Revisões Provas Flashcards
Qual o tipo de instância que entra na categoria de reservada mas pode ter suas configurações alteradas?
É a Convertible Reserved Instance
Como funciona KMS?
KMS salva chaves mestres (master Key), que é responsável por descriptografar outras chaves simétricas (simetric data key).
Então quando um dado precisa ser criptografado, ele é criptografado utilizando a simetric data Key e em sequência a simetric data Key é criptografada pela chave mestre gerenciada pelo KMS.
AWS KMS supports three types of CMKs: customer-managed CMKs, AWS managed CMKs, and AWS owned CMKs.
Por que o deploy immutable zera os créditos Burst?
Por que ele irá dobrar a quantidade de instâncias em um novo ASG, para realizar o deploy da aplicação, destruindo as instâncias anteriores
Como funciona o Access Advisor feature on IAM console
To help identify the unused roles, IAM reports the last-used timestamp that represents when a role was last used to make an AWS request.
Qual a diferença entre o SAM e o CDK?
O SAM é um template mais conciso para criação de infraestrutura serverless.
O CDK é uma forma de criar infraestrutura utilizando linguagens mais conhecidas.
Quais são as duas formas de realizar o deploy de SSL certificates?
Através do AWS Certificate Manager e IAM (para regiões que não suporta o ACM
A new project demands a throughput requirement of 10 strongly consistent reads per second of 6KB in size each.
Um RCU representa:
- duas evetually consistent read para itens de até 4kb
- uma strogly consistent read para itens de até 4kb
Logo serão necessárias 20 RCU
Se uma lambda escreve no DynamoDb com putItem dois itens, um de 0,5 KB e outro de 3.5 KB por segundo,quantos WCU são necessários?
É consumido um WCU por até 1KB de dado escrito por segundo.
O primeiro item, consome (0.5-→1kb) 1 WCU e o segundo item (3.5→4kb) consome 4 WCU, portanto é necessário 5 WCU
Como funciona a distribuição de carga em uma aplicação distribuída em duas ou mais AZ?
A load balancer accepts incoming traffic from clients and routes requests to its registered targets (such as EC2 instances) in one or more Availability Zones.
The nodes for a load balancer distribute requests from clients to registered targets. When cross-zone load balancing is enabled, each load balancer node distributes traffic across the registered targets in all enabled Availability Zones. When cross-zone load balancing is disabled, each load balancer node distributes traffic only across the registered targets in its Availability Zone. With Application Load Balancers, cross-zone load balancing is always enabled.
Que tipos de políticas apenas limitam às permissões dos usuários?
AWS Organization Service Control Police (SCP) (limita o máximo de permissão que uma conta pode ter)
Permissions Boundary (Maximum permissions that the identity-based policies can grant to an entity)
Qual credencial o code commit não aceita?
IAM user password.
SSH keys, Gir Credentials e AWS Access keys são aceitas
Quais são os recursos suportados pelo SAM?
SAM supports the following resource types:
Autoscaling group pode criar instâncias em diferentes AZs? E diferentes regiões?
Sim, ele pode criar instâncias em diferentes AZs mas não em diferentes regiões.
Dedicated Instances são isoladas no nível de hardware?
Sim, elas são. Dedicated Instances são criadas somente em hardware dedicado, porém são mais baratas do que dedicated host.
Dedicated Instances are Amazon EC2 instances that run in a virtual private cloud (VPC) on hardware that’s dedicated to a single customer. Dedicated Instances that belong to different AWS accounts are physically isolated at a hardware level, even if those accounts are linked to a single-payer account. However, Dedicated Instances may share hardware with other instances from the same AWS account that are not Dedicated Instances.
A Dedicated Host is also a physical server that’s dedicated for your use. With a Dedicated Host, you have visibility and control over how instances are placed on the server.
Quais são as principais sessões do template do Cloud Watch?
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: “version date”
template metadata
set of parameters
set of rules
set of mappings
set of conditions
set of transforms
set of resources
set of outputs
Template sections
Templates include several major sections. The Resources section is the only required section. Some sections in a template can be in any order. However, as you build your template, it can be helpful to use the logical order shown in the following list because values in one section might refer to values from a previous section.
Format Version (optional) The AWS CloudFormation template version that the template conforms to. The template format version isn't the same as the API or WSDL version. The template format version can change independently of the API and WSDL versions.
Description (optional)
A text string that describes the template. This section must always follow the template format version section.
Metadata (optional)
Objects that provide additional information about the template.
Parameters (optional)
Values to pass to your template at runtime (when you create or update a stack). You can refer to parameters from the Resources and Outputs sections of the template.
Rules (optional)
Validates a parameter or a combination of parameters passed to a template during a stack creation or stack update.
Mappings (optional)
A mapping of keys and associated values that you can use to specify conditional parameter values, similar to a lookup table. You can match a key to a corresponding value by using the Fn::FindInMap intrinsic function in the Resources and Outputs sections.
Conditions (optional)
Conditions that control whether certain resources are created or whether certain resource properties are assigned a value during stack creation or update. For example, you could conditionally create a resource that depends on whether the stack is for a production or test environment.
Transform (optional)
For serverless applications (also referred to as Lambda-based applications), specifies the version of the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to use. When you specify a transform, you can use AWS SAM syntax to declare resources in your template. The model defines the syntax that you can use and how it is processed.
You can also use AWS::Include transforms to work with template snippets that are stored separately from the main AWS CloudFormation template. You can store your snippet files in an Amazon S3 bucket and then reuse the functions across multiple templates.
Resources (required)
Specifies the stack resources and their properties, such as an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance or an Amazon Simple Storage Service bucket. You can refer to resources in the Resources and Outputs sections of the template.
Outputs (optional)
Describes the values that are returned whenever you view your stack’s properties. For example, you can declare an output for an S3 bucket name and then call the aws cloudformation describe-stacks AWS CLI command to view the name.
Para que ser AWS Trusted Advisor?
AWS Trusted Advisor is an online tool that provides you real-time guidance to help you provision your resources following AWS best practices on cost optimization, security, fault tolerance, service limits, and performance improvement.
Para o que serve o IAM Access Analyzer?
AWS IAM Access Analyzer helps you identify the resources in your organization and accounts, such as Amazon S3 buckets or IAM roles, that are shared with an external entity. This lets you identify unintended access to your resources and data, which is a security risk.
Para o que serve o Amazon Inspector?
Amazon Inspector is an automated security assessment service that helps improve the security and compliance of applications deployed on AWS. Amazon Inspector automatically assesses applications for exposure, vulnerabilities, and deviations from best practices.
Which of the following represents the correct order of steps to be followed for creating an app using AWS CDK?
Create the app from a template provided by AWS CDK -> Add code to the app to create resources within stacks -> Build the app (optional) -> Synthesize one or more stacks in the app -> Deploy stack(s) to your AWS account
Como especificar ações no code deploy?
Qual a ordem do workflow de deploy para Lambdas e EC2/on-premises compute platform?
Adicionar o arquivo appspec.yml na pasta root com as especificações de ações em cada passo.
Os passos do workflow são:
1 - Criar aplicação
2 - Especificar o deployment Group
»> Especifica o tipo do deploy (in-place or blue/green deploy) e em quais instância será realiza o deploy
3 - Especificar a configuração do deploy
»> How many instances your application revisions should be simultaneously deployed and to describe the success and failure conditions for the deployment.
4 - Upload Revision
»> You must include an application specification file (AppSpec file). This file contains deployment instructions, such as where to copy the files onto each instance and when to run deployment scripts.
5 - Deploy
»> Deploy your application revision to the deployment group. (seguindo as instruções do AppSpec.yml
6 - Check Results
7 - Redeploy as needed
Qual o arquivo utilizado pelo codebuild? Qual a estrutura desse arquivo?
É o buildspec que deve ser colocado na pasta root com as especificações do build.
version: 0.2
phases: install: runtime-versions: java: corretto11 pre_build: commands: - echo Nothing to do in the pre_build phase... build: commands: - echo Build started on `date` - mvn install post_build: commands: - echo Build completed on `date` artifacts: -- represents the set of build output artifacts that CodeBuild uploads to the output bucket. files: - target/messageUtil-1.0.jar
Quais são os tipos de discos EBS?
Qual o máximo e o mínimo de volume e IOPS
Há 3 tipos: Solid State Drivers (SSD), Hard Disk Drives (HDD) e previous generation.
O SSD tem duas categorias, a General Purpose SSD (gp2 e gp3) e Provisioned IOPS SSD.
O gp2 e gp3 pode ter volume de 1GiB a 16 TiB, com máximo de 16000 IOS (apps de baixa latência / ambientes de dev). Gp2 atinge os 16k IOPS com 5.3TiB. o gp3 atinga 16kIOPS com 32GiB
Já o Provisioned IOPS SSD tem volume de4GiB até 16TiB, com IOPS per volume de até 64000 (workloads de alto IOPS, I/O instensive database workloads.
* O IOPS cresce conforme o tamanho do disco.
Já o HDD o Throughput Optimized HDD e Cold HDD; São comummente utilizados para DW, Log Processing, Big data, onde os dados são pouco acessados. Máximo de 500 IOPS e 125GiB - 16 TiB).
Visando separar workloads pesados da aplicação web que deve ter resposta rápida, qual a melhor forma de fazer isso utilizando o Elastic Benstalk?
Utilizando dedicated worker enviroment
Qual comando utilizado para habitar a monitoração detalhada de instâncias ec2?
aws ec2 monitor-instances –instance-ids i-1234567890abcdef0