Revison Flashcards
Does warming up reduce injury
Yes but can be injured in warm up and despite warm up
Does warm up improve performance
Yes but there are mixed results because you don’t want to over work the warm up
What are the 3 cost of warming up
- time
- Physiology
- use of substrate
What is warm up proportional to
What is warm up inversely proportional to
duration of effort
Repetition (w/ practice) allow human to:
(3 point)
- percieve
- decide
- act
What is deliberate practice
differs from play
No immediate award
High interacts motivated
what is deliberate play
internal motivation
immediate reward
representative learning is when
content reflects the performance of environment
What is challenge point (referring to practice)
modifying a skill for different people
High contextual interference effect means
you learn better and skills are in a random order
Do you learn better with a distribution of practice or mass group
distribution of practice
Does sleeping improve motor skills
yes sleep consolidate learning
What is a form of direct measurement?
What are some examples of indirect measuring
imaging of tissue, labeled water dilution, densitometry
What are some examples of doubly indirect measurement
Bio impedance analysis (BIA), skinfolds and ultra sound, 3D scanning , 2D photos
Most (and eventually all) of the energy released from stored chemical energy during exercise will become
Thermal energy (heat)
which would LEAST important performance determinant for cold water endurance
Anaerobic power
Which fuel can NOT be catabolised (broken down) and used to drive oxidative metabolism
Creatine Phosphate
Which is the LEAST useful got measuring energy usage
Knowing blood lactate concentration
What is the Gold-standard method by which you might be able to measure usage at rest or during exercise
Oxygen consumption
Upper sustainable limit of human metabolic rate, during prolonged exercise or other stress lasting weeks or more, appears to b approx. how high relative to BMR
How efficiently do humans perform dynamic exercise? i.e. what proportion of stored food-substrate energy get converted into useful work
Is heart rate linearly related to work rate and to oxygen consumption
What is the gold standard for measuring body density
Underwater weighing
Muscles are the strongest when tested …..
- specific to sport or isolates muscle joint
What is the best way to measure power
Vertical jump
What is the best way to train power
Humans are built bilateral this allows
organisms to move purposefully and efficiently
Humans are built for what type of movements
Powerful and endurance
how is BMI measured
mass(kg)/height2 (m)
What does BMI not measure
body composition, fat mass, fat free mass
anthropometry is a standardised technique which
predict body size, proportion and shape
3 indirect measures
imaging tissue
labelled water dilution
Why can you calf raise so much weight
class 2 lever
gastrocnemius and solus able to achieve high force value
muscle configuration evolves
why do people train with chains on a bench press bar
the resistance will increase as the height of the bar increases. therefore end of the lift should feel as heavy as beginning
What is torque
the turning effect e.g. axis
how to measure torque
T= Fx r(moment arm)
what is the peak torque from biceps brachii at elbow flexion
80 degrees
what is the most efficient way to lose weight
eatting less
an open skill
is performed in a changing environment e.g. netball
an close skill is one that s
performed in a predictable environment e.g. tennis serve
concentric muscle is
eccentric muscle is
open kinetic chain
movement that can move freely
e.g. dumbbell curl
Closed kinetic chain
distal and proximal segments are fixed
e.g. squat or press ups
What are two contributors to a skilled performance
Predisposition and practice
a skill requies
perception, intention, postural control and coordination
what is postural control
a key factor that under pins skilled performance
- subconscious controlled
what is the definition of coordination
pattern of body and limb motions relative to patterning of environmental objects and events
Typically more individual component parts or degrees of freedom that are necessary to perform a given task successfully
Degree of freedom
things the can move or change position
What are bernstein 3 learning stages
- freezing limbs
- releasing limbs
- exploitation of environment
What are some examples of physical literacy
agility, balance, coordination, speed power, precision, strength, endurance
Describe a force
Push or pull
moving object
Non-contact forced relate to mass and magnitude
What is titin when referring to force bing generated by contraction muscle
a highly elastic component that creates the stretch of muscle fibres
What is the peak/optimal load of force for a joint angle
75-85% mark
What is the men opt angle for elbow torque
what is the equation for measuring force
F=m xa
how do you measure work - and what units
W= F x s
if two people with the same mass and the same distance will the work be the SAME
Power measures the rate of
what is one equation for power
P=w/t (watts)
what is the best way to measure max force
what is the best way to measure max force
How do you train power (3 ways)
- stimulate as many muscle fibres at one time
- simulate nervous system by moving quick
- use functional exercise = plyometrics
how do you measure power
vertical jump
What is work rate limited by
rate of ATP
What are the three forms of work ATP drives
- mechanical work (muscle contractions)
- chemical work (biosynthesis)
transport work ( concentration of molecules
contribution of each ATP resynthesis depends on the type of exercise ….
intensity and duration
People who begin an exercise program approx. how many will drop out
approx. half
strength and endurance fitness interfere w/ each other in various ways
Which type of motivation is most likely to lead to long- term pa adherence
if you have a reason to do it (autonomous)
What THREE things need for health screening in healthy individuals
- Exercise is safe for most
- Identify individuals that may be at risk for serious acute exercise-related CVD events
- Exercise related CVD events are rare
How can you help someone become autonomously motivated for pa
Make them feel involved
effective exercise recruitment requires recruitment of most/all motor units
PA is associated with approx. 1/3 lower risk of all causes and CVD
Exercise screening in athletes might be undertaken to identify what issues
- Cardiac problems
- Psychological issue
- Musculoskeletal issues
- Respiratory issues
what is the name of one of the most popular traditional Maori games
for maori and parcific islands people, a strength- based approache to physical activitey means
- tikanga
- whanaungatanga (relationships)
- reflecting on culture, identity and values
Name the spiritual component of Duries Maori health model Te Whare Tapa Wha
te taha wairua
name the family/releationship component of duri’s maori health model Te whare tapa Wha
Te taha whanau
name the physical component of durie maoris health model te whare tapa wha
te taha tinana
name the mental component of durie maoris health model te whare tapa wha
te taha hingeroa
The WHO definition for health is
social, physical, mental wellbeing
research indicates the most favoured places for PA in adolescents in Norway and in NZ
Open public, natural spaces
Confounding variables
third variable in experiment
What is an independent variable
variable that is is BY itself - what your measuring
exercising moderately intensively for 30min/day Mon to Fri is ____ for post- meal insulin levels
is not good at reducing post-meal insulin levels when compared with the same amount of exercise split up throughout the day in 2 mins blocks
those who are less active, and have type 2 diabetes have
an increased post-prandial glucose response compared to a healthy active person
which two factors make the ‘built environment’ arguably the deadliest environment for humanity
- population attribution risk
- Lack of physiologucal defences, againsts its insidious, chronic effects
counting steps per day provides a small component of daily energy usage. what is the largest component
Basal metabolism
what is NOT an approach that can mimic exercise
because it by passes the risk associated with exercise
T/F are humans more reslient in humid heat than dry heat
How many zones are in the playing area of the Ki-o-rahi game
what are the names of the two teams that play Ki-o-rahi
what are the four dimensions of maori health and wellness model are
Taha tinea
taha wairua
taha hingerao
taha whanau
what does whanaungatanga mean
building relationships, sense of belonging, kinship
what is the response to unexpected immersion in cold water called
cold shock response
humans have evolved better tolerance to
hot, dry environments
WHO: describes human health as
physical, mental and social wellbeing, NOT merely the absence of diseases
Biophillic definition
focus on life and life giving process is innate, and emotional response to nature in genetic- we where born with it
Hypotheses of biophillic
humans need to make contact with nature because is is fundamentally part of our wellbeing
Longevity – urban and senior in japan is because of
- parks near residential for taking stroll
- streets lined w/ trees near residential
- preferred living in current community
how much PA per day can improve health
30mins a day
having green spaces reduces risk of
- obesity
- hypertension
environment positively associated with PA
• Residential density
• Intersection density
• Public transport
• Number of parks
Built environment negative
- pollution
- population
-spaces built for cars
Post-prandial glucose regulation better w/?
more frequent exercise breaks
Post prandial lipids lowest w/ ?
more frequent exercise breaks
increase post-prandial glycaemia comes form
reducing exercising daily exercise
how long does it take to get Higher glycaemic response
3 days
reduction in post- prandial glucose from
standing desk
Intervention studies vs observational research, which has stronger evidence of effect
Intervention studies
which thermal stress will kill you the quickest and humans least adapted to
environment most extreme for humans
built environment
built environment kills most for humanity because (2 factors)
- population attribution risk
- lacking physiologyical defencses
what can humans adapt very well to (envionment)
what environment humans also adapt moderately
moderate hypoxia
what are 3 effect from muscle factors (myokines) released during exercise
- Anti-inflammatory effects
- anti-tumour effects
- growth effects for nerves and new blood vessels
what doe not appear to be an effect from muscle factors (myokines) released during exercise
reducing subcutaneous fat mass but increasing visceral fat mass
what is the major, short term determinant of a person’s basal metabolic rate
their fat free mass
which is the least important consideration in training for power
ensuring that movement repetitions always be performed until failure
which does not significantly influence the fatigue or adaptation caused by a given exercises stimulus
exercise preference
interrupting prolonged sitting w/ short bouts (2mins) of moderately intensive physical activity regularly throughout the day
reduces post meal blood insulin levels
what is not likely a problem associated with the creation of a supposed exercise pill or exercise mimetic
the medical industry will likely collapse through dramatic reduction in illness
Increasing frequency, intensity and duration of a training program is an example of what training principle
over load principl
why is skeletal muscle mass important
- it provides physical capabilities (strength and power)
- it is thermogenic
what is true about fat mass
it is an insulator
could supply at least 12hrs of endurance exercise
list two organs which muslce and/or fate crosstalk chemically with
liver, brain
neural activation is required for strength training
what does RPE stand for
rate of perceived exertion
rise in core body temp is an example of
short practice sessions spread out (distributed) are ___ than longer, bunched (massed) practices ___
more effective, take more time
skill learning is quicker in early lifer due to
neural plasticity
whakawhanagatanga standss for
building relationships
For Māori and Pacific Islands peoples a strengths-based approach to physical activity means all of the following, EXCEPT
deficit thinking
three P’s of the Treaty of Waitangi
) Who is the popular taonga tākaro Ki-o-Rahi based around
Rahitūtakahina and Te Arakurapakewai
does practice make perfect
Not necessarily
depends on…
- how much
- what we practice
- organisation of skill
- how often
what are some easily stretch bilateral muscles
e.g. hamstring, gastrocnemius
what are anatomically impossible joint to stretch (monoarticular)
e.g. tibialis anterior
FFM is ___ than FM
what is the difference between BMR and RMR
basal metabolic rate= when your awake through out the day
resting metabolic rate = 60-75% of total daily expenditure - resting
what is affect
general feeling state
hedonic theroy
people do things that make them fell good and avoid things that make them feel bad
affective forcasting
thinking about how you feel in upcoming situation
stress means
the load put on the system e.g. heat production
strain means
the response to the system e.g. core temp
contextual interference worse during practical performance than blocked but better at
retention and transfer
what are 3 ways the body uses energy
1) during rest (resting metabolic rate)
2) breaking food down
3) and perform physical activity
what are som metabolic risk factor of physical inactivity
- raised blood pressure (hypertension)
- high levels of fat in the blood (hyperlipidaemia)
- high blood glucose Levels (hyperglycemia)
- unhealthy body composition
how does exercise influence hypertension
decreases BP y 5-7mmHg - from aerobic training
how does exercise influence diabetes
- lower blood glucose during and after exercise
- resistance trainig: preserves lean tissue mass
how does exercise influence hyperlipidaemia
improve body composition, morve LDL from blood to liver
how does exercise influence body composition
- body uses energy in three ways
- reduce adipose tissue
- reduce chronic inflammation
what is the basis/rational of submax indirect test
increase fitness will aloow increase in pace and/or decrease in HR
what is the basis of max indirect test
increase fitness will allow increase in endurance
what is the basis of submax direct test
measure VO2 at different intensities predict VO2 max from its linear relation to heart rate
what is the basis of max direct test
measure VO2 throughout max effort test - row test
what are parameters
intensity, duration, frequency, pattern
Stress or strain drives fatigue
what are some novel stressors
ischaemism parmacol, hormetics, vibration, antigens cogntive demands
what are the 5 principles of HAES
- Enhancing health
- size and self acceptance
- the pleasure of eating well
- the joy of movement
- end to weight bias
what is the dependent variable
what your measuring
what is the independent variable
what isn’t changed - stands alone