Rheumatoid Arthritis meds Flashcards
What is the use of Hydroxychloroquine? DMARD
It is an antimalarial
Relieves Severe inflammation
What are the adverse effects and contraindications of Hydroxychloroquine? DMARD
Contraindications: hepatic or renal disease, alcoholism
Adverse effects: retinopathy, anorexia, upsets stomach, loss of hair, unusual skin pigmentation
Will get maximum benefits of medication in 6 months of therapy
What is the use of Methotrexate? DMARD
Immunosuppressor and antimimotic
Prevents the breakdown of cells
What are the contraindications/cautions and adverse effects of Methotrexate? DMARD
Shot or pill taken once weekly
Contraindications/ Cautions: Hepatic and renal disease, infections, blood dyscrasias, very young and very old
Adverse Effects: hepatotoxicity, bone marrow suppression, malaise, fetal defects (X), infections, sudden death
Baseline and monitor CBC, LFT, renal function tests
Don’t take multivitamins with folic acid or proton pump inhibitors
What is the use of Adalimumab? DMARD
Inhibits tumor necrosis factor thereby blocking the normal inflammatory and immune response.
Takes 12 weeks to see effects
What are the contraindications and Adverse effects?
Given SQ every week, can enhance or inhibit immune resonse=so not fighting itself
Contraindications/ cautions= active infection, neoplastic disease, CV disease, Neuro Disease, active or latent TB
Adverse infections= infections, fatigue, HTN, injection site irritation
What is the use of Celecoxib? (Cox-2 Inhibitors)
Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis by inhibiting Cox-2
Monitor CBC Fluid Retention
What are the contraindications and adverse effects of Celecoxib?
Contraindications/ Cautions: advanced renal disease, hepatic failure, anemia, GI bleed
Adverse Effects: CV events, dizziness, sinusitis, edema, nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, rash, black tarry stools
Review and monitor NSAIDs
What is the use of Prednisone? Systemic Corticosteroid
Suppress histamine and prostaglandins; immunosuppressant and anti-inflammatory
Increases blood sugar
decreases inflammation
What are contraindications and adverse effects of Prednisone?
Give with food
Contraindications/ Cautions: Systemic Infections, cataracts, peptic ulcer disease, osteoporosis, HTN, Renal Disease
Serious Adverse effects: suppression of adrenal gland function. Long-term therapy results in cushing syndrome, mood changes, cataracts, peptic ulcers, hypokalemia, osteoporsis
Can mask infections=infections can run rampant with suppressed immune system