Rhythm Exam 2 Flashcards
Rapid rhythms originating in a very irritable automaticity foci that pace is rapidly sometimes more than one active focus is generating pacing stimuli at once. Easily recognized by Rate alone but the specific diagnosis requires that we identify the origin or location of the irritable automaticity focus atrial junctional or ventricular Peroxisomal tachycardia 150 to 250 per minute Flutter 250 to 350 per minute Fibrillation 350 to 450 per minute
Peroxisomal sudden tachycardia
A very irritable automaticity foci suddenly pace is rapidly found in Paroxysmal junctional and ventricular tachycardia Usually caused by hypoxia low potassium epinephrine a single premature stimulus from another focus can provoke and irritable focus into Run of paroxysmal tachycardia
PAT with AV block
Rapid rate with spiked P prime waves 2 to 1 ratio of P prime to QRS waves suspect digitalis excess or to toxicity. Digitalis inhibits the AV node so that only every second stimulus can dogs to the ventricles Pat with AV block is a tachyarrhythmia that has to P prime waste for each curious response because EV no blocks a conduction of every other atrial stimulus can happen with low serum potassium which can curate or use digitalis antibodies
Paroxysmal junctional tachycardia PJT
caused by the sudden rapid pacing of a very irritable automaticity focus in the AV junction with a rhythm of 150 to 250 per minute they can also depolarize P’ from below in retrograde fashion recording inverted P’ immediately before each QRS, or inverted P’ after each QRS, or inverted P’ buried within a QRS. Can create aberrant ventricular conduction depolarizing the left ventricle before the right to reduce a somewhat widened QRS during tachycardia
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
rapid rate originates in a very irritable focus in atria between 150 to 250 per minute overdrive suppressing the SA node and all other automaticity foci beginning with P prime waves that do not look like the sign is generated P-wavelength. Paroxysmal- burst or run shorter or longer having a start and a stop. Hard to tell if premature atrial or junctional supraventricular Periods of very rapid and regular heart beats that begin and end abruptly During the bouts of PAT/PJT, the heart rate typically speeds up to 150-to-200 beats per minute Supraventricular (SVT) VT vs SVT???
Paroxysmal AV junctional tachycardia
Maybe and RT a continuous reentry circuit develops which includes the AV node in the lower atria and rapidly paces the atria and ventricles giving off a depolarization stimulus to the entrance the ventricles with each passing the circuit looks like he JT first records from an origin near the coronary sinus where there is lots of automativity with a punitive reentry circuit around a broad area of the AV node only catheter ablation of Focus late and region can successfully Eliminate this tachycardia
Supraventricular tachycardia
The very irritable autumn with a city full site that produce both pair exhaustible atrial tachycardia and junctional originate above the ventricles including Pat and PJT what can be so rapid that the P prime waves run into the preceding T waves to become indistinguishable making differentiation between these two very difficult thankfully there is similar treatment made irritable by adrenergic
Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia
Produced by ventricular automaticity focus that is irritable pieces between 150 to 250 per minute has a characteristic pattern of a Normas consecutive PVC like complexes the SA node still paces the atria but the large Dramatic ventricular complexes Hide individual P waves that can be seen only occasionally with independent pacing of the atria in the ventricles and is a type of AV dissociation. And occasional atrial depolarization catches the AV node in a receptive state and this depolarization stimulates conduct to the ventricles may produce a fusion beat if atrial depolarization and ventricular polarization combined QRS with eight PVC like complex confirming diagnosis of ventricular tachycardia. May signify coronary insufficiency never give medications for SVT to a patient with PT although they look similar
Distinguishing wide QRS complex SVT from ventricular tachycardia
Wide QRS is complex SVT does not commonly happen to patients with coronary disease or infection is usually less than 0.14 seconds rarely has AV dissociation showing captures or fusions and rarely the axis is extreme RAD Ventricular tachycardia is commonly found in elderly who suffer from diminished coronary blood flow disease or infarction with signs of AV dissociation or the presence of fusions are captures or extreme RAD -90° to -180° has greater than 0.14 seconds for a QRS width
Torsades de pointes
A particular form a very rapid ventricular rhythm caused by low potassium medications a block potassium channels or congenital abnormalities length in the QT segment the rate varies from 250 to 350 per minute and occurs in brief episodes with ventricular complexes that are upward pointing then downward pointing into repeating continuum caused by too competitive irritable foresight in different ventricular areas. If unresolved can lead to a deadly arrhythmia. Torsade de pointes occurs with an underlying prolonged QT interval. It has an undulating, sinusoidal appearance. The axis of the QRS complex changes from positive to negative and back in an irregular pattern. It can convert into a normal rhythm or ventricular fibrillation. V tach in sinusoidal pattern with sine wave wider narrower caused by some medicine. Rate: 200–250 BPM Regularity: Irregular P wave: None P:QRS ratio: None PR interval: None QRS width: Variable Grouping: Variable sinusoidal pattern Dropped beats: None
Atrial flutter
Originates in an atrial automaticity focus with rapid succession of identical back to back atrial depolarization waves these flutter waves suggest a reentry origin to some characterized by consecutive identical flutter waves. The baseline appears to vanish between the flutter waves because the waves are identical they are described you have teeth. AV node has a long refractory period so only in a series of water waves conduct to the bathroom close with this rapid series of atrial depolarization’s not driving the ventricles to the same excessive rate usually only one of two or three equal depolarizations reach a Ventricle. The saw-toothed appearance may not be obvious in all 12 leads. Are getting contraction but lots of atrial beats before a ventricular one. Atrial flutter is the same spot not 1/1 ratio, in a wap 1/1. not atrial fibrillation have flutter 2:1 3:1 can name it or be random. Can be irregular irregular but can be regular pattern doesn’t always stick if see a repeating pattern P waves looks the same Rate atrial 250-350 ventricular 60 – 100, may be faster Rhythm regular or irregular P waves “saw-toothed” PR interval variable QRS normal
Ventricular flutter
Produced by a single ventricular automaticity focus firing at an exceptionally rapid rate of 250 to 350 per minute produces a rapid series of smooth sine waves of similar amplitude. Ventricular rate is so rapid that they hardly have enough time to fill even partially so it deteriorate into a deadly arrhythmia this really self is resolved and is nearly nearly always a prelude to a dead the arrhythmia
Erratic rhythm caused by continuous rapid rate discharges from numerous automaticity foci in either atrial or ventricles with 350 to 450 discharges per minute caused bye irritable full-size suffering from entrance block or pair systolic can’t be overdrive suppressed all pays rapidly at once with an erotic rhythm and on coordinated that distinct complete waves are not distinguishable rate is Impossible to determine the involve chambers really twitch
Atrial fabulation
Caused by many irritable Para systolic atrial foci with entrance block firing at rapid rate producing an exceedingly rapid erratic atrial rhythm with irregular ventricular response. Because so many atrial foci are rapidly firing no single depolarization spread to far only a small portion of atria the polarized by anyone discharge from the atrial focus depolarization from the foci near the AV node conduct to the ventricles producing a very irregular ventricular rhythm usually initiated by Parasystolic site in the pulmonary vein or see out of the left atrium. Appears as a wavy baseline without identifiable P or P prime waves ventricular rate depends upon the AV node’s duration of refractories. The AV node usually allows a relatively normal range of ventricular rate but a regular but sometimes it permits and increase number of the polarization stimuli to pass through producing a rapid ventricular rate that needs to be controlled
Ventricular fibrillstion
Caused by rapid rate discharges from many irritable parasystolic ventricular automaticity foci producing an erratic rapid twitching of the ventricles with a rate of 350 to 450 per minute each suffering from an entrance block so they cannot be overdrive suppressed with so many ventricular foci firing rapidly each one repeatedly D polarizes only a small area of ventricles. Tracing is erratic Ventricles do not provide mechanical pumping amplitude of the deflections diminish as the heart dies. Is a type of cardiac arrest requiring immediate CPR and D fibrillation. Torsades or vtach go into. Random waviness because of fibrillation like afib but bigger nothing to measure rate dying shock them to start heart pacemaker cell will take heart out. Rate cannot be determined Rhythm “chaotic” P wave none PR interval none QRS not measurable
Cardiac arrest
Cardiac standstill asystole when there is no detectable cardiac activity rare circumstance when the SA node in the scape mechanisms of all the foci at all levels are unableto assume pacing responsibility Pulseless electrical activity PE a present when a dying heart produces week signs of electrical activity on EKG but the moribund heart cannot respond mechanically
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator ICD
Implanted under the chest skin a patient likely to develop ventricular fibrillation wire leads are attached from ICD to the heart to detect VF and Dave never a defibrillating shock can identify other arrhythmias and treat them with timed electrical stimuli and can pace if bradycardia ensues
Wolf Parkinson White syndrome
And abnormal accessory AV conduction pathway bundle of Kent can short-circuit the usual delay I’ve ventricular conduction in the AV node prematurely depolarizing a portion of the ventricles producing a delta waves just before normal ventricular depolarization begins creating the illusion of a shortened PR interval and link send QRS actually recording the deep polarization of an area of ventricular prexexcitation Can have paroxysmal tachycardia Rapid conduction supra ventricular tachycardia including atrial flutter or iatrial fibrillation maybe rapidly conducted wonder one through this accessory pathway producing dangerously high ventricular rates Kent bundles have been found to contain automaticity foci that can initiate of paroxysmal tachycardia Re-entry ventricular depolarization made immediately re-stimulate the atria in retrograde fashion via the accessory pathway causing a theoretical circus reentry loop. Accessory pathway from atrium to ventricles. WPW: another entrance way through bundle o Kent two ways can get to ventricles QRS look different having arrythmia have a delta wave don’t shoot straight up delta wave on every beat not just an event.
Loan ganong Levine LGL syndrome
AV node is bypassed by an extension of the anterior internal tract absent the conduction delay in the AV node this James bundle conducts atrial depolarization‘s directly to the his bundle without delay posing a serious problem with rapid atrial arrhythmias like atrial flutter AV node is bypassed so there is no significant PR interval delay P waves are Adjacent to QRS