Rhinitis/Sinusitis Flashcards
Rhinitis 3 types
Allergic Rhinitis
AKA “hay fever”
seasonal vs perennial causes (pollen/spores; flower shrub/tree; and dust; household mites, air pollution)
atopic derm commonly associated
Allergic Rhinitis Clin Pres
CLEAR, watery rhinorrhea
tearing, irritation, pruritus (eye sympt)
think allergy symptoms
nasal mucosa swollen, boggy, pale (even blue) or violaceous
Allergic Rhinitis PE
“allergic salute” may lead to nasal crease
allergic “shiners”
nasal polyps
Allergic rhinitis dx
clinical w/ good hx and PE
for definitive cause can do skin prick test/ IgE immunoassay
distinguish from vasomotor rhin
Allergic Rhinitis Tx
environmental measures (remove carpets, curtains, etc)
Nasal saline rinses
CS nasal sprays - Flonase (fluticasone) {tx both nostrils, head down, and spray hoirzontally}
antihistamines - in tolerance, switch classes
Leukotriene inhibitor
Desensitization immunotherapy (“allergy shots”)
Vasomotor Rhinitis
causes by increased sensitivity of vidian nerve
can be form multiple stimuli (warm cold air, scents, light)
clear rhinorrh in elderly
Vasomotor Rhinitis 2 forms
Wet “runners” rhinorrhea
Dry - nasal obstruction, airflow resist little rhinorrhea
my see post nasal drip on PE
Vasomotor rhinorrhea TX
Step 1
(rhinor, sneezing, post nasal drip = topical antihist - Azelastine)
(rhino only = topical anticholinergic (ipratropium)
nasal obstruction and congestion = topical CS
(mometasone- Nasonex)
Viral Rhinitis
AKA; “common cold”
self-limited - may create latent infxn (2 bacter sinusitis, OM,etc)
adenoviruses, rhinoviruses
Viral Rhinitis HX/clin pres
clear to green mucus ; symptoms last <10 days, self-limited ; low or no fever
other common rhinitis symp
NO sinus tenderness
Viral Rhinitis TX
(supportive) fluids and rest
nasal saline rinses
oral and nasal decongestants
Bacterial Sinusitis
…compared to viral
can be …
MC causes….
uncommon compared to viral
can be COMPLICATION of viral URI or allergic rhinitis
S. pneumo, H. influ, M. cat MC
Bacterial sinusitis Clin Pres
facial pain/pressure (sinus pressure)
Alt. smell (“bad smell”) / Anosmia/hyposmia
+/- cough/F
nasal congestion
purulent nasal drainage ***
Bacterial Sinusitis Acute
<4 weeks
imaging not indicated - unless complication suspected
symptoms PLUS facial pain/pressure or dental pain at least 10 days beyond onset URI
double worsening w/i 10 days
3+ days high fever, specific sinus cavity
Bacterial Sinusitis Chronic
> 12 weeks
clinical sympt. - confirm w/ OBJECTIVE documentation
- anterior rhinoscopy
- nasal endoscopy
- CT (need to ENT)
Bacterial Sinusitis HX and PE
facial pain above or below eye (ask does pain increase w/ bending forward)
tenderness w/ tapping maxillary teeth
check ears for OM/serous otitis, nasopharynx, cervical lymph nodes
smoking/second hand smoke