Revision P2, Technical Terminology Flashcards
Diegetic Sound
Diegetic sound is sound whose source is visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film.
Non-Diegetic Sound
Non-diegetic sound is sound that’s source is neither visible onscreen nor has been implied to be present in the action.
Low Key Lighting
Low key lighting images are often more sinister in appearance and convey a classy or mysterious and edgy atmosphere.
High Key Lighting
High Key Lighting is bright and light, invoking a feeling of freshness and optimism.
Natural Lighting
Natural lighting implies the image is more realistic.
Artificial Lighting
Artificial lighting can look either natural or artificial depending on how it’s used.
Mode-en-scene refers to everything that appears before the camera that can indicate where the scene is being filmed.
Media Convergence
The merging of mass communication outlets - print, television, radio, the Internet etc. Along with portable and interactive technologies through various digital media platforms.
Media Synergy
The simultaneous release of different products to boost the sales of both products. Synergy is used most often by bigger companies as the different elements work together to promote linked products across different media.
Media Intertextuality
The process of creating references to any kind of media products via another media product.
Liberal Pluralism
A liberal pluralist value says that all values are as equal as each other. This society allows you to view something in any way that you want to, and that there’s no correct way to interpret information.
Marxists view the mass media as a ‘means of production’, which in a capitalist society is in the ownership of the ruling class. Whenever there’s rich and poor, refer to the Marxist view.
Narrative Structures
Linear Structure - Present stories in a logical manner by telling what happens from one point in time to the next without using flashbacks or flash-forwards.
Circular Narrative - A story that ends in the same place it began.