Revision Book Flashcards
Who is the offeror?
The person making the offer.
Who is the offeree?
The person to whom the offer has been made.
What is an ITT?
A statement made by one party inviting offers which that party can either accept or reject.
Give some examples of an ITT?
Shop window displays
Invitations to tender
Why are advertisements generally considered to be ITT?
Partridge v Crittenden said it was an invitation to receive offers as the starting point for negotiations.
When can an advertisement be seen as an offer?
If it is a unilateral offer.
What is a unilateral contract?
A promise in return for an act (Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company) as long as there is consideration and an intention to create legal relations.
How do we know goods on display are an ITT?
Pharmaceutical Society v Boots - goods on a shelf are an ITT, presenting them at the till is an offer to buy the goods.
How do we know good advertised in shop windows are ITT?
Fisher v Bell - display of flick knife was an ITT not an offer to sell.
When are auctions ITT and offers to sell?
British Car Auctions said it was an ITT when there was a reserve price to be met, bids are offered which are accepted with the fall of the hammer.
Healthcote Ball said when there is no reserve it is an offer for sale which is accepted by submission of the highest bid.
When accepting invitations to tender, must all tenders be considered?
Yes but they do not have to be accepted (Blackpool and Flyde Aero Club).
When is an invitation to tender an offer and an ITT?
Spencer v Harding said it’s an ITT unless the person making the offer states they will accept the highest offer to buy goods or lowest offer to supply goods. This could be seen as an offer (Harvela Investments).
What is a statement of price and is it an offer?
It is the minimum price a party is willing to sell and is an ITT (Harvey v Facey; Gibson) unless it is specific enough to be capable of being an offer (Storer v Manchester City Council - buying council house returning agreement of sale letter).
How can an offer be terminated?
Lapse of time
Death of one of the parties
If a party is wanting an offer to be revoked what must they do?
It must be before acceptance has occurred (Routledge) And it must be communicated it to the offeree (Byrne v Van Tienhoven).
Is a third party capable of revoking an offer?
Yes provided they are a reliable source of information and someone whom both parties can rely (Dickinson v Dodds).
How do you revoke a unilateral offer?
The offeror must take reasonable steps to notify the persons likely to accept (Shuey - an American case therefore only carries persuasive authority). It cannot be revoked if performance has already started (Daulia Ltd).
When is a unilateral offer not binding?
If the act is left incomplete and unperformed (Errington v Errington) it requires full performance.
What is an acceptable length of time for an offer to lapse?
Ramsgate Victoria Hotel said it depends on the subject matter. Where the value can fluctuate rapidly or the subject matter is perishable, the offer would terminate after a short time.
What happens to offers when one the parties die?
If the offeror dies the personal representatives may still be liable if the offer does not involve personal services of the deceased and the offeree is unaware if the death (Bradbury v Morgan). If the offeree dies the offer lapses.
What is the definition of acceptance?
It is a final and unqualified expression of assent to the terms of an offer (Treitel).
What is the mirror image rule?
A valid acceptance must exactly match the terms of the offer.
What is a counter offer?
If there is an introduction of new terms of an attempt to vary the proposed offer, this destroys the original offer and becomes a counter offer (Hyde v Wrench - farm for £1000, £950 counter).
What is a request for information seen as?
A mere enquiry (asking for more detail) not a counter offer (Stevenson v McLean) provided it does not attempt to vary the terms of the offer.
What is the battle of the forms?
Where the parties try to rely on by heir standard terms.
In a battle of the forms situation, whose terms will the contract be on?
All communication is seen as a counter offer, if a contract is formed it is on the final counter offers terms (Zambia Steel).
Whose terms are relied upon in this scenario:
British Road Services case - delivery driver handed note which incorporated Cs conditions of carriage. This was stamped by D’s as received under D’s conditions.
Received under Ds conditions was a counter offer which was accepted by handing over the goods. Contract is formed with Ds conditions.
What did Denning say in the case of Butler Machine Tool Co?
The battle of the forms is won by the man who fires the last shot if they are not objected to by the other party.
What did Denning say about communication of acceptance?
In Entores he said that if he shouts acceptance over a river from the offeror and there is a flying plane overhead the offeror cannot hear, I must wait for the plane to pass.
Can silence amount to acceptance?
No (Felthouse v Bindley - I shall consider the horse mine if I do not hear from you, no contract).
Does acceptance have to be communicated for a unilateral contract?
No, it is accepted by performing the act or forbearance that is stipulated (Four Millbank Nominees; Carlill).
What is acceptance by conduct?
Where acceptance is inferred from conduct without being expressly communicated (Brogden v Metropolitan Railway - new terms sent by B, M never communicated they accepted but later placed orders on the new terms, 2 years later B said there was no contract as they never communicated acceptance, there was acceptance by Ms conduct).
If the of error specifies a method for acceptance, what happens if that is not followed?
There will be no acceptance unless the method used is the same in terms of speed of delivery or quicker, it cannot be later than the method specified (Tinn v Hoffman).
What if there is no method for acceptance specified?
Then acceptance must be via the same method the offer was made (Cole).
What is the exception to the general rule that acceptance must be communicated to the offeror?
Acceptance by post (Adams v Lindsell) acceptance is at the time the letter is posted.
Does the postal rule apply to revocation of an offer?
No, that must be communicated, it only applies to acceptance.
What are the rules that must be met in order for the postal rule to apply?
Postal acceptance must have been in the contemplation of the parties, normal or reasonable (Henthorn v Fraser)
It must be properly addressed and stamped (Ex Parte Jones)
It must be posted, not handed to a postman to deliver
Postal rule must not have been expressly excluded in the offer
When there is a question on the postal rule, what must you consider in your answer?
The rules in order for the postal rule to apply i.e. Must be in contemplation of the parties etc.
Is acceptance valid if it is received after the notice of revocation is sent?
Yes (Henthorn v Fraser).
Is there acceptance if the letter of acceptance is never received by the offeror?
Yes (Household Fire Insurance Co).
When using instantaneous forms of communication for acceptance, when does it occur?
They are treated as being accepted when and where is it received (Entores).
When is acceptance communicated if it is done by telex outside of business hours?
Brinkibon says it is only effective when the office reopens.
Is acceptance communicated during office hours to machines?
Yes as the person sending the message has done all that they could reasonably be expected to do to bring communication to their attention (Tenax Steamship).
Is there an intention to create legal relations in social and domestic situations?
No (Balfour v Balfour - husband paid wife £30 month while he was away then they separated, no legal relations) but this can be rebutted (Merritt v Merritt - already separated when the agreement was made).
Are commercial agreements intended to be legally binding?
It is presumed they are but they can be rebutted by express provision in the contract (Rose & Frank Co).
What is an offer?
An expression of a willingness to be legally bound, by his words or conduct, by the parties to whom it is addressed.