are the five Valuation and Technical Performance Standards?
VPS 1 - terms of engagement
VPS 2 - inspections, investigations, and records
VPS 3 - valuation reports
VPS 4 - bases of value assumptions, and special assumptions
VPS 5 - valuation, approaches and methods
What is in VPS 1 terms of engagement?
The minimum matters (18) to be confirmed in writing prior to commencing a Redbook valuation, eg:
ID and status of valuer
ID of Client,
Valuation date
Purpose of valuation
Format of report
Basis of Value
Assumptions and special assumptions
The basis
Restrictions on use and publication
Complaints handling procedure made available
Limitation of liability
What is the difference between an assumption and a special assumption?
Assumption is reasonable to assume or accept is true without the need for specific investigation.
Special assumption is taken to be true and accepted as fact, even though it is not .
What are the key things in VPS 2 - inspections, investigations, and records?
Must take steps to verify info, that is being relied upon.
Restricted information (desktop) valuations - Must refer to in ToE and in report
- Must assess if the restriction is reasonable in regard to the valuation
Revaluation (without re-inspection)
- Only if they have the new material changes in the property location last inspected
- must be confirmed in writing in the report
Records - all records must be properly recorded and held in a file
VPS 3- valuation reports
Minimum matters to be stated in report (16)
Minimum matters to be stated in the report include:
ID and status of value
Client and intended users
Purpose of valuation
ID of asset to be valued
Basis of value
Valuation date
Extent of investigation
Assumptions and special assumptions
Valuation figures
Date of valuation report
Comment on market uncertainty
Statement setting out any limitations on liability that have been a great
How can you give draft advice as discussed in VPS 3?
Can be given that must be marked as draft for internal purposes only. Cannot be relied upon.
It can be discussed with the client, but the valuer must not be influenced by the client .
Any changes to the draft must be knighted on file with reasoning
VPS 4 - Basis of value, assumptions, and special assumptions.
What are the 6 bases of value?
Market value
Market rent
Fair value
Investment value
Equitable value
Liquidation Value
Define market value
The estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date between a willing, buyer and seller in an arms length transaction after proper marketing, where parties have acted in knowledgeably, prudently, without compulsion
Define market rent
The estimated amount for which an interest in real property should be leased on the valuation date between a willing lessor and willing lessee on appropriate, lease terms, in an arms length of transaction after proper marketing where the parties have acted knowledgeably, prudently, and without compulsion
Define for Fair value
The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurements date.
This is required if international financial reporting standards have been adopted
Define investment value
The value of an asset to a particular owner or prospective owner for individual investment or operational objectives