Revision Topic Sheet 2: 1951-1955 Flashcards
Morgan Fowler is actually average height in Japan
Which Party won the 1951 election?
Why did Labour lose?
- Attlee’s government was worn down by heavy economic difficulties, such as government budget cuts (austerity)
- Exhausted after six years in office
- Labour divisions
- Britain’s entry into the 1950 Korean War which increased Labour divisions
How did the Labour split begin?
In 1951 Clement Attlee imposed charges on NHS prescriptions to the dismay of health secretary Aneurin Bevan
Why did the Conservatives win?
- Influx of new, young MPs with new ideas
- Nationalisation was an easy target for their debates
- Branded themselves as the upholders of freedom and individualism against the State
- Recovery from their shock defeat in the 1945 election
What policy was pursued by the political parties as part of the post-war consensus?
A pro-American, anti-Soviet foreign policy which favoured independence for Britain’s colonies
Where had the political parties moved at this time and why?
- Labour had moved the right by accepting Capitalism and the mixed economy
- Conservatives had moved left by accepting Keynesianism and a partly nationalised economy
Who became Prime Minister in 1951?
Winston Churchill for the second time
Why did RA Butler and Anthony Eden have to be the representatives for Churchill’s government?
Winston was too old and frail at 77 to be too involved in government. He also suffered a stroke in 1953 and spent his time dealing with international issues
What were the main achievements and developments during Winston Churchill’s second government run?
- Ended rationing in 1954
- Denationalised the steel industry - improved the economy due to decreased debt
- Commitment to build 300,000 homes per year (Housing Minister Harold Macmillan)
- Korean War ended in 1953
- Atomic bomb first dropped in 1953
What was Butskellism?
A policy representing both the ideals of RA Butler on the Conservative Left and Hugh Gaitskell on the Labour Right
How did Butler affect Britain’s economy?
Issued the ‘industrial charter’ which accepted both a mixed economy and the essentials of Keynesianism which helped to increase economic growth, maintain full employment and expand the welfare state
How did the economy seemingly improve?
- Weekly wages improved
- Car ownership increased
- New homes built and mortgages became cheaper
- Give away budget from RA Butler
- Marshall Plan helped increase demand for British goods through the growth of the international economy
What Conservative MP became PM in 1955?
Anthony Eden
How was Eden involved in the 1955 Suez Crisis?
He believed in industrial partnership and he had experience in foreign affairs - ended up destroying his career as the USA forced him to pull out by threatening to act on the loans owed to them
What did the Suez Crisis mean for Britain?
It was no longer seen as a world power, especially compared to the USA