RHO Flashcards
Who makes up the RHO board?
- MDR being relieved
- Eng
- XO
What article of the RCFS is the MDR trained to?
RCFS 106.3.1
What does the MDR need to do in order to assume countrol of a boat?
- RHO Board
- Trained to RCFS 106.3.1
- Reactor tour (can be waived)
- Written test with an 80% or higher
How long does the MDR have to forward TL use shore processing?
5 working days before the issue period ends.
Upon receipt of TLD exposure results from shore processing, how long does the MDR have to acknowledge receipt and acceptance of TLD results?
10 working days.
For DI/DEs A dose estimate of what types of exposure is required?
- Photon Deep Dose
- Neutron Deep Dose
- Shallow dose equivalent
What methods are available for Dose estimates?
How long are training records maintained for Non Radiation Workers?
3 years or until transfer of the individual.
How long are training records maintained for NNPP visitors?
3 years
How long are training records for non radiation workers retained?
Until transfer or superseded.
Monthly Radiation health program reports are maintained for how long?
1 year following review.
How long are /3 retained?
5 years
Annual reports to NAVSEA 08 are retained for how long?
3 years
Annual reports to BUMED are retained how long?
How long are exposure records for visitors maintained?
3 years
DI/DEs are retained for how long?
DI/DEs are retained for how long?
Termination letters retained for?
Five years
Radiation health audits with reports of corrective actions are retained for how long?
3 years
How long are ERCs retained for?
3 years