Rhythm strips Flashcards
Sinus bradycardia
Rate less than 60,
P waves upright in most leads, p-p interval regular
PR 0.12-0.20, constant from beat to beat
Sinus rhythm
Rate 60-100, regular, upright P waves in most leads, p-p interval regular qrs <0.12
Sinus tachycardia
HR 101-160 Regular P waves upright in most leads, one P to each QRS, shaped the same, p-p interval is regular PR 0.12-0.20' constant QRS <0.12 second
Sinus arrhythmia
Sinus rhythm except the HR is not regular.
Sinus arrest
Rate: can occur at any rate
Regular rate interrupted by a pause, lower pace maker may escape. Narrow qrs (no p wave!) indicate junction all escape beat, wide qrs indicates ventricular escape beat
Sinus block (sinus exit block)
The sinus node fires on time but the impulse’s exit from the sinus node to the atrial tissue is blocked. The pause is a multiple of the previous R-R interval.
If a rhythm meets any or all of these criteria then it is ATRIAL in origin:
> 160 bpm rate, matching upright p waves
No P waves at all, wavy or sawtooth baseline instead
P waves of >=three different shapes
Premature abnormal P wave (with or without QRS) interrupting another rhythm
HR greater than or equal to 130, regular, cannot discern p waves