Rhetorical Terms List 2 Flashcards
to draw a reasonable conclusion from the information presented.
an emotionally violent, verbal denunciation or attach using strong, abusive language.
The contrast between what is stated explicitly and what is really meant. The difference between what
appears to be and what actually is true.
Verbal Irony
the words literally state the opposite of the writer’s true meaning.
Situational Irony
events turn out the opposite of what was expected.
Dramatic irony
facts or events are unknown to a character in a play or piece
of fiction, but know to the reader, audience, or other characters in the work.
When two words, phrases, images, ideas are placed close together or
side by side for comparison or contrast.
Litotes is a figure of thought in which a point is
affirmed by negating its opposite.
Loose sentence
a type of sentence in which the main idea (independent clause) comes first, followed by the dependent grammatical units such as phrases and clauses.
A figure of speech using implied comparison of seemingly unlike things or the substitution of one for the
other, suggesting some similarity.
a figure of speech in which the name of one object is substituted for that of another closely associated with it.
speakers attitude, tone, atmosphere
The telling of a story or an account of an event or series of events.
figure of speech in which natural sounds are imitated in the sounds of words
a figure of speech wherein the author groups
apparently contradictory terms to suggest a paradox.