Revision sheet 2 Flashcards
When does the system of linear equations π΄x = π have a unique solution? No solutions? Infinitely many solutions?
Unique solution: Rank(A) = Rank([A|b]) = Number of unknowns
No Solution: Rank(A) β Rank([A|b])
Infinitely Many Solutions: Rank(A) = Rank([A|b]) < number of variables and
Explain how Gaussian Elimination algorithm produces the LU factorisation of a matrix
GE algorithm converts a full matrix A into a upper-triangle matrix U through a series of multiplications by elementary transformation matrices: Mj = M(n-1) M(n-2)β¦.M1 A = U, Mj = I -mjej^+
The lower traingle part L of LU factorisation is given by L = M1^-1 M2^-2 β¦ M(n-1)^-1 = I sum mjej^+ from j = 1 to n-1
Show how LU factorisation of A can be used to solve the system π΄x = b
Use Lz = Pb
and then use that to find x using
Ux = z
Explain the difference between partial pivoting and complete pivoting
Partial pivoting considers only the current column for selecting the pivot.
Complete pivoting considers the entire remaining submatrix, including both rows and columns, for selecting the pivot. (PAQ = LU where p and q are permutation matrices that reorder the rows and columns)
Show how the LU factorisation with partial pivoting can be used to solve π΄x = π.
Ly = Pb by forward substitution
and then Uz = y by backwards substitution
then reorder solution to get x = Qz
Under what conditions an iterative method for solving a system of linear equations is faster than a direct method?
The cost of direct (GE) method is proportional to n^3.
The cost of one step of iterations is proportional to n^2
If the number of required iterations Kmx is smaller than n, then the iterative solver is faster (more efficient) than direct solver
Compute the LU factorisation of the matrix A. using Gaussian elimination with scaled partial pivoting. Show your work. Your final answer should be matricesL, U, and P. Verify that PA = LU
P1 = swap row matrix based on the biggest |a1n/sn|
M1 = identity matrix with first collumn - an1/ (new a11)
P2 = swap rows with biggest matrix based on new an2/ old sn (making sure you use the right one, donβt forget you swapped rows but use original)
M2P2M1P1A = U
P = P2P1
L^~ = P1^T M1^-1 P2^T M2^2
L = PL^~
Cholesky Factorisation
lkk = sqrt(akk - sum (from j = 1 to k-1) l(kj)^2
lik = (aik - sum(from j = 1 to k-1) lijlkj))/lkk for i = K+1,β¦,N
l11 = sqrt(a11)
l21 = a21/l11
l31 = a31/l11
l22 = sqrt(a22 - l21^2))
l32 = (a32-l31l21)/l22
l33 = sqrt(a33 - l32^2 - l31^2)
jacobi iteration
Dx(k+1) = (D-A)x_k +b
(same as Richardson but instead of I is D)
Richardson Iteration
x_k+1 = (I-A)x_k + b
(same as jacobi but instead of D is I)
x_(k+1) = aii^-1 [ bi - sum(j=1,j=/i to n a_ii (x_k)_j, i = 1,β¦,n
Guass-Seidel Iteration
Q = D + L (diagonal + lower triangle)
(D+L)x_k+1 = b - Ux_k