Rheumatology Flashcards
GENERAL: ?cushingoid appearance
HANDS: small joint symmetrical polyarthritis, DIP sparring, ulnar deviation, Z deformity of thumb, swan neck deformity, boutonniere deformity, volar subluxation of MCP joints.
ARMS: RA nodules
FACE: redness and dryness of eyes (sjogren’s syndrome in 10%), scleritis, dry mouth.
CHEST: pleural effusion, ILD, pericardial rub, valvular regurg (particularly aortic)
ABDO: splenomegaly (10%, consider Felty’s syndrome), hepatomegaly (MTX)
LL: stocking distribution peripheral neuropathy, cord compression (if atlanticoaxial disease), feet arthropathy, achilles tendon nodules
Other sites: elbows, upper cervical spine, knees, tarsal and metatarsophalangeal joints
Boutonniere = flexion of proximal interphalangeal joint and extension of distal interphalangeal joint of the hand.
Swan neck deformity = hyperextension at proximal interphalangeal joint and flexion at distal interphalangeal joint.
Z-deformity of thumb = hyperextension of the interphalangeal joint, fixed flexion and subluxation of the metacarpophalangeal joint
Ankylosing Spondylitis: CFx
BACK: loss of lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis, severe flexion deformity of lumbar spine, tenderness of lumbar vertebrae, reduction of movement.
LEGS: achilles tendonitis, plantar fascitis, cauda equina (rare)
LUNGS: decreased chest expansion, apical fibrosis
HEART: aortic regurgitation
EYES: iritis (10%)
Look for signs of assoc IBD
Psoriatric arthritis: CFx
Monoarticular and oligoarticular arthritis of the hands and feet.
NAILS: oncholysis, pitting, ridging, hyperkeratosis.
SKIN: rash elbows and behind ears
Heberden’s nodes (DIP), Bouchard’s nodes (PIP)
DDx deforming polyarthropathy
Seronegative spondyloarthropathy (psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter’s disease)
Chronic tophaceous gout (rarely symmetrical)
Primary generalised OA
Sjogren’s syndrome: CFx
EYES: redness and dryness
FACE: parotid enlargement
MOUTH: dryness
Gout: CFx
- Non-symmetrical oligo-polyarthropathy
- Metatarsal joint of great toe affected in 75% of cases
- Wrist and knees involved after recurrent attacks
- Palpate gouty tophi; joint synovia, olecranon bursa, extensor surface of forearm, helix of ear and infrapatellar and Achilles tendons
Examine for secondary causes of gout: increased purine turnover due to myeloproliferative disease / lymphoma / leukaemia, decrease urate excretion due to renal disease or hypothyroidism
GENERAL: cushingoid, weight, mental status
HANDS: vasculitis, rash, non-erosive arthropathy
ARMS: livedo reticularis, purpura, proximal myopathy (disease or steroids)
HEAD: alopecia, scleritis, mouth ulcers, butterfly rash, CN lesions, cervical adenopathy
CHEST: pericarditis, pleural effusion, ILD
ABDOMEN: hepatosplenomegaly
HIPS: aspetic necrosis
LEGS: feet (red soles, small joint synovitis), rash, ulcers over malleoli, proximal myopathy, neuropathy, cerebellar ataxia
OTHER: urine analysis (proteinuria), blood pressure (HT), temp chart
Scleroderma: CFx
CREST = calcinonsis, Raynauds, oesophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia
GENERAL: bird like facies, weight loss
HANDS: calcinosis, atophy of distal tissue pulp (Raynauds), sclerodactyl, telangiectasia, dilated capillary loops, small joint arthopathy and tendon crepitus, fixed flexion deformity, hand function
ARMS: skin tightening or thickening, pigmentation, vitiligo, hair loss, proximal myopathy
HEAD: alopecia, eyes (anaemia, difficulty with closing), mouth (puckered, difficulty opening), pigmentation, telangictasia, neck muscle wasting and weakness
CHEST: tight skin, cor pulmonale, pericarditis, failure, ILD
LEGS: skin lesions, vasculitis
Other: urine analysis (proteinuria), temp chart (infection), stool examination (steatorrhoea)