Rheum Flashcards
Sprains with boggy swelling
Black eyes, cold to the touch, better cold
Agg from drinking coffee
What is rhus tox
Poison ivy
Ledum keynotes
boggy swelling, cold skin, better cold, dull ache/pressure, ascends proximally, cold bath
Colchicum keynotes
sensitive smells (eggs, fish), worse fall, better doubled over, trapped gas, dark urine, lower joint swelling, worse motion
Rhus tox
worse morning, better motion, restlessness, better heat (scalding water)
Ledum indications
Arthritis especially LE, podagra, gout, periorbital hematoma, puncture wounds on palms/soles, sprains (ankle)
Colchicum indications
gout, kidney issues, GI (N/bloating/colitis), morning sickness
Rhus tox indications
arthritis, injuries, lumbago, vesicular rashes
What is colchicum
Autumn crocus/meadow saffron
What is ledum
labrador tea (grows in bogs)
What is tuberculinum
Tuberculinum keynotes
discontent, desire travel, allergy cats and dairy, cold, difficulty concentrating, agg cold, long eyelashes in children
Tuberculinum indications
frequent infections, arthritis, children, behavioral d/o and hyperactivity