RHCSA Ch2 Flashcards
After clicking ‘e’ in the boot loader, what do you type at the end of the ‘linux’ line to get into the emergency target
After clicking ‘e’ in the boot loader, what do you type at the end of the ‘linux’ line to change root password?
Root password change step 1
command to remount to sysroot
mount -o remount,rw /sysroot
No space between / and sysroot
Root password change step 2
Change root directory to sysroot
chroot /sysroot
Root password change step 3
Have SELinux rewrite the security context on all files on the next reboot
touch /.autorelabel
see default boot target
systemctl get-default
set different boot target
systemctl set-default graphical
systemctl set-default multi-user
Look at service unit files
systemctl list-unit-files -at service
- t shows all enabled
- a shows all
show list of enable running services
systemctl list-units -at service
Show unit file of a particular service
systemctl cat rsyslog
Disable a service from ever being able to start
systemctl mask atd
Note* atd is a service
manage time and date
Create a one time job.
at now +5min
at> type in command here then press ctrl D
what is the at service called
List at jobs
view a specific at job
at -c 1
1 = number of the job
cancel at job
atrm 1
What is a batch job?
create a batch job
Batch job is a job that will fun when the computer is not busy
> batch
at> command here then Ctrl-D
Where are user Cron Jobs stored?
Where are System Cron Jobs stored
What is the format of the the following Cron tab?
45 23 * * 6 /home/grant/bin/backup.sh
45 23 * * 6 /home/grant/bin/backup.sh
min hr day Month day of week command
The star in the day/month - will run everyday/every month
hr = military time
List all of the cron.d directories - daily, hourly, weekly etc…
ls -d /etc/cron.*
What are the tree cron job man pages
man cron - covers the service itself
man crontab - explains crontab command usage
man 5 crontab - command format
Cron and at user access/deny files
/etc/at.deny /etc/cron.deny /etc/at.allow /etc/cron.allow see OneNote for user access table ~At and cron allow/deny table