Rickettsia Flashcards
What causes rocky mountain spotted feiver?
Rickettsia ricketsii
What are the clinical presentations of RMSF
High fever
Severe HA
Macular rash on extremities that evolves to flat discoloration -> petechial rash
How long is the incubation period for RMSF?
Up to 2 weeks
What is the vector for transmission for RMSF?
Prolonged contact with Ticks- transovarian transmission between ticks as well
How is RMSF diagnosed?
Clinical sx, epidemiology + MIF positive results
How is RMSF treated?
Tetracycline, fluoroquinolones
Can you use chloramphenicol for RMSF?
Not recommended due to higher relapse rate
What happens if treatment of RMSF is delayed or untreated?
Delayed treatment: increased chance of death
10-25% mortaliity if untreated
Is there a vaccine for RMSF?
What causes Rickettsialpox?
Rickettsia Akari
What is the clinical presentation of Rickettsialpox?
Mild disease with vesicular rash
What is phase 1 of rickettsialpox?
Firm red papule at bite site -> becomes vesicle-> then black eschar as bacteria spreads
What is phase 2 of rickettsialpox?
@9-14 days
High fever, severe HA, chills/sweat,s myalgias, photophobia, vesicular rash
Self limiting after 1 week
What is the transmission vector for rickettsialpox?
Bloodsucking mites
Is rickettsial pox lethal?
No, it is self limiting after 1 week