Rheum Mix Flashcards
Methotextrate side effects and toxicity treatment
-pneumonitis (non-productive cough, dysponea, malaise and fever)
-pulmonary fibrosis
-liver fibrosis
-folinic acid for toxicity
Osteoarthritis x-ray findings (LOSS)
-Loss of joint space
-Subchondral cysts
-Subchondral sclerosis
Reactive arthritis triad
Urethritis + arthritis +/- conjunctivitis = reactive arthritis
Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common cause of reactive a.
Hydroxychloroquine side effects
-Bull’s eye retinopathy (may result in severe and permanent visual loss) for which baseline ophthalmological examination and annual screening is generally recommended
-safe in pregnancy though
Ankylosing spondylitis x-ray findings
-sacro-ilitis on pelvic x-ray (subchondral erosions, sclerosis)
-squaring of lumbar vertebrae
-aytpical fibrosis on cxr
-bamboo spine
Discoid lupus eruthematosus sx + tx
erythematous, raised rash, sometimes scaly, may be photosensitive
more common on face, neck, ears and scalp
Tx: topical steroid, 2nd line oral hydroxychloroquine
Cubital Tunnel syndrome vs carpal tunnel syndrome
Carpal: pain/pins and needles in thumb, index, middle finger
Cubital: Tingling and numbness of the 4th and 5th finger which starts off intermittent and then becomes constant.
Investigations + findings for ankylosing spondylitis
Pelvic X-ray
-sacroiliitis: subchondral erosions, sclerosis
-squaring of lumbar vertebrae
-‘bamboo spine’ (late & uncommon)
-syndesmophytes: due to ossification of outer fibers of annulus fibrosus
-chest x-ray: apical fibrosis
What structure is divided in carpal tunnel surgery
flexor retinaculum- decompress median nerve
Carpal Tunnel tests
-Tinel’s sign: tapping causes paraesthesia
-Phalen’s sign: flexion of wrist causes symptoms
-weakness of thumb abduction (abductor pollicis brevis)
-wasting of thenar eminence (NOT hypothenar)
test for achillies tendon rupture
positive Thompson’s test is pathognomonic for Achilles tendon rupture; the patient lies prone and the calf muscle belly is squeezed. The test is positive if the squeezing of the calf does not cause plantarflexion of the calf.
Knee arthroplasty nerve damage
common peroneal nerve
ANCA associated vasculitis (Wegener’s granulomatosis) or (Churg-Strauss) Sx
-renal impairment
-resp problems (cavitating nodules on CXR)
-joint pain
-sinusitis and epistaxis
Ix: cANCA: wegners
pANCA: churg
Temporal arteritis RF
Polymyalgia rheumtica
Temporal arteritis fundoscopy
Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy: swollen pale disc and blurred margins
Bone disorder lab values
- Osteoporosis: all normal
- Osteomalacia: decreased Ca and Ph, increased ALP + PTH
- Primary hyperparathyroidism: Ca, ALP, PTH increased, Ph decreased
- Secondary hyperparathyroidism: Reduced Ca and Ph, elevated PTH and ALP
- Paget’s: isolated increase in ALP
Retinal vein occlusion fundoscopy
flame haemorrhages, cotton wool spots, optic disc swelling and macular oedema
Reactive arthritis triad
Conjunctivitis, urethritis and arthritis
Gout Mx
Allopurinol (urate lowering) and then colchicine for acute flares (co-prescribe)
SE: diarrhoea
- ANA postive (+/-anti dsDNA)
Monitoring: Raised CRP may indicate infection, complement levels C3, C4 are low during active disease