Revision Questions Given in Handout Flashcards
Define Eucharist
The Eucharist is a Christian sacrament that commemorate the Last Supper, in which the body and blood of Jesus is consumed.
Define Passover
Passover is a Jewish holiday which commemorates the Hebrew’s freedom from slavery in Egypt.
Define Great schism
The Great Schism is when the main type of Christianity split into two division, Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox
Define Inter -faith dialogue.
The term “inter-faith dialogue” means the cooperative interaction between groups of people from different religious backgrounds and beliefs.
What was the Council of Nicaea (4 marks)
The Council of Nicaea was a small council convened by Roman Emperor Constantine in 325AD. It was made to resolve disagreements happening over the nature of Jesus in relationships to the father. In the end it was established that the father, the son and the Holy Spirit formed the holy trinity and were all equal.
What was the “Reformation”? In your answer include: when and where it began and who was involved (4 marks)
The Reformation or Protestant Reformation was an event that began on around the 31st Oct, 1517 in Wittenberg Germany when a priest names Martin Luther, write a document refuting the sale of indulgences to pardon sin and earn forgiveness. Because of his attack on the Christian church he was asked to appear to Pope Leo X and retract his statements. After he refused, he was excommunicated, meaning he was kicked out of the church. This then begun the 30 years war in 1818 between Roman Catholics and Protestant, The 30 years was ended in 1648.
Describe the ‘Black Plague”. Where did it begin, when did it begin and what was the impact on society, individuals and The Church? (5 Marks)
The black death was an epidemic which ravaged Europe, causing the deaths of 75-200 million people from 1345 – 1353.
It was a butonic plague that began in China and spread along trade route in the west.
The impact on society was very large as it killed a lot of people causing extreme fear among individuals.
The impact on the church was that because of the large wave of deaths there was a declining number of believers of Christianity.
What is the purpose of the The Second Vatican Council (6 marks)
The purpose of the Council was to address the roles of the church in the world subject to modern times.
The Second Vatican Council made a number of decrees. List Four of these (6 marks)
Four of the decrees included:
* 1. Decree on the Mass Media – explains that journalism has a responsibility to lead people down the path of good and not evil.
* 3. Decree on Ecumenism – calls Catholics to appreciate Christian values found in ther faiths as well as the catholic church.
* 5. Decree on the Up-to-date Renewal of Religious life – calls religious men and women to lose their lives on the Gospel while adapting to serve modern needs.
* 8. Decree on the Missionary Activity – provides guidance to those engaged in missionary work throughout the world.
Who is the current Archbishop of Melbourne? List and describe his role in the Catholic Church (4 marks)
The current Archbishop of Melbourne is Peter Andrew Conensoli. The role of the Archbishop of Melbourne is to govern the churches in the arch dioceses of Melbourne. He managers all of the bishops of Melbourne.
The Eucharist is an important part of Catholicism. Why? (3 marks)
The Eucharist is an important part of the Catholicism because of the consuming of the body and the blood represent the Last Supper when Jesus feed his disciples bread and wine showing that he would become the sacrificial lamb to forgive their sins.
List and describe TWO important figures (people) from the Catholic Church (4 marks)
Two important figures from the Catholic Church were Martin Luther and Pope John XXIII.
Describe why Martin Luther was significant to the Church (4 marks)
- Martin Luther – he is important because in 1517, he countered churches use of indulgences to pay for forgiveness. This then caused the Catholic church in Europe to lose full control which caused the creation of Protestants.
Describe why Pope John XXIII was significant to the Church (4 marks)
- Pope John XXIII – was the Pope from 1958 to 1963. He realised that the church needed a new outlook on the world due to modern times. This caused him to create the Vatican Council II. This was list of changes and updates to the church, such as allowing lay people to assist in church sacraments.
Charitable Organization play a central part in society. List TWO and describe their role (4 marks)
Two charitable organisations are Caritas and Vinnes:
* Caritas, their role is to give opportunities to marginalised groups of people to be able to recover from conflict and thrive.
* Vinnes. their role is t help those in need, such as the homeless, by giving them money or donation received in their op-shops.