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it is the scientific study of language
tries to determine universal principles for studying language and to describe the general features of languages
General or theoretical linguistics
concentrates upon the differences between languages
Contrastive Linguistic
studies different languages looking for similar characteristics
comparative linguistics
analyses the development of language in time, registering the changes that have taken place in it.
Historical linguistics
is concerned with the application of linguistics theories and their findings in solving various language problem, mostly in the teaching of foreign languages, studying languages disorders, in translation, lexicography, and stylistics
Applied linguistics
studies the relationship between language and society
a brach of linguistics which studies the relationship between linguistic behavior and mental processes.
uses computer techniques and applies them in automatic translation and speech analysis using corpora for large-scale statistical investigation and computational processing of spoken and written text.
Computational linguistics
is concerned with the study of the acquisition of language by children, describing the stages and patterns of development and explaining the typical features and variations.
Developmental linguistics
known as the father of structuralism
Ferdinand de Saussure
is the study of languages from the viewpoint of their historical development
Diachronic linguistic
studies languages at a single point of time
Synchronic linguistics
a term used in linguistic referring to a theoretical approach to the analysis of language that describe linguistic items in term of structures
just like adjectives,_______ are also used to describe words, but the difference is that _____ describe adjectives, verbs, or another _____
part of speech refers to words that are used to name persons, place, things, animals and etc.
the most important part of speech, for without a ____, a sentence would not exist.
part of speech which functions as a replacement for noun
part of speech used to describe noun or pronoun
part of speech refers to word which express emotions
part of speech basically refers to words that specify location or a location in time.
part of speech which joins words, phrases, or clauses together.
study of the origin and history of word
means the meaning and interpretation of symbols, signs, words, phrases, and sentences.
is the brach of linguistics which studies the structure of words and types of their formation.
Morphemes that can be used as a.single words
free morphemes
others cannot stand alone and have to be attached to another morpheme
bound morpheme
which studies inflections of a language
inflection morphology
which studies the types of word formation
derivational morphology
the basic unit in morphology. It is define as a minimal unit of meaning or grammatical function.
a type of a word formation when the function of a word changes
have root and one more affixes (prefixes and suffixes)
Complex words
the basic meaning conveyed by words it is also called denotive meaning which means dictionary meaning
Conceptual meaning
is also called connotative meaning which means what the words actually connote in different situations
Associative meaning
two or more words with very closely related meanings
when two or more different forms have the same pronunciation, they described as _____
two or more words that often go together
two forms with opposite meaning
when the meaning of one form is included in the meaning of another, the relationships described as ____