RH - week 4 Flashcards
Background healthcare system - belgium
- Compulsory health insurance:
o >99% of the population is covered
o Broad benefits package
o Private, non-profit sickness funds
o Low membership cost (+-8,25 Euro per month) covers insurance services (so insurance/care paid through social security contributions) - Role of NIHDI (National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance) oversee the health insurance market
o Directed by representatives of government, trade unions, providers, sickness funds
o Financed through taxes and social security contributions
o Distributes resources between health insurers (Similar to Germany)
o They enforce and set the “rules of the game”: e.g. reimbursements, track expenditures, “administrative police” for providers and insurers - Provision of healthcare:
o Providers are mainly paid fee-for-service, partially DRGs (diagnosis related groups) (77) for some types of hospital care. These DRG concern uncomplex care that can be standardized.
o Patients are largely free to choose their provider (referrals may shorten waiting list) - Patient Payments:
o Outpatient care: patients pay full price, and get reimbursed (partially) afterwards
o Inpatient care: third-payer arrangements
o There is a maximum expenditure threshold (maximumfactuur) that depends on household income. Above this threshold, households do not longer pay copayments.
you go to the GP and you pay the GP and later on the insurance reimburses a part of your costs of seeing the GP.
Third payer system
only pay your share on the spot. The GP costs 26 euros. The insurance pays 20 euros, so you must pay 6 euro
Supply-side rationing: closed end budgets
Schokkaert & van de Voorde (2005) :
* Setting of a global budget (defined by health insurers, providers and NIHDI)
* Growth norm: maximum expenditure increase of 2,5% (before 2020 1,5%) 2,5 % above the budget from last year
* The adjustment of growth norm is done to be in line with expected expenditures based on current policies (so no structural cuts in budgets and services)
* Possibility for exceptions
* Global budget divided in partial budgets/targets: in case of overrun the fee schedule is adjusted (lower payments for providers) or an increase in co-payments (more payments by patients) is undertaken.
Supply is effectively rationed this way
Defining the closed end global budget
Defining the closed end global budget
Calculation of budget determined by law: budget of last year + 2.5% annual growth
In addition: inflation indexation for health services, and specific expenditures
Specific COVID-19 related issues (to economic circumstances), were important before 2022:
- Separate bookkeeping for COVID-19 expenditures (PCR testing etc.). +-1,5 billion in 2021.
- Healthcare personnel fund: to avoid/decrease shortage of healthcare workers
A large part of the global budget is defined by last year’s expenditures. A second part is defined by political decisions. (the electronic and integrated patient file)
Defining the closed end global budget III
Further efforts on:
1) Prevention by care trajectories and integrated care
2) Advanced care planning
3) Appropriate care (medications, physiotherapy for certain patients)
4) Financial accessibility (reduced income-dependent deductible, third party payer system, dental care, and transportation)
Budget overruns
The overruns are partly countered with a “clawback” clause in contracts for innovative pharmaceuticals. Up until a maximum, pharmaceutical companies restitute the difference between projections and actual spendings. Overruns remain because of the maximum.
Intended actions to further avoid overruns:
* Make reimbursement for pharmaceuticals more stringent(?)
* International cooperation to enquire about and review pharma prices
* Incentivize correct use of pharmaceuticals (frequent reassessment of patients’ pharmaceutical initiated by pharmacists – cooperating with GPs and patients)
3 types of quotas
- numerus clausus: fixed number of medical students
- Quota on some hospital/inpatient services. E.g. number of hospital beds: not increasing since 1982
- Quota/restrictions on number of hospitals that can provide certain types of care
Demand-side rationing: Insurance structure
How does the situation of an insured individual look like?
* Patient pays copayment (possibly after first paying everything upfront)
E.g.: GP visit; 25 euro on the spot, 19 euro reimbursed afterwards. In the end you pay 6 euros on spot.
* There is a maximum expenditure threshold (maximumfactuur) that depends on household income. Above this threshold (+-450 euro for the lowest income households in 2022 a new bracket which lowers this to 250 euro), households do not longer pay copayments.
* Because of healthcare insurance, there is likely an issue with moral hazard. Since individuals do not bear the full cost of care, they are more likely to 1) use more care (ex-post moral hazard), 2) behave differently (ex-ante moral hazard). The spot-price (the 26 euros) and copayments (the 6 euros left) try to reduce this.
Demand-side rationing: Insurance structure - cost sharing
The poor are likely to react more to the cost-sharing, and may forego necessary care.
Subsidized Health Insurance:
* The EU-Silc survey: 1.2% of population has unmet need for healthcare (0.1% in NL)
* Subsidized insurance: “Increased Reimbursement” (IR)
* Based on social protection benefits or income
* Need for a household income investigation (assigned per hh)
* Lower co-payments & third-party payer system for GP care (e.g. GP €1.5 vs €6)
* discounts on public transport, telephone bills and heating fuel
* Problems (exempt low-income from cost-sharing): arbitrary threshold, stigma many people don’t do this, because you have to apply for it.
3 main systems to ration care in Belgium:
- Closed end budgets
- Supply quota
- Demand-side cost-sharing
Structure of Health Care in the UK
- Archetypal ‘Beveridge-style’ national health service with universal coverage and few payments at point of use
- Operates with a fixed annual budget, determined by the Ministry (Department) of Health and Social care
- Financed mainly from general taxation, although there is a small component funded through national insurance
- Apart from emergency care, access to the system is through a general practitioner (family physician)
- Slightly different arrangements in the 4 constituent countries of the UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)
- Generally regarded as a ‘national treasure’
Copayments in the UK Health Care System
- Prescription charges (with exceptions for the poor, children and the elderly)
- Dentistry and Optometry (excluding children)
- Long-term care for the elderly (shrinking public sector)
- Out-of-pocket expenses (eg travel, parking charges)
Note: the biggest cost people bear in the UK NHS is the cost of their own time in seeking and receiving health care
Rationing by Waiting Time
- The fixed annual budget for the NHS means that there are several physical limits on the resources available, such as hospital beds, nurses and some categories of physicians
- Given the demand for health care, this translates to long waiting times for some services
- Depending on the type of services required and the time of year, a patient could experience a series of waits for care
o Waiting times are longer in the winter, because in the winter people are getting more sic - Recent data suggest that more than 7 million people are currently waiting for care under the NHS
o Before the corona pandemic, there were 5 million people waiting - Rarely denies care altogether, but delays could lead to a worse outcome for the patient (eg detection of cancers)
- Discriminates against individuals who might lose income from time off work (eg self-employed), or whom have difficulty making appointments because of inflexibility in their working arrangements
- Might help perpetuate inefficiencies in the health care system
Measures to Shorten Waiting Times or to Manage Waiting Lists
- Waiting list targets, with or without penalties to NHS organisations
- Offering patients more choice and increasing competition
- Prioritising waiting lists, so that patients with the biggest potential health gain are processed quicker