Defines Health information technology (HIT) as the area of IT involving design, development, Creation, use and maintenance of information systems for the healthcare industry
Rouse 2016
-The central component of the health It infrastructure
-is persons official, digital health record and is shared among multiple healthcare providers and agencies
Electronic Health Record (EHR)
Is a person’s self maintained health record
Personal Health Record (PHR)
Introduced the EHR meaningful use Program
A health data clearinghouse or a group of healthcare organizations that enter into interoperability pact and agree to share data between their various health IT system
Health Information Exchange (HIE)
Two widely used types of health IT that help healthcare professionals store and manage patients’ medical images
Picture Archiving and Communication system (PACS) & Vendor neutral Archives (VNAs)
Defines a health interoperability ecosystem as a composition individuals, system and processes that want to share, exchange and access all forms of information including discrete, narrative and multimedia
The healthcare information and management system society (2017)
An _ provides an information infrastructure that uses technical standards policies and protocols to enable seamless and secure capture, discovery, exchange and utilization of human information
Efficient health Interoperability ecosystem
Currently _ of healthcare organization are making use of cloud- based application
health informatics had been loosely practiced in the Philippines as early as the _______ practitioners who had access to IBM compatible machines were already using _______ to store patient information by then
1980s and word processor
Was named finalist at the Stockholm challenge 2006 and one of the top three government project in the Philippines by the Asia Pacific economic cooperation digital opportunity Center
an Electronic medical record (EMR) developed through the collaboration of the information and communication technology community and healthcare workers
Refers to any system that captures, stores, manages or transmits information related to the health of individual or the activities of organization that work within the health sector
Health information system
Primarily designed for use in Philippine health centers in disadvantage are and is currently utilized in 111 government health facilities
-Health information system have revolutionized the way that doctors and health care professionals maintain patient information
-These systems are electronic so the days of hard files and loose paper are over
Files are easy to access
-Staff must be authorized to access health information system
- Receptionist only have the authority to update a patients appointment
More Controls
-Health information system let doctors create electronic medical records for their patients
- Patient information can be pulled up for review at any time and copies can be made for the patient upon request
Easy to Update
Health information system abet communication between multiple doctors or hospitals
These include the legislative, regulatory and planning framework for a fully functioning health information system and the resources that are required for such a system to be functional
Health Information system Resources
- A core set of indicators and related targets is the basis of health information system plan and strategy
-need to encompass determinants of health; health system inputs, outputs and outcomes; and health status
-This can be divided into two main categories (1) Population based approaches (2) Institution based data
- A number of data collection approaches and sources do not fit into either of the above main categories but can provide important information that may not be found elsewhere
Data Sources
This covers all aspects of data handling from collection, storage, quality assurance and flow to the processing compilation and analysis
Data Management
Data must be transformed into information that will become the basis for evidence and knowledge to shape health action
Information Products
The value of health information is enhanced by making it readily accessible to decision makers by providing incentives for or otherwise facilitating information use
Dissemination and Use
consists of facts such as age,gender,race ethnic region, martial status, address of residence etc
Demographic Data