Rheumatoid Arthritis Flashcards
Presentation of RA?
Systemic inflammatory disease with symmetrical, deforming peripheral polyarthritis. Genetic element in 70% of cases (HLA-DR4)
Articular features:
- Pain, swelling and morning stiffness mostly in small joints but can affect larger joints
- deformity in the chronic setting
Non-articular features: (more common) - Secondary sjogren's - R. nodules - Anaemia + fatigue - Fibrosis - Carpal Tunnel (10%)
- Skin = raynauds, ulcers
- eyes = epi/scleritis, cataracts (from steroids)
- lungs = dyspnea (pleural effusion), pleuritic chest pain
- Heart = pericarditis
- C1/C2 subluxation = hoarness, sore throat, neck pain
- neuro = peripheral neuropathy
Systemic features
- anorexia
- weight loss
- polymyalgia
Important Hx elements
- when was diagnosis made
- how long after Sx was diagnosis made
- symptoms, flares
- main concerns
- functional impairment
Examination - hands
- Cushingoid features (from steroid use)
- Dorsum = wrist swelling and radial deviation, dorsum wasting and nodules. MCP swelling, ulnar deviation and subluxation
- Deformity = swan-neck and boutonniere’s, Z thumb
- Nails = vasculitic changes (splitting, oncholysis, clubbing, ventral pterygium)
Volar = palmar erythema, carpal tunnel scar, fixed flexion
- temperature, creps, swelling, tenderness, nodules
- ROM in all joints
- grip strength, key strength, opposition strength, buttom, pen etc
Examination other
- eyes for episcleritis, cataracts and pallor
- anlarged parotids in sjogrens
- TMJ crepitus
- cervical spine tenderness and reduced ROM
- cervical lymphadenopathy
- Lungs for pulmonary fibrosis or effusion
- pericardial rub or regurg murmur
- hepato/splenomegaly
- inguinal lymph nodes
Serology testing
- Rheumatoid factor in 70% (sensitive, not specific)
2. Anti-CCP in 50% (more specific)
Other investigations
X-ray - (can be normal) = soft tissue swelling, juxta-articular osteopenia, reduced joint space, boney erosion, subluxation
USS + MRI - looking at synovitis more accurately
DAS28 score to monitor disease - 6 monthly
- <2.6 indicates remission
- > 5.1 is high level of disease
NP management
Education Regular exercise PT and OT for aids, splints Manage CV risk - RA accelerates athersclerosis measure DAS28
P management
1st line = Methotrexate
- Folate inhibitor
- SE of GI intolerance, fatigue, mouth ulcers, abn LFT
- causes myelosuppression
2. Sulfazaline
- prostaglandin inhibition
- N+V, diarrhoea, dizziness, mood changes and hallucinations
3. hydroxychloroquine
- immune suppression (targeted)
- can cause irreversible retinopathy ( check VA)
4. Leflunomide
- diarrhea, HTN, abnormal LFTs, peripheral neuropathy
- Anti-TNF inhibitors = Adulimumab and Etanercept
- Sub cut administration
- or Infliximab IV every 8 weeks
- eligibility criteria including no active infection, severe heart failure, malignancy, MS, Hep B, TB
Symptomatic relief for RA
Steroids = prednisone
- good in acute flares but should be given by a rheumatologist and not for long term management. Oral or IM
- good symptomatic relief, but should not be taken long term as DMARDs will fill this role