RGB Bands Flashcards
Airmass RGB
used to diagnose the environment surrounding synoptic systems by enhancing temperature and moisture characteristics of airmasses.
ca be used to validate location of potential vorticity.
Primarily used for seeing jet streams, air intrusions with high vorticity, and cyclonic activity.
Polar and Tropical air masses are readily seen with RGB
Also used to look at upper level moisture boundaries.
Limitations include the limb effect, causing false imagery. It is also upper troposphere only and doesnt react well with intense daytime heating
Nighttime Microphysics RGB
12.4-10.4 um
Primarily used for low cloud and fog distinction
Has efficient cloud analysis, height and phase analysis, and moisture boundaries
Limitations include that it is nighttime only, thin fog can blend in with the surface, there is a variance b/w cloud free regions depending on temperature, and shortwave IR noise reacts badly to extreme cold.