Reviewer Flashcards
Explain Hedonism in simple terms
Pleasure is good, pain is evil
In Hedonism, what is our main goal
The pursuit of pleasure is our birthright
In hedonism, what type of pleasure is the best of all others because it makes life more exciting, dynamic, and worth living
Physical Pleasure
In hedonism, which time is more desirable?
Pleasure of the present
The chief aim of human life is?
In the self-centered moral philosophy, what is the greatest good and the highest pleasures?
Greatest good - Peace of mind
Highest pleasures - Intellectual
He said that everything that exists are made up of tiniest, indestructible and indivisible particles, known as atoms
Democritus the Atomist
What types of pleasures are rooted from desires?
Natural but not necessary
Neither natural not necessary
What is the type of pleasure not rooted from desires?
Both natural & necessary
More desires = ?
Less pleasure
What are the 8 counsels to epicurean living?
Do not fear God
Do not worry about death
Do not fear pain
Live a simple life
Pursue pleasure wisely
Make friends and be a good friend
Be honest in your business and private life
Avoid fame and political ambition
In epicureanism, the ____ of pleasure is more important than ____
In epicureanism, the quality of pleasure is more important than quantity
Hedonism was found by?
Aristippus of Cyrene
Epicureanism was found by?
Epicurus of Samos
Cynicism was found by?
In cynicism, happiness could not be obtained by means of pleasure. In what way could we obtain it by this philosophy?
Happiness can come from self-discipline, rational control of all desires and appetites, and minimal contact with conventional society
In stoicism, the universe is governed by absolute law and the essential nature of the human person which is?
Stoicism = ?
“Live according to nature”
Cynic = ?
In Stoicism, morality should be guided by ____ and rest upon ____ as its foundation
In stoicism, morality should be guided by logic and rest upon physics as its foundation
In Stoicism, the world is like a?
Stage where every person is an actor who have their own roles to play, along with the Director who selects actors to play various roles
Stoics aim to attain happiness through?
In Aristotle’s philosophy, act is the?
Perfection of a being