revise Flashcards
what does an Entomologist do?
collecting and studying the insects that are feeding on a body that a forensic entomologist can estimate the time elapsed since the person died.
what does a Pathologist do?
Forensic pathologists perform post-mortems (autopsies) to determine the cause of death. By studying tissue and laboratory results, they’re usually able to determine how a person died and give evidence in court about the cause and time of death.
what does a Anthropologist do?
Forensic anthropologists work with law enforcement agencies and assist in processing skeletal evidence
what does a Toxicologist do?
Forensic toxicologists perform scientific tests on bodily fluids and tissue samples to identify any drugs or chemicals present in the body.
what does a Dentist do?
Identify human remains that cannot be identified using face recognition, fingerprints or other means. Identify bodies in mass fatalities, such as plane crashes and natural disasters.
what does a Chemist do?
Forensic Chemist. Forensic chemists analyze non-biological trace evidence found at crime scenes in order to identify unknown materials and match samples to known substances.
what does a Ballistics expert do?
the study of motion, dynamics, angular movement, and effects of projectile units (bullets, missiles, and bombs).
If a person has a ‘Narcissistic Personality Disorder’, what are they like?
having or showing an excessive interest in or admiration of oneself and one’s physical appearance.
Do identical twins have the same fingerprints?
what does DNA stand for
deoxyribonucleic acid
why do we have fingerprints
help humans grip objects
What is the study of fingerprints called
What are the 3 main groups of fingerprint patterns
(a) whorl, (b) loop, and (c) arch
What precautions do police take when collecting evidence? and why is this necessary
Police may ask that the crime scene be left untouched, so they can take photographs or check for fingerprints and other evidence. This might be inconvenient, but they may find important evidence.
List other types of evidence that might be collected from the crime scene
- Hairs, fibers, glass, fractured objects
- Shoe and tire impressions
- Barefoot impressions
What is Locard’s Principle?
the perpetrator of a crime will bring something into the crime scene and leave with something from it, and that both can be used as forensic evidence.