Rich Dad investing Flashcards
What is a sophisticated investor?
As opposed to an accredited investor a sophisticated investor knows the three E’s. Education, Experience, Excess Cash.
How does the rich investor differ in mind set from the average investor?
The rich investor needs to think about how to take on more debt, risk and so forth. The rich investor sees both sides of the coin. The rich investor is happy when the market crashes, where the average investor fears it.
How will you know you have enough education and experience?
When you have an excess in cash.
What’s even tougher than making the first million?
Keeping it.
What are some of the sophisticated investments for the rich? What makes them too risky for the average investor?
Private placements. Real estate syndications IPO's Sub-Prime loans. Hedge funds. Venture Capital Investments.
Too risky for lack of excess cash for average investors.
What are the 5 phases to become a sophisticated investor?
- Are you Mentally prepared to be an investor?
- What type of investor do you want to become?
- How do you build a business?
- Who is a sophisticated investor?
- Giving it back.
What does it mean to be part of the revolution?
The shift from the Industrial Age to the Information Age. There is nothing as powerful as an idea which’s time has come.
What is the proper state of mind to be successful with money?
Money will be whatever yo want it to be.
What is the only reason to buy businesses?
So the business can buy the assets for you.
What does it mean to operate in the “b” and “I” quadrants in terms of strategy?
Learn to build businesses and then invest through those businesses.
What is the first lesson learned in investing?
The rich don’t work for money. They know how to make their money work hard for them.
What is he first mental decision to make?
Whether to be rich, poor or middle class.
What are the three priorities or core values concerning money and financial planning? And how can this become the downfall?
Security, comfortable or rich. If you look to be secure or comfortable first you may never take the actions and endure the circumstances it can take to become rich. 90 percent may choose comfort and security over being rich.
What are the basic problems regarding money?
Some have a problem of too little money and some have a problem of too much money.
What is meant by the idea that investing is not a product or procedure, but a PLAN?
Investing is a vehicle that gets you from where you are at now to some point in the (not-too-distant) future. The plan describes how to get from financial point A to financial point B and how the selected vehicles will get you there. The plan of where to get when determines the vehicle. E.g. If you want to get to NY from LA in 24 hrs, your options are limited to the vehicles you’ll be able to use or select.