REVISION 4 Flashcards
Point out 6 (SIX) potential security risks of the current USIM’s off-campus WLAN and how could be improved using certain wireless security method
security risk & improvement
Outdated Firmware and Software
Unpatched or outdated firmware and software on WLAN devices may contain vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. For example, at FKP and old academic building in USIM.
Regularly update and patch firmware and software on all WLAN devices to address known vulnerabilities and enhance overall security posture
security risk & improvement
Insufficient Network Segmentation
Inadequate network segmentation may allow attackers to move laterally within the network once they gain unauthorized access
Implement proper network segmentation to isolate different parts of the network, restricting unauthorized movement and minimizing the potential impact of a security breach.
Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
Malicious entities may attempt to disrupt the availability of the off-campus WLAN through various DoS attacks
Implement traffic monitoring and filtering mechanisms to detect and mitigate DoS attacks. Additionally, consider using technologies like Wireless Intrusion Detection Systems (WIDS) to enhance threat detection
Rogue Access Points
Unauthorized wireless access points set up by individuals may pose a security threat by creating potential entry points for attackers
Regularly scan for and detect rogue access points, and employ wireless intrusion prevention systems (WIPS) to automatically mitigate such threats
Eavesdropping and Data Interception
Lack of encryption may expose sensitive data to eavesdropping, especially in public spaces where the off-campus WLAN is accessed
Enable WPA3 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 3) encryption to ensure secure communication and protect against eavesdropping
Unauthorized Access
Weak or easily guessable passwords can lead to unauthorized users gaining access to the university’s off-campus WLAN. Outsider can enter faculty as a cleaner (which employee might change monthly) and access network or device
Implement strong password policies and consider using multi-factor authentication to enhance access security. And make sure everyone has specific access