Rhythm Criterias Flashcards
LBBB Criteria
QRS >120ms
Dominant S wave in V1
Broad monophasic R wave in Lateral leads ( you may see the notching in the QRS this the R) deploarising before the L) ventricle.
What is criteria A Sgabossa?
Inappropriate concordance = QRS and ST segment T wave heading in the same direction in any lead
St segment needs to be greater than 1 mm
What is criteria B Sgabossa
The following pattern in any of the following leads V1, V2 or V3.
QRS negatively deflecting, and the ST segment deflecting in the same direction of roughly 1mm.
What defines and Idioventricular Rhythm
Rate = less than 40 Rhythm = regular P wave = usually absent if present not related to QRS PR interval NA QRS = wide >0.12
What defines an accelerated idioventricular rhythm
Rate = 40 - 120 Rhythm = regular P wave = usually absent if present not related to QRS PR interval NA QRS = wide >0.12
What defines a Junctional escape rhythm
Rate = 40 - 60 Rhythm = regular P wave = maybe before or after QRS or may not be present at all PR = within normal range QRS = normal <0.12
What defines an accelerated junctional rhythm?
Rate = 60-100 Rhythm = regular P wave = usually absent if present not related to QRS PR interval NA QRS = wide >0.12
Describe a First-Degree AV block
There are not more P waves than QRS complexs
The PR interval is >0.20 seconds 5 small squares
Describe a third degree AV block
No association between P waves and QRS complexes
Describe Second-degree AV block Type #1
More P waves than there are QRS complexes
QRS complex follow some P waves but not them all
Pr intervals are not consistent
Describe a Second-Degree AV block type#2
More P waves than there are QRS complexes
QRS complex follow some P waves but not them all
Pr intervals are consistent
Describe a RBBB pattern
QRS duration > 120ms
RSR’ pattern in V1-3 (“M-shaped” QRS complex)
Wide, slurred S wave in lateral leads (I, aVL, V5-6)