Revision Flashcards
How to know if something is equity or financial liability
If obligated to pay cash then it is a liability if option to pay cash then usually equity
What is the definition for financial assets
Equity investments in another company or contractual rights to receive cash
What is the definition for financial liability as in financial instruments
Contractual obligation to deliver cash
What is the definition for equity as in financial instruments
Residual interest in assets after deducting the liabilities
What does it mean when question say issue
It means that they are issuing either liability e.g. debt or equity e.g. shares for something in return usually cash
Steps for impairments
Must be an impairment indicator or annually if goodwill or intangible has infinite life
Impair the cash generating unit which is an independent stream of income
Compare carrying amounts versus recoverable amount
Loss goes into profit and loss
Types of rights when considering control
Protective rights
New control e.g. managing articles of association
Substantive rights
Right to the have power over investees
How is FRS 102 difference to IFRS
Rather than annual reviews for impairments it’s only when indicators for change are present
Borrowing costs
Can be expense rather than capitalised
Can be excluded from consolidation when either long-term restrictions hinder parents over subsidiaries assets or the subsidiary was acquired solely for resale and hasn’t been used in the consolidated accounts
Can choose not to capitalise and Does not have indefinite life. Must be less than 10 years
Use proportionate share method and amortised over life not exceeding 10 years
What is a cash generating units
It is the smallest identifiable group of assets which is an independent stream of income
How to account for subsidised loan on adjusted present value
Firstly calculate the tax shield and then calculate the subsidiary benefits
Points to consider with debt versus equity
Debt is cheaper due to tax shield since interest is paid before a company pays its corporation tax
More debt equals more risk so cost of capital is higher
The cost of capital is higher weighted average cost of capital is lower
Static trade of theory looks to find a balance
Pecking order theory. First retained earnings second debt third equity
What are the two types of applications within provisions
Legal and constructive (past practice aka if paid for similar issues in past they should continue to do so)
What are the conditions for something to be capitalise as development
Sell or use
Expense e.g. measure costs reliably
Commercially viable
Technically feasible
Overall future economic benefits
Resources to complete
What is the concentration test
If the fair value of gross assets is concentrated within one assets that it is not a business
How should a contingent liability be valued at
The percentage amounts multiplied by the contingent liability amount and then discounted to present value
What are operating segments
It is disclosing segments of the business which is material so users of accounts can see which areas are influential
To qualify
More than 10% of total revenue. If not then
More than 10% of total profits. If not then
10% of total assets
Overriding rule is 75% of revenue must be separated out if not then more segments need to be disclosed
What is a provision
Present obligation as a result of past events
Probable transfer
Measure outcome reliably
Credit provisions debit profit and loss
How to recognise a lease
Debit right to use assess at amount Of lease liability plus costs
Credit lease liability which is the present value of lease payments over term
Right to use assets at cost less accumulated depreciation
Lease liability at financial liability at amortised cost
How to identify a lease
The right to control the use of an identified asset For a period of time in exchange for consideration.
Control is defined as the right to direct use of asset and to obtain substantially all of the economic benefits.
How to record lease through P&L rather than statement of financial position
Either less than 12 months lease
Or low value leases e.g. under £5000
How to account for equity based options
We take the star value at the grants dates and don’t change as movements in share price of benefits for the employee. We spread it out over the vesting period. For example if we had 10,000 share options for five of its directors and they have to stay in the position for three years(three-year vesting period) and after one year to directors will leave and after two years one director will leave and the grant date price is $30 then
Year one
SFP 300,000 (10,000 x 30 x 5-2 x 1/3)
P&L 300,000
Year 2
SFP 800,000 (10,000 x 30 x 5-1 x 2/3)
P&L 500,000 (b)
How to account for cash base share based options
The same as equity base options however we credit liability and not equity and the fair value is calculated at each reporting date rather than just the grant date
What are the dates to remember with ShareBase payment
Grant date - today
Vesting date - number of years from grant date and when employees are entitled to share option/cash
Vesting period - difference between grant and vesting date
Exercise date - when employees receive payment
What we impairment indicators
Decline in market value
Advancement in technology
Physical damage
Use of item (idle)
Operating losses from item
Loss of key personal
How to record investment property
Valued at cost then revaluation. Gain and losses go through P&L as like rental income and don’t depreciate.
How to recognise government grants
Recognise when received or comply with conditions
Recognised as deferred income E.g. bought PPE for £10 million over 10 years and given a government grant of £2 million. Each year 1/10 of 10, million and 2 million goes into profit and loss
Disposing of a foreign subsidiary
Gains and losses are stripped out of OCI and go through PL
How to record foreign transactions (group)
Before consolidating record both monetary and nonmonetary transactions at closing rate gains and losses are not recorded in PL But OCI instead
How to record foreign transactions (individual accounts)
Record transaction at rate when transaction occurred
At reporting date
If monetary re-translate at closing rate with difference going through PL
Non-monetary don’t re-translate
What is the retained earnings pro forma
100% of parents
Parents share of subsidiary post acquisition retained earnings
Parents share of associates post acquisition retained earnings
Less impairments
What must be stripped out of consolidated accounts
Unrealised profits
Intracompany group sales and cost of sales
How to account for bond with anticipated credit loss
As it’s a financial asset initially at fair value plus cost. Let’s say a $10,000 credit loss is expected but it is low risk we credit allowance for impairments accounts to offset as it’s the amount for one year. For next year recognise bond as normal at amortised cost and if risk increases increase allowance account further.
How to accounts for impairments of financial assets
It would credit allowance for impairments (bad debt provision) and debit PL. The amounts depends on the risk factor.
Stage one
Initial recognition when no subsequent significant deterioration in credit quality. Present value of expected credit losses 12 months after reporting date.
Stage two
Significant deterioration in credit quality (30 days arrears). Impairment recognise at present value of expected credit shortfalls (lifetime expected credit losses)
Stage three
Objective evidence of an impairments. Again lifetime expected credit losses
Went to classifies something as discontinued operation
When it is disposed of
Or if house for sale and:
Separate major line of business or geographical area
Single coordinated plan
Subsidiary acquired exclusively with plan to resell