Revision on Julius Caesar Flashcards
What does augment mean?
To make greater.
What does Conspiracy mean?
A group of people who plan to do something harmful or unlawful.
Who was Casca?
Casca was a conspirator and stabbed Caesar first.
What does Hubris mean?
Excessive pride or extreme arrogance.
Who is Cassius
Cassius is a complex, jealous conspirator who wanted to kill Caesar because he had too much power. He was the one who convinces Brutus to join him in killing Caesar.
Who is Calpurnia
Calpurnia is Caesar’s wife, and she warned Caesar of his death it he ignored her.
What is a tyrant?
A tyrant s a cruel leader who rules through fear.
What is tyrannicide?
The act of killing a tyrant (someone who rules through fear).
Who is Brutus?
Brutus is a friend of Caesar who is convinced/pressured by Cassius to kill Caesar.
What is exalted?
At a high or powerful level.
Who was Julius Caesar?
Julius caesar was a crafty military leader, who was arrogant, hubris, and thought he was better than everyone else.
What does Mutiny mean?
Open rebellion against authority.
Who is Metellus?
Metellus helped the conspirators kill Caesar, deceived his friends,
How is Misreading/Misinformation shown in Julius Caesar?
In Act II Scene II, Calpurnia tells Caesar she has been getting bad omens/dreams showing a water fountain running with blood. She warns Caesar not to go out. However, Brutus contradicts what Calpurnia warns by saying it is a sign of good luck and that he should go out.
What does ‘This dream is all amiss interpreted’ show?
This quote shows Brutus telling Caesar that Calpurnia has misread her signs and that he should go out. Shows the theme Misreading/Misinformation.
How is Dictatorship and Power presented in Julius Caesar?
Having too much power is dangerous and can lead to bad things. In Brutus’ soliloquy he describes Caesar as having too much power and everyone walks underneath him.
What does ‘think him as a serpent’s egg and kill him in the shell’ show?
This quote shows Brutus thinks Caesar is the beginning of evil and needs to be stopped before he becomes too powerful. He feels as though he has to kill Caesar to save Rome.
How is Fate Vs Freewill presented in Julius Caesar?
Caesar cannot stop people planning to kill him if he doesn’t know they are trying to. People are always going to want to take over his power because they think they can lead Rome better or they want a republic.