rhetorical idioms Flashcards
Confused and convoluted (tied up)
Tied in knots
conceal, hide (carpet)
sweep under the rug
perform a tricky and difficult task (sui dhaga)
Threading the needle
current generation
Current crop of leaders, students, professionals
go wrong and led to self harm
blown up in their face
a hidden advantage
Ace up her sleeve
feeling very hungry
Starving to death
lacks skills
One trick pony
was shocked
I was taken aback
suffer consequences
(sow the wind &) reap the whirlwind
target (using a gun)
in the crosshairs
make things worse (fire)
add fuel to fire
adverse effects
some of the fallout has taken place
refuse to accept (or cross the line)
draw a line
limit yourself to take an action (where is the boundary)
draw a line in sand
dealt with successfully (hold)
in grip of situation
multicultural society
melting pot of cultures
need to talk (table talk)
things have to be sorted on the table
testing an abstract idea practically (on the road)
rubber meets the road
gods gift
gods gift to mankind
entangled / involved (natural knot)
its an intricate web
there is a pattern in randomness
method to madness
hit an emotional reaction (nervous reaction)
Touched a raw nerve
unjust situation (witnessed by world)
shocks the conscience of entire world
legal defense
legal argument and hide under the cover of that
express experience of doing things
been there and done that
solve the conflict (thread a needle)
finding the middle path
being loyal (pledge of )
sworn allegiance
stay away from those horrible (garbage)
garbage should be circumvented from a distance
it’s impossible
Squeeze water out of a rock
became famous for short
15 seconds of fame
challenging quest with uncertain outcome
deep into the woods
with great energy
hammer & tongs
fight fiercely
fighting Tooth & nail
certain of failure
writing on the wall
very excited
Went ballistic
knee jerk reaction
Shoot from the hip
complete natural dev
Run its course
weakness in a strong person
Feet of clay
unfairly change the topic of discussion
move the goalpost
to really mean
In the spirit of
I came across
Line of sight
take advantage of
Milk it for all its worth
focus on trivial
Splitting the hair
prepared for all outcomes
Covered all your bases
from authoritative person
From the horses mouth
make it worse
More harm than good
couple of things helping understand
Couple of pieces of the puzzle
don’t misquote what I said
Words in the mouth
connect it to
Marry this back to ..
enjoying a lot
Having a field day
wish success & safety
wish godspeed
took out money for benefit
skim the fat
choose from given unpopular choices
pick your poison
live to fight another day
lose battle to win a war
on forefront
was at the vanguard of
satisfactory degree of achievement or fulfillment
hitting the high note
reacted to a stupid weird comment
roll the eyes
analyze a problem one layer at a time
peeling the onion
join the popular phenomenon
join the bandwagon
soft/weak spot to attack
softer underbelly
receive criticism
taking a lot of heat
move out of the way
pushed to the side
time to decide
moment of reckoning
loss of status
descended from the heights
loss of respect, prestige
fallen from grace
cast out
fallen angel
get emotionally hurt
until people get burned
kept secret
stuff behind the curtain
suffer unpleasant results
paper hands/fingers get burnt
excellent performance
absolutely ripping performance
to say harsh critical things
cast aspersions
long time ago
many moons ago
very pleased about
over the moon
in bitter enmity.
at daggers drawn
usually showing that one is angry or offended
in high dudgeon
completely insane
as mad as a hatter
to stay calm, to be patient, to refrain from panicking
keep your hair on
Impassioned, wild, crazy, rage-filled, frantic
hair on fire
caught lying
pants on fire
in an angry or annoyed state
in a huff
display very bad temper
fit of anger
to upset or irritate someone
gets my goat
begin a journey
set off
make angry
tick off / mad at
independent and unhibited person
free spirit
admit defeat
throw in the towel
price war context, mutually harming competition
race to the bottom
selective of the problems, arguments, and confrontations
pick your battles
being careful at exerting power
exercise power with discretion
wake up call
cold slap of reality
easy to pronounce
rolls off the tongue
reacted to a stupid weird comment
roll their eyes
satisfactory degree of achievement or fulfilment
hitting all the notes in right way