Rheumatology Flashcards
- What are the early and late radiologic finding of patient with RA?
- And what is the earliest finding????
Early ( non-specific)
- soft tissue swelling (earliest)
- synovial joint distension
- periarticular edema
- periarticular (juxta-articular) osteopenia (early)
- cartilage space narrowing and erosions
-joint sublaxation
What is the effect of RA on vertebrae???
And dont forget it is life-threatening 😱
C1-2 or atlanto-axial sublaxation
Patient know case of RA come with
Dry eyes
Burning or itching sensation; see also “Clinical features of conjunctivitis.”
Blurred vision
Slit-lamp examination findings may include:
Conjunctival injection (usually symmetric and bilateral)
Punctate epithelial erosions (superficial punctate keratitis)
Epithelial filaments on the corneal surface (filamentary keratitis)
Symptoms of connective tissue disorders may also be present.
part of Sjögren syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus).
Contact lens and vit A deficiency
Schirmer test and tear breakup test (TBUT)
Patient known case of RA and come with:
Triad of
Splenomegaly + arthritis +neutropenia
What is the dx????
This patient is at particular risk of what malignancy??
Felty syndrome
Clinical triad consisting of arthritis, splenomegaly, and neutropenia
Other features
Skin ulcers of the lower limbs (indicating vasculitis)
Chest pain (indicating pleuritis or pericarditis)
Associated with increased risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Ttt: methotrexate
RA spares which joints??? Mention 3
1st MTC
1st CMC
Abx choice in case of -ve gram stain septic arthritis ?
Abx choice in case of +ve gram stain septic arthritis ?
-ve = MCC MRSA =vancomycin
+ve = ceftriaxone or cefotaxime =3rd generation cephalosporin
For 4-6 weeks
Drugs induce gout???
And best antihypertensive agent in gout patient?
See pic
TB drug cause gout»_space; pyrazinamide
Mention gout prophylaxis and indication
Alloperinol (xanthine oxidase inhibitor)
2 or more flares per year
Hyperuricemia (>9)
Urate kidney stone + chronic kidney disease
30 years old male with back pain, that is severe at night prevent him form sleep🥲
With stifness for 2, get better with exercise
+ dactylitis + achilles tendon infalmmation
X ray spine shows bambo sign
Most specific test?
Ankylosing spondylitis
Sacral MRI
First-line : Physical therapy + NSAID for 6m
then adilmumab
🚨 if mention skin inflammation»_space;> poriatic arthritis ( axial or peripheral arthritis + skin psoriasis + nail changes + enthesitis + dactylitis
Most common organism?
Reactive arthritis ( reiter syndrome)
MCC after chlamydia
Tx: short-term NSAID, long-term SULFASALAZINE
Mention drugs that cause of drug-induced lupus
And what is the most common one???
MCC hydralazine
Remeber, these drug, It Provoke Mean, Hurtful, Condition =SLE
P= procainamide + quinidine
M= methyldopa, minocycline
C= carpamazapine + diltazem
You suspect lupus? Next step???
ANA = انا لوبس 😂
عشان يقولك “انا SLE “
If -ve we can exclude SLE !!
Most specficic anti-smith
For diesease activity > anti ds-DNA
for neonatal lupus > anti Ro La
Most common symptoms in SLE ?
MSK symptoms (90%)
-arthralgia (MC) : symmetrical small joint arthralgia (resembling RA)
rarely , jaccouds arthropathy (reversible in contrast with RA whichis permenant damage)
Then in 2nd place comes the Skin symptoms ( rash, rynoud, levido reticularis )
Most common system affected by SLE??
CNS ❤️🥰😍😘 (60%) (mild depression, migraine)
Then hematology (59%) ( Autoimmune hemolytic anemia =+ve comb +spherocyte+hemolysis) (cytopenias )
Then pulmonary (50%) (pleurisy, pleural effusion, fibrosis)
Mention 3 causes of non-infective endocarditis ?
SLE patient
microscopy of renal biopsy shows focal proliferative neohritis, which class and what is mx?
pregnant SLE patient
And baby is at risk (=positive anti-Ro/La) of congenital heart block
What to do???
Drug managemnt of mild, moderate , severe SLE
Can you remember 🤨
Very good 👏
Most important symptoms or signs that present in nearly all patient of scleroderma ?
1- skin fibrosis
2- raynoud
What are the signs of limited systemi sclerosis ???
CREST syndrome
Remeber here pulmonary hypertension whereas in systemic is lung fibrosis + nephrotic crisis
Limited = involves skin of forearm + legs (distal limbs ) + pulmonary hypertension and GI obstruction
Limited vs diffuse scleroderma serology?
Middle age female with dry eye and dry mouth
Nexst step???
What are the associated antibodies?
How to confirm the diagnosis?
And what is the tx?
Schirmer’s test
Dx is by history + schirmer test , is still in dout , confirm by lip biopsy
Treatment is supportive ( artificial tears )
Patient with signs and symptoms of
Polymyositis + scleroderma + SLE
What antibody will be high ?
Mixed conncetive tissue disease
Gradual onset of proximal muscle weakness + intact EMG
Most sensitive test : CK
diagnostic gold standard : muscle biopsy
50 years female with
Headache+ scalp tenderness+ blurry vision+ jaw claudication
Lab : ESR 120😨
Next step?
Then biopsy 2cm in length (DONT BE TRICKED: -ve biopsy doesnt exclude due to skip lesion)
Maintenance: 60mg predinsolone daily then taper to 10mg + Tociluzumab
Young asian female with constitutional symptoms + pulselesness 😨 of brachial artery + aortic regurgitation, Dx?
Best or confirmatory ?
Then how to treat?
Takawaso arteritis
MRA: best initial , CTA is alternative
Never biopsy ! How to take biopsy from major artery 🤣 only done in kig khalid hospital
Tttt: intial high dose steroid +DMARDs
Lests test If you are superhero
What is the dx?
Most important risk factor?
Best to diagnose?
Polyartertis nodusa = poly micro aneurysms everywhere ! + constitutional symptoms
Hepatitis B
Dx: biopsy or visceral angiography showing micro-aneurysm
Treatment of polyarteritis nodusa??.
Mention 3 conditions causes very high ESR 100-120 (normal:20) ?
Very few
1- infective endocarditis
2- gaint cell arteritis
3- malignancy
Patient with saddle nose + hemoptysis + hematuria ???
CXR shows multiple nodules
What antibody you will found?
granulomatosis with polyangiitis (wegener disease)
Most ocular abnormality found in GPA disease?
Wegener disease has brother with p-ANCA what is his name??.
Microscopic polyangiitis
Adult onset + difficult to control asthma , dx??
Patient with
Severe recurrent ulcer and severe acne 😣😢
What test will help you in diagnosis?
Pathergy test
Ddx of pulomonary - renal syndrome?
= alveolar hemorrhage + hemturia or glumerulonephritis
There is 4 deformity of RA. hand, cant you remember it all ??
What is the ttt of RA flare and long-term treatment?