Revision de l'examen final Flashcards
a process or the result of this process, which reveals an act of exploitation taking various forms and which has
consequences on the living conditions of a person or a group and also contributes to the
maintenance of these conditions
La recherche anti- oppressive
- Social justice, central to the approach, must be part of not only the purpose of the research, but the entire process
- Researcher must be aware of the social construction of knowledge and the political meaning that knowledge takes on, especially in the neoliberal context
- Human relations must be put at the forefront of research
La pratique anti-oppresive
- Intervention practice that focuses directly on changing and challenging the forms of domination established by oppression
-Integration with different forms of social work intervention (individual, group, etc.)
- Multiple forms of approaches, but with the aim of leading to social transformation and the liberation
transformation and liberation from conditions of oppression
Definir et reperer l’etiquetage
The labeling theory suggests that people obtain labels from how others view their tendencies or behaviors. Each individual is aware of how they are judged by others because he or she has attempted many different roles and functions in social interactions and has been able to gauge the
reactions of those present. (deviance
Travail Social Clinqie, enjeux organisationnels
The medicalization of the social
→ Medicalization refers to the process by which conditions and behaviors are labeled and treated as medical problems.
Critiques de la Nouvelle Gestion Publique (NGP) sur l’identité des TS
→ Devaluation of the profession
→ Contradiction between social work values and the structure of social services
Difficult cohesion between the personal values of the SW while the professional identity is strongly influenced by the professional context
→ Example of redefining the practice of psychotherapy
- Dealing with organizational issues
Quelles sont les limites de l’approche de la réduction des méfaits? What are the limitations of the harm reduction approach?
- the user is seen as a risk
- them versus us: consumers versus honest citizens, in specific contexts
In what ways does social work undertake advocacy for offenders? De quelles manières le travail social entreprend-il de défendre les droits des contrevenants?
logement: aide dans l’accessibilité
- programme d’aide d’emploi
- aide ou rédirection vers les services appropriés
- modèle alternatif dans le grand champ
housing: assistance in accessibility
- employment assistance program
- assistance or referral to appropriate services
- alternative model in the large field
Quelles sont les trois conceptions du travail social? What are the three conceptions of social work?
- Internationale, 2. Officielle, 3. Dynamique
- International, 2. Official3. Dynamic
Qu’est-ce que la dépendance?
État psychique et physique, résultant de l’interaction entre 1) organisme vivant + 2) produit. Réponses comportementales qui comportent toujours une compulsion à prendre le produit de façon régulière ou périodique pour ressentir ses effets psychiques, parfois éviter l’inconfort de son absence.
Psychic and physical state, resulting from the interaction between 1) living organism +
2) product. Behavioral responses that always include a compulsion to take the product on a regular or periodic basis in order to feel its psychic effects, sometimes to avoid the discomfort of its absence
Quels sont les défis posés par le modèle médical dans le travail social? What are the challenges of the medical model in social work
- It uses the biopsychosocial vision.
- It neglects social conditions (such as over-representation of discriminated groups).
- The problems focus only on the individual. In the health system: a mediator with a difficult task
Pourquoi l’abstinence n’est- elle pas la méthode employée pour la réduction de risques en travail social? Quelles méthodes utilise-t-on?
- We start where the person is in their journey. 2. We want to minimize the prejudices on the person regarding the judgment on his consumption.
Examples: supervised injection centers
Nomme un outil ou une méthode qui pourrait être utilisée lors d’une intervention avec une communauté
autochtone et explique comment l’utiliser.
Possible answers: - culturagram
- the medicine wheel
- understanding cultural norms and family structure (in the ppt)
Nomme une critique de la recherche en travail social
Possible answers (p. 5).
- a predominantly sociological way of thinking
- would not be based on a rational model
- social work is not universal
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