REVISION FOR EXAM 12102022 Flashcards
Dental Formula for an Adult Cat
I 3/3 C 1/1 PM 3/2 M 1/1 (X2) - 30 TEETH
Dental Formula for a Kitten
I 3/3 C 1/1 PM 3/2 (X2) - 26 TEETH
Dental Formula for an Adult Dog
I 3/3 C 1/1 PM 4/4 M 2/3 (X2) - 42 TEETH
Dental Formula for a Puppy
I 3/3 C 1/1 PM 3/3 (X2) - 28 TEETH
Dental Formula for a Rabbit
I 2/1 PM 3/2 M 3/3 - 28 TEETH
Dental Formula for a Myomorph Rodent (rat, hamster, gerbil etc)
I 1/1 M 3/3 (X2) - 16 TEETH
Dental Formula for a Hystricomorph Rodent (guinea pigs etc)
I 1/1 PM 1/1 M3/3 (X2) - 20 TEETH
Function of an Incisor
Nibbling of food, grooming
Function of a Canine
Piercing of food (e.g. holding on to prey items)
Function of a Premolar
Shearing of food
Function of a molar
Shearing and grinding of food (flatter than premolars)
Origin - Mid Cervical and Thoracic Vertebrae, Insertion - Spine of the Scapula, Function - Abductor of the forelimb
Origin - Cervical Region, Insertion - Humerus, Function - Advances the forelimb
Latissimus dorsi
Origin - Caudal Thoracic and Lumber Vertebrae, Insertion - Medial Humerus, Function - Flexes the shoulder and retracts the forelimb
Origin - Supraspinous fossa, Insertion - Proximal tuberosites, Function - Stabilizes the shoulder
Origin - Infraspinous fossa, Insertion - Lateral tubercle of the humerus, Function - Stabilizes and abducts the shoulder
Origin - Caudal border of the scapula and tricipital head of the humerus, Insertion - Olecranon, Function - Flexes the shoulder and extends the elbow
Biceps brachii
Origin - Sugraglenoid tubercle, Insertion - Radial tuberosity,