Revision Flashcards
Explain the breeding procedure for a budge?
Males have a blue cere
Females have a nude cere
Describe the general accommodation for a duck?
- A pond to swim in which is lined, easy to clean and with a filter
- One side of pond should be sloped to allow easy access
- Sheltered area that is weatherproof and secure
- They need space/facilities to be able to exhibit natural behaviours
- Raised platform for food/water dishes
How would you transport a budgie to the bet vet?
- They can be brought in in their own secure cage/carrier
- Covered with a blanket to minimise stress
- All objects such as toys should be removed prior to make catching easier
Describe the feeding pattern for ducks?
- 90% vegetable matter, 10% animal protein
- Grit/gravel to help gizzard function
- Fed ad lib and food/water dishes should be placed on raised platform
Describe the clinical signs/treatment of a bird suffering from an iodine deficiency?
- Enlarged thyroid gland, pressing on the trachea
- Respiratory problems
- Permanently stuck in moult phase
- Iodine can be supplemented with a block hung on cage
Describe clinical signs/nursing requirements of a parrot suffering from Psittacosis?
- Conjunctivitis, dyspnoea, green diarrhoea, feather plucking, nasal discharge
- Barrier nursing should always be carried out (mask, gloves, apron)
- Treated with tetracyclines
Explain breeding procedure for a budgie?
- In the summer months: stimulated by day length
- Extra protein fed prior to breeding
- Cages should have nesting box with concave at the bottom
- 1-2 eggs before brooding (which usually happens when 3rd egg is laid)
- Incubation period is18 days
- Eggs laid on alternate days, can be an average of 5-6 eggs in a clutch of 3-10
- Sexual maturity occurs at 6-9 months
Describe signs of pain/distress in birds?
- Mouth breathing
- Tail bobbing
- Ruffled feathers
- Anorexia
- Feather plucking
- Unusual perching
Describe euthanasia for a bird?
- Can use ketamine to sedate first (40mg/kg)
- Pentobarbitone injection (ulnar vein, liver IM)
Describe clinical signs if a bird is 7-10% dehydrated?
- CRT more than 1-2 seconds
- Slow tenting of the skin over eyelids/feet
- Dull corneas
- Dry mucous membranes
- Cold extremities
- Poor pulse
Describe acceptable/ maximum housing requirements for a snake?
- Small, ventilated glass tank (should be strong, secures and easily cleaned)
- Substrate (e.g newspaper) and water should be provided
- UV lamp that is guarded, a heat mat and temperature gradient
- Min/max thermometer
- Humidity by spraying plants
Describe the feeding pattern for a terrapin?
- Should be fed in water
- Omnivores but mostly eat fish/aquatic invertebrates
- Fed only on specific plants (pondweed, watercress, dandelions, tomatoes)
- Good quality complete foods area available
- Young should be fed daily
- Adults should be fed approximately 2-3 times a week
Describe the feeding pattern for a garter snake?
- Defrosted fish that have been heated then cooled
- Fish should be fed head first using tongs
- Hatchlings should be fed after first shedding (approx 1 week old) Need to be fed at least once a week
- Adults can range from feeding weekly to monthly
Describe feeding pattern for a boa?
- Rabbits/rats every 2/3 weeks (defrosted first)
- Should be fed from long handled tongs
- Food should be given head first as makes swallowing of limbs easier
What signs will a snake show if it needs fed?
- They will be up at the glass more often
- Moving around vivarium
- Flicking tongue