Revise Flashcards
Edemas of face,legs & arms Creatinine level - 850mcmol/L
transfer in to hemodialysis unit
Formation of antibodies to collagen
antibiotic associated diarrhoea
Chronic alcoholism
transfer into the inpatient narcology department
After eating shrimps
acute urticaria
Leukocytes-1.2× 10^9/L (4.5 to 11.0 × 10^9/L)
sternal punture(bone marrow biopsy)
History of peptic ulcer of the stomach, Erythrocytes level - 3.2x 10^12/L ( male - 4.5 to 5.9 x 10^12/L female - 3.5 to 4.5 x 10^12/L)
posthemorrhagic anemia
Pain in thorax on the right during breathing, fell hitting his right side
transfer to a thoracic surgery department
Drinking alcohol excessively, presents with abdominal distension, umbilical hernia, and ascites
Hepatic cirrhosis
Sycosis ( barbae or nuchae)
pustules and papule
Asphyxia attack
Acute left ventricular failure
Systemic lupus erythema
DNA antibodies
Grey coating
oropharyngeal diphtheria
Peptic ulcer disease, moderate severity
capable of working, employable
Gumprect shadows (smudge cells)
Chronic lymphatic leukemia
Acute tonsillitis
beta hemolytic streptococcus
Swelling of knee and elbow joints, sore throat (rhematic fever)
Antistreptolysin O
Bekhterev disease (ankylosis spondylitis)
associated with uveitis iridocyclitis
Chornobyl nuclear power plant , myelocytes, promyelocytes
chronic myeloleukemia
Rhematoid arthritis
joint space narrowing , usuration
Painful in the area of gallbladder projection
Color index 1.4 , macrocytes
prevalence of megaloblasts
Diabetes mellitus , After a meal he developed pain in the right subcostal area, nausea, vomiting, sleepiness, and increased polyuria
change insulin regimen
Paroxysmal facial pain ,pain at the exit points of the trigeminal nerve on the left
trigeminal neuralgia
Occupational contact -
occupational eczema
after failing an exam, seeks attention
hysterical neurosis ( neurological disorder characterized by emotional outbreak
Atopic bronchial asthm
specific hyposensitization
Insufficiently thermally processed pork, periorbital edema
- Man claims that his wife is cheating on him
– consultation with the psychiatrist
X-ray shows marked osteosclerosis and osteophytes
hypomimia, increased muscle tone of plastic type, and quiet monotonous speech, tremor of the tongue, pill-rolling tremor of the fingers, and retropulsion
- during walks at the distance of 200
Exertional angina pectoris, functional class III
Farmer, pain in the gastrocnemius muscle
a grinding machine
vibration disease
Cerebrospinal fluid contains blood.
Subarchanoid haemorrhage
viral hepatitis type B
acute liver failure
. a coal-face worker -
lipid profile
Urine is turbid with blood streaks -
- Leukocyturia, gross hematuria
Blood pressure-210/120 mm Hg , ECG shows elevation of ST segment in the leads I, AVL, and V5-V6
Hypertensive crisis complicated with acute myocardial infarction
tonoclonic spasms
ensure patency of airways
abdominal pain that gradually abates after a defecation
Heart sounds are weakened, the II heart sound is accentuated over the pulmonary artery
chronic pulmonary heart
Hospitalization into the intensive care unit
after eating unknown mushrooms
acute hepatic failure
shows trapezoidal cardiac silhouette and signs of pulmonary congestion
pericardiocenthesis Pericardial puncture
rheumatic heart disease
mitral stenosis
pain in his left knee joint, Bleeding time (Duke method)-4 min -
hemophilia , hemarthrosis
liquid stool in small amounts with blood and mucus admixtures 10 times a day
Low levels of free T4
creatinine levels elevated up to 0.569 mmol/L
- difficult swallowing of solid food, loss of body mass -
oesophageal carcinoma
Nikolsky sign is positive -
Acantholytic pemphigus
tuberculosis,headache,detects nuchal rigidity
tuberculous meningitis
uremic coma
Left ventricular ejection fraction is 32%
Non ulcerative colitis,proteinur
gingival biopsy for the diagnosis of amyloid disease
Pleural effusion, transudate -
Total protein content in the pleural fluid below 25 g/L
silver-white fine scales
ECG registers small unevenly-sized waves in place of P-waves, R-R intervals are of unequal length
atrial fibrillation
.Needs support from others
dependent personality disorders
electrical axis of the heart deviates to the right, SI-QIII -
pulmonary embolism
palpation there is a node in the left lobe of the thyroid gland
toxic nodular goiter
suicidal thoughts after the death of her husband
medications; antidepressants
episodes of intense fear that occur without visible cause
Panic disorder
chronic adrenal insufficiency-receives replacement glucocorticoid therapy (hydrocortisone -15 mg/day)
undergo elective surgery for calculous cholecystitis-Increase the dosage by 2-3 times
disturbance of gustatory sensation in the tongue on the right -
neuropathy of the facial nerve
Bronchial asthma
contra indications- β-blockers
Werlhof disease (immune thrombocytopenia)-
Continue the supervision by the hospital hematologist
severely itching rashes that especially disturb him at nigh
tropical malaria-inertness, periodical loss of consciousness, generalized seizures-
cerebral coma
blood sugar-controlling medicine-prescribed first
painful burning sensations during urination
detects steatorrhea with neutral fat and creatorrhea
Multiple enzyme preparation
Urinalysis: protein -0.6 g/L, leukocytes -cover the whole vision field, large amount of mucus
acute pyelonephritis
Palpation reveals enlarged occipital and axillary lymph node
painless dense ulcer
Hard syphilitic chancre of the rectum
cold nodule -
thyroid cancer