Revision French 3 Flashcards
verbs that change e > è
acheter (to buy) > j'achète lever (to get up) > je lève élever (to raise) > j'élève mener (to lead) > mène amener (to bring) > j'amène emmener (to take away) > j'emmène
verbs that change é > è
préférer > je préfère considérer > je considère espérer > j'espère posséder > je possède répéter > je répète
verbs that change l > ll
appeler > j’appelle
rappeler (to remind / call back) > je rappelle
verbs that change t > tt
jeter (to throw) > je jette
verbs that change y > i
ennuyer (to bore) > j'ennuie envoyer (to send) > j'envoie nettoyer (to clean) > je nettoie essayer (to try) > j'essaie payer (to pay) > je paie
verbs that change c > ç
when followed by a or o commencer (begin) > nous commençons agacer (to provoke) > nous agaçons avancer (advance) > nous avançons lancer (to throw) > nous lançons placer (to place) > nous plaçons remplacer (replace) > nous remplaçons
verbs that change g > ge
when followed by a or o manger > nous mangeons changer > nous changeons voyager > nous voyageons nager > nous nageons ranger (to tidy up) > nous rangeons venger (to avenge) > nous vengeons
ir verbs to build to fill out to succeed to punish
re verbs
to return / give back
to wait for
to answer
to follow
suivre -suis -suis -suit -suivons -suivez -suivent p/p: suivi
to run
courir -cour -cour -court -courons -courez -courent p/p: couru
to die
mourir -meurs -meurs -meurt -mourons -mourez -mourent p/p: mort
to laugh
rire -ris -ris -rit -rions -riez -rient p/p: ri
les verbes pronominaux in the passé composé
I looked at myself in the mirror.
use être and p/p
je me suis regardé dans la glace.
les verbes pronominaux in the passé composé
rule of agreement?
past participle agree with the subject except:
a. when the verb is constructed with à;
b. when the verb is followed by a direct object;
c. when faire is used.
Dr and Mrs….
Devenir (become) Revenir (come back) Monter (go up) Rentrer (return) Sortir (go out)
Venir (come) Aller (go) Naître (be born) Descendre (go down / get off) Entrer (enter) Rester (stay)
Tomber (fall) Retourner (return) Arriver (arrive) Mourir (to die) Partir (to leave) Passer (to happen)
être verbs that change to avoir when followed by a direct object.
Descendre Monter Passer Rentrer Retourner Sortir
Two meanings of sortir
Negatif in the passé composé
I didn’t play
je n’ai pas joué
When to use l’imparfait
was / were / would / used to
Scene / people description, weather.
Habitual / repetitive / incomplete action.
Conditions / states of mind.
How to form l’imparfait
Stem is present 'nous' form -ais -ais -ait -ions -iez -aient except être, which is ét-
at that time / in those days
à cette époque-la
When to use plus-que-parfait
Events that had happened, been completed before
other events took place.
Used with ‘si’ to express wish / regret or hypothetical in the past (if…. then…).
How to form plus-que-parfait
similar to passé composé
imperfect avoir / être + past participle
I found the book that I had lost.
J’ai retrouvé le livre que j’avais perdu.
When we had finished our meal, we could play
in the yard.
Quand nous avions fini notre repas, nous pouvions
jouer dans la cour.
He explained to me that he had decided to
leave France.
Il m’a expliqué qu’il avait décidé de
partir en France.
If I had known, I would not have come.
Si j’avais su, je ne serais pas venu.
Le subjonctif
wish / emotion / doubt / necessity
- is a mood, not a tense.
- often occurs in a dependent clause beginning
with ‘que’. (je veux que mon frère parte)
How to form le subjonctif
Third person plural, drop ent.
- e
- es
- e
- ions
- iez
- ent
le futur simple
and how to form it
'will' future stem + -ai -as -a -ons -ez -ont
le futur simple irregular verbs
être > ‘ser’ stem
avoir > ‘aur’ stem
aussi tôt que
as soon as
When to use preposition ‘y’
- ‘there’
- to replace a place already mentioned, or phrases with preposition à.
- placed before the first verb.
When to use ‘en’
- replaces de, de la, de l’ or un, une, des
- placed before the verb.
negation not never no more / longer not at all nobody nothing
ne + verb + pas ne + verb + jamais ne + verb + plus ne + verb + pas du tout ne + verb + personne ne + verb + rien
verbs with 2 stems in le subjonctif
boire croire (believe) devoir envoyer mourir prendre recevoir venir voir
irregular verbs in le subjonctif
aller > aill avoir > ai / ay être > soi / soy faire > fass pouvoir > puiss savoir > sach valoir > vaill vouloir > veuill
To be afraid that…
Avoir peur que…
It is nearly always found in dependent clauses introduced by que or qui, and the subjects of the dependent and main clauses are usually different.
le subjonctif ie. Je veux que tu le fasses. I want you to do it. ie. Il faut que nous partions. it is necessary that we leave.