reviewer Flashcards
It is In the face of the advancements of humanity, we often overlook the fact that we are still flawed in nature; both in body and mind.
Logical Errors
Awareness of the many
mind traps can help one identify them before he/she is trapped in these mental shortcuts and/or logical errors.
Mental Shortcuts
we must also acknowledge that there are many mind traps that we don’t know of nor can we keep track of every single one hence it is near impossible to completely avoid them.
Subconscious Bias
The Power of the Marian Psalter
Full of Grace
Key Doctrines on Mama Mary
• Immaculate Conception
• Virgin Mother
• Theotokos (Mother of God)
• Assumed into heaven; Body and Soul
During the early days of Catholicism, it one of the ways in which monks would keep track of their prayers was by what?
Rock and Pebbles
This is highly problematic given that Jesus is both God and man.
Albigensian Heresy
He was one of the primary individuals who rose to the occasion in order to counter this heresy.
St. Dominic
Unable to convince the heretics he sought the help of the Virgin Mary.
The Marian Psalter
She then presents St. Dominic with the __________ to aid him; serving as a “battering ram against heresy.”
The Marian Psalter
St. Dominic founded, would then spread the practice of using the Marian Psalter which eventually eradicated the Albigensian heresy.
St. Dominicans
The rosary is a collection or bouquet of prayers. Praying the rosary became a way to crown the virgin Mary roses. Over time, the name Rosary became synonymous with the Marian Psalter.
Bouquet of Flowers
What are Mind Traps?
• Logical Errors
• Mental Shortcuts
• Subconscious Bias
Within the Catholic tradition, discernment is a decision making process with the aim of discovering God’s will.
What are God’s will?
• Love
• Growth
• Discipline
How does one Discern God’s will?
• Read and Listen to Scripture
• Seek Wise Council
• Take a few steps
• Humble Yourself
What are those 9 Mind Traps?
• Barnum Effect
• Survivorship Bias
• Spotlight Effect
• Sunk Cost Fallacy
• Contrast Effect
• Gamblers Fallacy
• Frequency Illusion
• Halo Effect
• Confirmation Bias