Rhetorical appeal Flashcards
What is rhetoric?
The art of persuasion
What is the goal of persuasion?
To change others’ points of view or move others to take action
At whom is the written work directed?
The audience
What are the 3 elements of persuasion?
Ethos, pathos, logos
What is ethos?
An appeal to the credibility of the speaker which helps build trustworthiness
What is intrinsic ethos?
A type of ethos that is crated from within the text from style and tone, and the author’s treatment of differing viewpoints.
What is extrinsic ethos?
An ethos that comes from outside the text.
What is pathos?
An appeal to emotion which can be positive and negative.
What is logos?
An appeal to logic and reasoning with includes sound facts, statistics, cause and effect, analogies, definitions.
What is a rhetorical device?
A linguistic technique used to make language more memorable and persuasive
What is a rhetorical question?
A question asked in a way in which no answer is expected or needed
What is parallelism?
The use of a series of words, phrases, or sentences that have similar grammatical form.
What is anaphera?
The repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive grammatical form
What is connotative diction?
A writer’s choice of words because of the word’s association
What is euphemism?
The substitution of an inoffensive term for one considered offensively explicit
What is imagery?
Painting pictures with words through the use of sensory language
What is repetition?
The repetition of the same word of group of words
What is a hyperbole?
Extreme exaggeration
What is a simile?
Comparing two seemingly unlike things using like or as
What is a metaphor?
A figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between two seemingly unlike things that actually have something important in common
What is antithesis?
The juxtaposition of two opposite ideas to achieve a contrasting effect
What is polysyndeton?
When several conjunctions are used to join clauses, phrases, or words in a place where they aren’t necessary
What is asyndeton?
The omission or absence of a conjunction between parts of a sentence
What is an allusion?
A brief usually indirect reference to a person, place, or event real or fictional
What is an anecdote?
A short and interesting story taken from a person’s past experience - or that f someone they know or have heard about designed to create an emotional response
What is tone?
A writer’s attitude toward the subject, audience, and self
What does pigmace stand for?
P - Person I - Intention G - Genre M - Message A - Audience C - Context E - Exigence