Review to Date Flashcards
What will trip AFN-P01?
- SIAS (need to override before restarting pump)
- CTA-HV-1 or 4 <80% open
What is minimum pump speed for AFA-P01 for adequate oil lubrication?
1000 rpm
What does is the SG D/P lockout value and what does it affect?
- 185 psid
- Lower pressure SG will not be fed
- (steam supply to AFA is not affected)
Where are AFA-P01 potentiometers located and how are they set?
- Control room, at the turbine (local), RSDP
- Pre-set by surveillance for approx. 3600 rpm.
What will cause a DAFAS actuation?
- SPS actuation on high PZR pressure (2409 psia) & SG level of 20.3% (2 of 4)
What are the risks of operating with SG NR level <27%
Downcomer feed ring damage may occur with flowrates <250 gpm.
What condenser pressures will cause ARN-P01D (standby condenser air removal pump) to start and take suction on the associated shell?
-4.2” HgA in shell A
-4.8” HgA in shell B
-5.3” HgA in shell C
(rule of 8’s)
What conditions are required to receive the red light corresponding to the post filter unit being in the through filter mode?
- Blower received start signal
- All (3) valves are properly aligned (13,19A, 19B)
At what speed should vacuum not be broken in the turbine unless an emergency exists?
1200 rpm
What will isolate Aux Steam to the Aux Building?
1 psid in any 1 of 20 areas
What will close the Blowdown Containment Isolation Valves & Blowdown Sample Containment Isolation Valves?
- Loss of IA
Describe interlocks and trips associated with the Condensate Pumps?
- Pump will start if level > LO-LO level of 30” in associated hotwell half
- B pump requires min of 1 suction valve to be open to start
- Trip on low flow (<3600 gpm for 45s)
- Trip on LO-LO hotwell level of 30” in associated half
- Trip on bus undervoltage our lockout
How do the Condensate pump mini flow valves fail?
Open on a loss of air or power to the solenoid.
What is the motive force for the condenser vacuum breakers?
Spring close, air open.
What will cause the CD demin bypass valve (PDV-195) to auto-open?
- -all conditions valid, even if controller in manual–
- Demin inlet or oulet valve not fully open
- Demin high DP (>55 psid)
- IA low header pressure (reverse acting controller)
How does a Heater Drain Pump trip affect Condenser level?
Condenser level will drop (up to 9”), therefore condenser level should be maintained near 41”.
What stator cooling conditions will initiate a turbine trip?
- LO inlet water pressure (549 gpm) (2 of 3)
- HI oulet temperature (85 C) (2 of 3)
- LO stater inlet flow, rectifier flow, bushing X flow, connecting ring flow
- -Trip will occur after 70s delay. NKN-D41 power required to initiate trip
What is the Upper Electrical Limit (UEL) and what determines if it is reached?
- 200 steps or 150” withdrawn
- Reed Switch Position Transmitters (RSPTs)
How many Reed Switch Position Transmitters are there and how do they function?
- There are (2) RSPTs for each of the 89 CEAs
- A magnet closes reed switches on the voltage divider network
What is the purpose of the MG Sets and what precautions must be observed if 1 is lost?
- Receive 480V from L03 & L10 and transform it to reliable 240V
- CEAs must be moved in MI to prevent overload
How do the CEDMCS UV relays operate?
- Detect voltage on the CEDM bus. If 2 of 4 detect less than 180V,
- energize K1 & de-energize K2 relays
What will cause a CWP?
- 2 of 4 pre-trip of hi PZR pressure
- 2 of 4 CPC channel pre-trip on HI LPD or LO DNBR
- RPCB flag from CEAC or CEA deviation
What will cause an AMI?
- Reactor power <15%
- Reactor power < AMI threshold & TLI<15% & no CEA withdrawal demand from RRS
What will cause a CMA?
- 30s motion in high rate (30 “/m)
- 60s motion in low rate (3 “/m)
How is the Group Middle Average number calculated for the CEA display on B04?
Average of all CEAs in group except for highest and lowest CEA.
How does CEDMCS respond to a failure of PNA-D25 or PNB-D26?
CEAC failure and (2) RTSGs will open.
How does CEDMCS respond to a failure of PNC-D27?
(2) RTSGs will open. Core mimic lights in PacMan shape.
How does CEDMCS respond to a failure of PND-D28?
(2) RTSGs will open. Core mimic lights in D shape. CWP signal also.
How does CEDMCS respond to failures of NNN-D11 and/or NNN-D12?
- Loss of NNN-D11 or 12 will have no effect.
- Loss of both will drop all rods, and loss of UEL, LEL, & DRC (mimic)
What is the purpose of Flow Control Valve, FCV-27, in the control oil system?
Diverts portion of hydraulic fluid to be cleaned up.
What will auto start the backup control oil pump?
CO pressure of 1300 psig.
At what control oil pressure will the main turbine trip?
1100 psig (2 of 3).
How does the Boronometer/Rad Monitor Flow Control Valve, CHE-FV-204 fail?
Fails Open - AOV, NK power to solenoid.
bypassing flow to boronometer
How does the Seal Injection Temperature Isolation Valve, CHN-UV-231P, fail and what auto actuations does it have?
Fails Open - AOV, NK power to solenoid.
Closes on Seal Inj temperature HI-HI (150F) or LO-LO (70F)
How do the Seal Injection Flow Control Valves, CHE-FV-241thru244, fail?
Fail Open - AOVs, NK power to solenoid
How does the Seal Bleedoff RV Isolation Valve Fail?
Fails Open - AOV, PK power
How does the BAMP Suction Isolation Valve, CHN-UV-532, fail?
Fails Open - AOV, NK power
Normally hand-jacked open with air isolated
What are the auto actions associated with the Boric Acid Makeup to Charging Pump Suction Valve, CHN-UV-514?
-Opens on a VCT LO-LO level of 5%
-Closes when VCT LO-LO level clears at 15%
MOV,fails as is
What are the auto actions associated with the RWT makeup to Charging Pump Suction Valve, CHE-UV-536?
-Opens on a VCT LO-LO level of 5% if CHN-UV-514 has no power.
MOV, NHN-M72 power, fails as is
What are the auto actions associated with the RDT Isolation Valve, CHA-UV-560?
-Closes on CIAS
-Closes on HI-HI RDT pressure of 10 psig (no override)
AOV, PK powered to solenoid, fails closed
What are the auto actions associated with the RDT Vent Valve, CHN-UV-540?
-Closes on HI-HI RDT pressure of 10 psig (no override)
What are the auto actions associated with the EDT Inlet, Outlet, and Vent Valves, CHN-UV-563,562 & 564?
-Close on HI-HI EDT pressure of 7 psig (no override)
What will put a Charging pump into an anti-pump condition if green flagged?
-Low suction pressure trip
-Overload or load shed
Can clear anti-pump by taking to stop.
How is VCT level normally controlled?
Auto makeup of 34% & stops at 44% based on CHN-LI-226.
How is VCT HI & LO levels controlled?
- Diverts to HUT @ 60%, resets at 58%
- @ 5%, CHN-UV-514 opens, CHN-UV-501 closes, a BAMP starts (536 opens if 514 has lost power). Resets at 15%
What will occur if Seal Injection is isolated to RCPs?
HP Seal Cooler inlet temperature will rise to 200-220F, all other temperatures remain normal.
What are the design bases of the AF system?
Cooldown @ 75F/hr to 350F
What are the available control power sources for AFN?
PKA-D21 A class battery charger
What will auto start the AFB pump?
AFAS 1/2
What CR indication will you see on a manual electrical trip of AFA-HV-54?
Switch top light green
Switch bottom light red
When AFA-HV-54 trips on overspeed, what is the status of the latch lever?
It will be raised to the reset position.
What supplies governor power for AFA?
What happens to the steam supply valves on AFA after a start?
134A/138A open
134/138 open 30 sec later
What happens on an AFAS 1/2 (related to AF)?
Both class AF pumps start Isolation & Control valves to 1/2 SGs open and cycle to maintain level between 25.8-40.8% WR.
What is the max amp limit for AFB?
151 amps
122 amps for N
If the RMWT is supplying AF, how are the recirc lines aligned?
Still aligned to the CST. Contamination path exists.
When do the AR pump suction valves receive a permissive to open?
When the pump’s breaker closes
During hogging operation, is the release monitored?
No. RU-141 & the post filter are both bypassed.
What cools the condensate receiver tank?
NC via the AS vent condenser.
What happens if RU-7 alarms?
Effluent from the AS vent condenser will divert from the condenser to the LRS low TDS HUT.
What cools the BD HX?
Where is high rate blowdown normally aligned?
Condenser, BFT cannot handle it.
How are BOP ESFAS cabinets cooled?
Each cabinet cooled by (2) fans, one powered from PN and the other from PK.
Which rad monitors initiate a FBEVAS?
RU-31, A train, SFP
RU-145, B train, FB exhaust
What cross trips exist on a FBEVAS initiation?
One channel will cross trip to the other channel (A/B) FBEVAS cross trips to CREFAS (A to A, B to B) Manual initiation (B05) will not cause cross trips.
What is unique about manual initiation of A vs. B on FBEVAS?
A will trip fan (A in fan)
B closes dampers
What happens if both trains of FBEVAS, CREFAS, CRVIAS, or CPIAS are placed in bypass?
Each train will block the other from being put in bypass. Neither will be in bypass.
What is the power supply to the BOP ESFAS cabinets?
PNA(B) and PKA(B) auctioneered.
How do you reset the latch lever after a manual/electrical trip of AFA-HV-54?
Take the HS to jog closed to get both green lights and reset the latch lever
Which RU monitors will initiate a CPIAS?
RU-37 & RU-38
If you get a single CPIAS RU monitor to trip, what signals will initiate?
Both trains of CPIAS and both trains of CREFAS.
What will trip the CP exhaust fans?
CIAS isolate the dampers which trips the fans.
What RU monitors are associated with CREFAS?
RU-29 & RU-30.
What will initiate a CREFAS?
Cross trip from FBEVAS or CPIAS, RU-29/30, Test initiation of any of the above, or manual from B05
What is unique about initiating a CREFAS A vs. B from B05?
A train will trip the normal supply/exaust fans.
B will close the dampers.
What will indicate a LOP in relation to the LOP/LS module?
2 of 4 trip of UV/DV relays. Each channel is comprised of 1 UV and 1DV relay in the following scheme:
1 & 5, 2 & 6, 3 & 7, 4 & 8.
For ESF actuations, what system starts pumps and which moves valves?
The BOP ESFAS will only start pumps/motors. The PPS ESFAS repositions valves.
If a CS pump is starts on a CSAS with no SIAS, how can the pump be stopped?
Override is for SIAS only, therefore the HS can be taken to stop to anti-pump the pump.
Describe modes of the BOP ESFAS.
0 - normal mode, no input 1 - SIAS/CSAS no LOP 2 - SIAS/CSAS & LOP, DG BKR closed 3 - LOP no SIAS/CSAS, DG BKR closed 4 - Misc (DG RUN, CREFAS, CRVIAS, FBEVAS, etc)
How does a loss of PN affect BOP ESFAS?
Cabinets get backup power from PK, but RU monitors powered from PN may trip and initiate.
Why do you need to wait to reset equipment after BOP ESFAS is reenergized?
If a spurrious LOP signal is present, it will stay in for 60s and needs to clear first.
What will happen on a HI-HI level in one of the LP FW heaters?
The inlet & outlet valves for that entire string will isolate.
What will close the hotwell drawoff valve?
LO suction pressure on either FWP
High condenser cation conductivity
How can the auto-start of a CE pump be simulated?
A pushbutton on B06 simulates a LO-LO discharge pressure (equated to 549 gpm). Pump will run until secured.
What will prevent auto-start of a CE pump?
Electrical fault
Generator differential or stator ground
What will happen to CE trips if NKN-D41 is lost?
Power to the CE panel is lost, the CE trips will not function to trip the turbine.
What will open the load contactor downstream of the MG sets?
SPLA trip base on 2409 psia in the PZR.
What are the CEA movement speeds in manual?
30”/min = 40 steps/min
Where do the CEDM UV relays measure voltage and how/what do they actuate?
They measure bus voltage a CEDM cabinets.
2 of 4 relays sensing < 180V, K1 denergize & K2 energize to:
signal EHC to trip turbine
signal RK/RJ/PC for RX trip
signal FWCS for RTO
signal SBCS for QO block
What will cause an AWP?
SBCS demand
What will cause a CWP?
2 of 4 pretrips on Lo DNBR, Hi LPD, or Hi PZR pressure
RPCB flag input from or CEAC/CEA deviation
What will cause an AMI?
Tavg mismatch > 5 F when in avg TLI mismatch > 5% when in avg RX power mismatch >5% when in avg RX power <15% TLI < 15% & RX power < AMI threshold
What modes of rod motion will function without the plant computer?
MI & MG. Pulses are sent to PC, sequential and auto will not function without pulses.
What must be done if cooling is lost to CEDMS?
If RCS temp > 300F, cooling must be restored within 10 minutes or a rapid shutdown and cooldown is required. If cooling is restored within 40 minutes of loss, shutdown may stop.
How is the control oil purity maintained?
FCV-27 diverts a controlled portion of the fluid to be cleaned up.
What will start the standby control oil pump?
The standby pump will start when system pressure drops to 1300 psig.
At what pressure will control oil trip the turbine?
1100 psig, 2 of 3.
What is the basis for the COLSS LPD POL?
The POL is based on 13.1 kW/ft to prevent fuel cladding temperature from exceeding 2200 F.
What are the general functions of COLSS & CPCs?
COLSS - monitor & alarm
CPCs - auto trips
What is displayed on the power limit margin meter?
Smoothed plant power is compared to the most restricitve of:
License power (typical)
Why must COLSS compensate for incores?
Time delay for rhodium decay
Depletion of rhodium in detectors
How do temperature changes affect radial peaking factors in COLSS?
Peaking factors are based on Tcold of 555F. A deviation (hot or cold) will be conservatively increase the peaking factors, reducing the LPD POL.
What does the COLSS CPC Az Tilt Alarm indicate?
COLSS calculated tilt is > the value inputted in to CPCs and the CPCs should be updated.
Which detectors will be substituted for in COLSS?
Those located in containment (Pzr Press, Th, Tc, RCP delt P)
If RCP delta P increases, how will this affect the POLs?
DNBR will decrease (high delta P indicates lower flow)
If all else is held constant and the blowdown constant in COLSS is increased, what will happen to JSCALOR?
It will decrease.
What concerns are there with restarting COLSS?
Only start 1 computer at a time and allow 10-15 minutes for values to normalize before determined operable.
Hos is Az Tilt affected in COLSS if a rod slips to 10” withdrawn?
Incores will see the flux shift and calculate increased tilt.
What happens to the LPD POL if rods are withdrawn?
It will generally increase.
What is the purpose of the CPCs
Ensure SAFDLs are not exceeded during AOOs.
What is an output of CPCs?
- LPD DNBR trips and pre-trips
- Aux trips
- Calibrated neutron flux
Name the CPC aux trips.
Conditions outside analyzed range: -PZR pressure 1860 to 2388 psia -ASI -.05 to .05 -Tcold 505 to 590 F -Hot pin (radial peak) 1.28 to 7 Asymmetric SG transient Thot within 19 F of saturation <2 RCPs running VOPT (1%/min ramp)
What is the purpose of the 95% RCP speed trip/pretrip?
Loss of 4 RCP’s not detected fast enough by normal calcs, so 95% speed covers blind spot and trips HI LPD/LO DNBR (not aux trip).
When do CPCs shift to/from canned value of ASI going up/coming down?
- When sum of 3 excore safety channels = 51% going up
- When sum of 3 excore safety channels = 45% coming down
What parameters are used to calculate mass flow rates calculated in CPCs?
RCP speed sensors, Thot, Tcold and Pzr Pressure
How/why do CEA deviation penalty factors build in over time in CPCs?
12 finger rods build in penalty factors that peak at 6 hours to account for Xenon redistribution.
What will illuminate the CEA Deviation lamp?
CEA deviation in a subgroup beyond 5.5”
What happens to excore count rates as Tcold decreases?
The colder water will absorb neutrons, reducing count rates. CPCs will account for this and boost the signal to compensate.
What must be done when energizing a CPC channel (restoring PN)?
All parameters should be bypassed to prevent inadvertant trips.
What signals will auto start a CT pump?
What will close CHB-UV-515. LD to RHX?
RG HX outlet of 413 F.
What will close CHA-UV-516, LD RG HX Iso?
What will close CHB-UV-523, LD outside Cont Iso?
LD HX outlet of 135 F
How do the LDCVs 110P/Q fail?
Closed on loss of air
Closed on loss of NNN-D11 for PLCS
Loss of indication only on NKN-D42
What will isolate the BP CVs 201P/Q?
Loss of air
Loss of NNN-D12 to BP controller
LD HX outlet T of 148 F (backup to 523)
Loss of indication on NKN-D42
What is the relationship between VCT outlet valve CHN-UV-501 and RWT MU to CHG pump valve CHE-UV-536?
501 will close at VCT level of 5%. If 514 (which would normally open) has loss of power, 536 will open. If 501 is then opened, 536 will close.
What type of valves are aux spray valves CHA-HV-203 and CHB-HV-205 and how do they fail?
SOVs, powered from PK and they fail closed.
What will close the seal injection temperature isolation valve, CHN-UV-231P?
Seal injection temp <70 F or >150F
Fails open on loss of air
How do the seal injection flow control valves, CHE-FV-241 through 244 fail?
Open (aov’s)
What will close the CHA-UV-506 and CHB-UV-505 seal bleedoff containment isolation valves?
Loss of air (fail closed)
Bleedoff will continue to RDT through 507.
What is the normal position of the BAMP suction isolation valve, CHN-UV-532?
Hand jacked open with air isolated to prevent isolating boration flow path.
What automatic functions are associated with Boric Acid Makeup to Chg Pump suction valve, CHN-UV-514?
Opens on VCT LO-LO of 5%
Closes when VCT level recovers to 15%
What will close the RDT isolation valve, CHA-UV-560?
HI-HI RDT pressure of 10 psig, no override
AOV, fails closed
What will close the RDT Vent valve, CHN-UV-540?
HI-HI RDT pressure of 10 psig, no override
AOV, fails closed
What will close the EDT inlet, outlet and vent valves, CHN-UV-563, 562, and 564?
HI-HI EDT pressure of 7 psig, no override
AOV, fail closed
What type of rad monitor is RU-155D and what type of radiation does it measure?
Area monitor
What must be done to the PZR when RCS boron concentration is changed by 50 ppm or more?
Initiate PZR spray and heaters to equalize boron concentration within 10 ppm.
What are the quench volumes required in the EDT? RDT?
35% EDT
58% RDT
How are the the PZR safety valve locations monitored?
Acoustic monitors which light up in CR at 9% and 100% open.
What will happen to letdown boron concentration if temperature of flow through IX’s increases?
Resin affinity for boron will decrease and concentration of flow exiting IX will increase.
Will the charging pumps respond to the PLCS if red flagged, auto after start?
No. Must be green flagged.
What will anti-pump the charging pumps if they are currently green flagged?
Low suction pressure trip
Load shed
Clear by taking to stop.
What equation relates Letdown, Charging, Seal Injection and/or Bleedoff to determine possible RCS leakage? (Not all may be needed)
Charging = Letdown + Bleedoff
Any deviation represents leakage.
What signal is sent to the Charging pumps from the BOP ESFAS sequencer when entering mode 1?
The sequencer will prohibit auto start of any charging pump for 40s. This will not trip any running pumps.
What signal is sent to the Charging pumps from the BOP ESFAS sequencer when entering mode 2?
All pumps are load shed. After the DG breaker closes on the bus, charging pumps will be prohibited from starting for 40s. PLCS will control after that.
What signal is sent to the Charging pumps from the BOP ESFAS sequencer when entering mode 3?
All pumps are load shed. Running pumps will be anti-pumped.
What type of level detector is CHN-LI-226 and what controls does it provide for the VCT?
Dry reference leg
Maintains level between 34-44%
What type of level detector is CHN-LI-227 and what controls does it provide for the VCT?
Wet reference leg
Diverts to HUT at 60% (resets at 58%)
At 5%: closes 501, opens 514, starts a BAMP
What will occur on a leak of CHN-LI-227 reference leg?
Indicated level will peg high and divert. Level will decrease and 226 will control between 34-44%
What will auto stop a RMW pump?
Signal from controller
RMWT LO-LO level (both pumps and blue light)
Flow deviation from setpoint
Low discharge pressure (10s alarm, 24s trip)
Loss of control power
Elec protection
Same as BAMP
What is the design basis of the RWT?
Support ECCS operation of all pumps running with full flow rate until boil off rate can be matched by 75% flow through single HPSI pump.
What are the tech spec bases of the RWT?
20 min (plus 10% margin) full flow from all ESF pumps before switching over to the RAS sump.
What will auto stop a BAMP?
Signal from controller
RMWT LO-LO level (both pumps and blue light)
Flow deviation from setpoint
Low discharge pressure (10s alarm, 24s trip)
Loss of control power
Elec protection
Same as RMW pump
How will reactor power be affected if VCT level lowers to 5%?
Reactor power will lower.
501 will close, 514 will open and a BAMP will start which will borate the RCS.
How will the RCPs be affected if seal injection is isolated at power?
HP Seal cooler inlet temperature will rise to 200-220F, all other seal temperatures will remain as is.
Where can the CW pumps be emergency stopped and what occurs? How does this differ from the normal stop?
There is a PB on B07 and at the switchgear that will open the pump breaker and send a signal to close the discharge valve.
The normal stop closes the discharge valve and trips the breaker when the valve is at 8% open.
What happens when the second CW pump in a loop is started (assume cross tie closed)?
Pump starts,discharge valve opens to 44%. After 3 minute delay, the discharge valve opens to 100%. Finally, the discharge valve for the first pump opens to 100%.
What interlocks are associated with the dischcharge valve and stopping a CW pump?
The pump trips when the valve is 8% open. The valve is interlocked closed for 2 minutes.
If the A, B, and D pumps are running with the cross tie open, what will happen if the B pump is secured?
The A and D discharge valves will throttle to 44% to prevent runout.
What is required to open the condenser outlet valves, CWN-UV-9/10?
Waterbox pressure must meet setpoint indicatingn waterbox is full.
What override is active when a cooling tower fan is started?
A 30s override of the high vibration trip is inserted to allow the fan to come up to speed.
How is steam flow in DFWCS affected if a single transmitter is removed from service?
The remaining transmitter will be doubled to approximate steam flow.
For DFWCS 1, what NR SG level transmitter value is used?
Normally the highest valve from LT-1111/1112 is used.
What will happen if UIC #1 (control channel NI) is placed in Maintenance on the DFWCS and UIC #2 fails low at rated power?
DFWCS will go through swapover, resulting in a reactor trip.
How is an ATUN lockout removed?
Manually by the operator on the DFWCS screen.
When will DFWCS use a canned value for FW temperature and what is it?
If there is an 8% deviation in transmitters, a value of 425 F will be used.
In what DFWCS modes does SBCS input a signal?
1E control only (anticipatory input)
What is the purpose of RTO?
Prevent overcooling of the RCS after a trip.
What does the ATUN logic do and what modes it functional?
It adjusts the proportional and integral controllers based on FW temp and flow, RX power and steam flow.
Active in 1E and 3E control
When do are the Main Feed Pump controllers only recieving control signals from their associated DFWCSs?
Normally the MFP controllers recieve the higher of the 2 DFWCS.
List what happens to the DFWCS at the following power levels 14%, 15-16.5%, 50% increasing
14% Changes to 3E control if selected previously
15-16.5% Swapover if either downcomer>80% open, swapover at 16.5% if not already occured. (15min)
50% Downcomers open to 65% (10% of total flow, 15min)
List what happens to the DFWCS at the following power levels 50%, 15%, 13.5% decreasing?
50% Downcomers close
15% swapover
13.5% 1E control
What will cause DFWCS to shift to 1E control?
8% deviation feed flow transmitters
8% deviation steam flow transmitters
Decreasing to 13.5% power
After a reactor trip, DFWCS shifts to RTO, what does this mean?
RTO feeds based Tave (not level)
Shifts out of RTO at 51.9% and will go back into RTO if it reduces back to 26%
What will happen if you are feeding in RTO and all reactor pumps trip (natural circulation)?
Tave will rise and you will overfeed unless you take manual control.
SG level rises to 89%, what happens to DFWCS?
DFWCS shifts to HLO at 88% which closes economizer and downcomer valves on the affected generator.
When will the RX power input for DFWCS be a canned value and what is it?
If deviation between channels>8% canned values of:
5% below swapover and 60% above swapover are used
What DG loads are cooled by the spray pond?
Jacket water cooler
Lube oil cooler
Without the spray pond, how long can the DG run?
15 minutes unloaded
2.6 minutes loaded
How many days of operation are supported by the DG fuel oil storage tanks?
7 days (+15% margin for testing)
What is the minimum time the DG can run using the fuel in the day tanks?
60 min at rated power + 10% margin
At the TS level of 550 gal (2.75ft) how long will the DG run?
1.5 hours at rated load
How many DG starts can the air recievers support without recharge?
How do the starting air control valves function to start the DG?
They open on a start signal and stay open until 280 rpm.
What will trip the overspeed butterfly valve on the DG and how is it reset?
Overspeed at 660 rpm
Reset manually
When does the DG essential exhaust and AHU start/stop?
Starts 15 min after the DG
Stops after DG stop and room temperature <110 F
What is the purpose of the DG turbocharger and what provides its motive force?
It increases DG efficiency
It is driven by the DG exhaust
What are the DG emergency mode trips?
Low Engine Oil Pressure (bypassed during start, 20s)
Gnerator Differential
If the DG is taken to override, what trips are re-established?
(3) breaker trips
generator overcurrent, neutroal overvoltage, neg sequence
What conditions are required to auto close the DG output breaker?
DG at rated speed and voltage
Normal and Alt breakers open
No 86 lockout present
What is required to manually close the DG output breaker?
DG at rated speed and voltage
Alt breaker open
No 86 lockout
If you try to start the DG and nothing happens (no start attempt at all), what is the likely cause?
Turning gear not disengaged
What will happen to the DG if class control power is lost while running?
The DG will trip, but the output breaker will not open causing it to motor. Breaker must be tripped manually.
What affect does a loss of control air have on a running DG?
No affect, control air is required to stop DG. Only available trip is overspeed valve.
What are the design run times and capacity for the DG?
5500 kW continuous
6050 kW for 2 hours in 24
If the DG was running in test and was stopped, but is currently in its cooldown, what will happen if a SIAS is recieved?
The DG will switch to emergency run without resetting trip header, which will bring in alarms.
What does the hot gas bypass line do and what does it prevent?
A portion of the refrigerant goes from the compressor to the bottom of the cooler (bypassing the condenser and flash economizer).
This will prevent surging.
What is the RHPCV and where is it located?
The RHPCV is located on the EW outlet to the condenser and regulates flow to reduce stacking.
What are the makeup sources to the EC system?
CST backup
Fire water backup to backup
What happens to an essential chiller on a loss of EW?
The unit will trip on high condenser pressure
What will occur on a HI-HI level in one of the LP FW heaters?
BTV’s for that train open (#3 and #4)
CD side inlet and outlet valves isolate
High level dumps for that train will open
Extraction steam supply drain lines for that train open
When do the 1st and 2nd stage reheater drain tank high level dump valves close on startup?
1st stage closes at 10%
2nd stage closes at 20%
What will close on a HI-HI level in the #7 FWH?
Normal level control valve from 2nd stage RDT
2nd stage drain tank vent valve to extraction line
BTV and extraction steam MOV from #7 FWH
What is the purpose of the bleeder trip valves (BTVs)?
Prevent turbine blade damage
Prevent reverse steam flow
Prevent moisture carryover to turbine
What will trip the heater drain tank pumps?
HDT LO-LO level of 4 ft
LO-LO flow of 711 gpm for 15s
Electrical protection
How do the heater drain pump discharge valves fail?
closed on loss of air or power
What happens to the BTVs and extraction drains on a turbine trip?
BTVs all depressurize (critical and non critical and redundant PSL-76).
All extraction drain valves open.
Which signal does the load control unit (LCU) send to the flow control unit (FCU)?
The lowest (via LVG) of
- load limit pot
- setback signal from RPCB
- Load set reference
When the decrease button is pressed for the load set reference, at what speed with the load set drive motor lower the signal?
What is the purpose of the Power Load Unbalance (PLUB) and what does it measure?
The PLUB will trip the turbine to prevent overspeed after a lod reject.
It compares generator output and cross under pressure.
What does the RPCB runback signal do and when is it recieved?
It is sent concurrent with a setback signal (but at 130%/min, much slower than setback) to move load set motor to 60%.
Subsequently it adjusts to match primary and secondary based on Tave and Main steam header pressure.
What is the RPCB setback signal and how is it cleared?
Control valves are set to 60% at 480%/min.
Signal clears by turning load limit pot until load limit light illuminates.
How is the turbine placed in standby?
The standby pot signal is matched to CV flow signal and the standby on PB is depressed.
What occurs to overspeed trips when standby is selected for the Turbine control?
Backup overspeed lowers to 105%
Mechanical overspeed at 110% is now the backup
(loss of both speed signal trips is deactivated)
When do slave valves open/close based on the master CIV valve positions?
Open when master is 90% open
Close when master is 50% closed
When is chest warming performed and what is the valve positions?
Performed after shell warming
MSV-2 is throttled, all other valves closed.
How is EHC power supplied?
NNN-D15 provides powwer until turbine speed is high enough.
The permanent magnent generator (PMG) supplies normal power.
List the main turbine trips.
CE generated (several, 70s delay) Low MSOP pressure of 100 psig at >75% speed High vibration = 12 mil High exhaust hood temp = 225 Low EHC pressure = 1100 MSR high level 2/3 for 10s Low vacuum = 7.5" 2/3 Thrust bearing wear = 40 mil Low bearing oil pressure = 12 psig Manual RX trip from UV relays (2 of 4 selective) Mech overspeed 110% (backup at 112%) Loss of both speed signals Loss of 24V power, 125V power (>75%) or crosstrip
How will the EHC respond to a RPCB if in standby?
No setback or runback (rods will drop)
When flashing the field for startup, why is the button pressed twice?
First time tests shorting breaker
Second time energizes field
Following closure of the first output breaker, what loading rate is selected by EHC?
10%/min automatically selected.
How will ERFDADS indicate an RCS leak and for how long?
Indicated will be less than actual for 7.5 minutes.
List the NC priority loads that can be supplied by EW.
RCPs (seal coolers, thrust bearing cooler, motor cool, etc)
CECM Normal ACUs
Nuclear sample coolers
Normal chillers
When EW is aligned to NC, which may need to be done to clear the low NC flow alarms?
Throttle flow through the SDCHX.
What auto actions will isolate EW to NC (A train only)?
Low EW surge tank level
May override SIAS only
What other non priority NC load can be picked up by EW?
Spent Fuel Pool HX.
How will a loss of NNN-D15(16) affect the FW Pumps?
The control valves close (15 for A, 16 for B) and the pump will trip. If 16 is lost, indication is lost for both feed pumps.
What supplies steam to the MFPT at power?
Hot reheat (off MSR D)
What indication informs operator that MFWPT HP CV is closed?
Green light at the MFWPT
What is the power supply to the MFWP emergency lube oil pump and can it supply continus operation?
It is for coastdown only.
At what percent steam flow is Main steam supplying the MFPT?
approx 35%
What happens to the MFP mini flow valve on a trip of the pump?
It fails closed (prevent freewheel)
List the MFPT trips.
Overspeed - 6350 Lo suction P - 245, 10s for B, 15s for A, 2 of 3 HI discharge P - 1780, 2 of 3 Lo Cdsr Vac - 13.5" LO CO P - 75 psig Hi Act & Inact thrust brg P - 40 Lo turb Brg oil P - 4 Manual - B06 or local
What is required for MFP turning gear operation?
adequate oil pressure
How do SG DC CV’s fail?
Locked as is.
How will a loss of NNN-D15 affect FWP’s? D16?
CVs will drift close and FWP will stop.
D15 for A and D16 for B.
RPCB will not receive low lube oil signal, reactor trip is likely result.
What will close the HP and LP containment isolation valves for nitrogen?
What are the main HP nitrogen loads?
SITs, ADVs, Turb. Bldg Tank for DC IVs
Why is aux steam the preferred source to GS during operation?
GS will not be lost on an MSIS.
At 100% power, what are the status of valves GS valves 28A, 28B and 27?
28A - Closed
28B - Closed
27 - Throttled
How does PCV-27 respond to a loss if air or power?
It is unaffected. It operates off of GS pressure.
How do the GS pressure control valves fail on loss of IA?
Fail open to supply header.
What should be done to the condenser if GS is lost?
Break vacuum to protect labyrinth seals.
What is the normal operating range for the IA compressors?
109 to 119 psig
What type of drying is accomplished in the IA dryers after the accumulators?
dessicant towers
What will cause the IA UV-2, Instrument Air to containment valve, to close?
What are the approximate amps that can be seen on loaded and unloaded IA compressors?
150 amps loaded
75-90 amps unloaded
What happens when IA pressure reduces to 95 psig? 85 psig?
alarm at 95
Nitrogen backup at 85
What is the normal and backup cooling to the IA compressors?
TC for normal cooling
Temporary DS lineup to single compressor for backup
How many ICIs are there? What type of detectors are they and how many levels?
self powered rhodium
5 (10,30,20,70,90)
What does the compensation filter accomplish for the ICIs?
Compensates for 42s half life of rhodium
What is the power supply the the LPVMS?
Where do the CET’s enter the core and where do they measure?
The enter the bottom of the core with the ICIs and measure temperature at the outlet plenum.
What is the relationship between the Core Monitor and the Pryoysate collector?
The Core Monitor continuously monitors and the Pryolysate collector will take a sample when the Core Monitor alarms.
What causes the main transformer cooling fans to start for each phase?
1st stage - transformer energized (generator exited)
2nd stage - transformer oil T = 70C
3rd stage - transformer oil T = 75C
What is the concern with excessive circulation of oil in the transformer?
Static electrification, which can create large potentials and eventual spark.
Cooling pumps auto trip when a transformer is tripped/current is removed.
What will a trip of the unit Aux tranformer cause?
Gen/Turbine trip
Fast bust transfer of NAN-S01 and S02
What indications do you have of a coast down trip?
NAN-S01/2 load shed except for RCPs
Aux XMR still energized (20s)
When can the sync protection be bypassed when paralleling the generator to the grid?
After the first breaker is closed in, the bypass may be used to close the second breaker.
What will happen if the reverse power relay fails to trip the trip the main turbine?
The backup reverse power relay will trip it 30s later.
What action is required if cooling fans are lost on a main transformer?
Decrease MVARS to maintain oil temp < 100C
How is excitation removed from the generator?
shorting breaker closes
shunt SCRs fired full on.
When do the P-bars provide excitation to the generator?
When it is off-line
When will the Volt/Hertz regulator take action and what does it do?
When a high voltage (25.99kV) or drop in frequency is detected.
The regulator overrides the setpoint adjuster and limits output voltage.
What conditions are required for a Volts/Hertz trip to occur?
V/Hz value of 26.3 kV lights timing LED.
If 26.328.3kV, trip in 2s
What does the MEL do and what if it fails?
MEL reduces field amps <105%.
If does not succeed in 1s, Fixed Field Circuit takes over.
What does the Fixed Field Circuit do?
Reduces field amps <100%.
If does not succeed in 1s, generator trips.
Fixed field must be reset at regulator cubicle.
What does the URAL protect against and how is it accomplished?
It protects against low excitation, possible pole slippage.
The URAL overrides the AC regulator to maintain acceptable level.
Only works in AC mode.
What two methods are used to de-excite the field?
SCRs fire full on (MINEX)
Shorting breaker closes
What is the source of field flashing power?
What are the VAR limits with the main generator?
710 MVAR boost
310 MVAR buck
How many rectifier bridges are required to supply the rectifier?
3 of 4
What is the generator min/max pressures?
What is the min hydrogen purity?
30-75 psig for cooling
90% to prevent explosive mixture
How many banks of fans are required on the main transformer for continued operation?
If less than 2 banks are avaialble for 30 min, all load must be stripped.
What oil temperature on the Aux Transformer requires it to be taken out of service immediately?
What are the possible power supplies to the MSIVs and what is the normal arrangement?
Directly off the battery or off the PKA/B bus.
Normal arrangement off the battery.
How do the MSIVs fail on loss of power? Air?
Fail closed on loss of all power, typically aligned to battery.
Fail as is on loss of air, still able to fast close.
At what pressures will the MSSVs lift?
#1 - 1250 psig #2 - 1290 psig #3,4,5 - 1315 psig
How do the ADVs fail on loss of air? power?
Fail closed on loss of air and N2 backup (10.5 hr supply)
Fail closed on loss of power
What power supplies are required to control the ADVs from the control room?
SG1 L1 SG1 L2 SG2 L1 SG2 L2
How do the Downcomer isolation valves fail on a loss of air? power?
Fail closed on loss of air and N2 backup (8 hr supply, accumulator in Turb building)
Fail OPEN on loss of power
How do the Economizer isolation valves fail on a loss of air? power?
Fail closed on loss of all power.
Fail as is on loss of air, still able to fast close.
Which valves close on an MSIS?
Downcomer IVs Economizer IVs MSIVs MSIV bypass valves Steam trap IVs Blowdown and sample containment IVs
What will limit flow during a MSLB?
Flow restrictors on SG nozzles.
How do Economizer and Downcomer CVs fail on a loss of air?
How do the MSR drain tank normal level control valves fail?
closed on loss of air or power
When do the MSR drain tank hi level CVs close on a startup?
Fail open until 10% as sensed by hot reheat pressure.
What MSR drain tank level will trip the turbine?
-3” from from bottom of MSR.
How do all hi level dump valves fail, except for LP Htr 1?
Fail open on loss of air or power.
When do the reheater drain tank hi level valves close on a startup?
1st stage failed open until 10%
2nd stage failed open until 20%
How do the vent valves for the reheater drain tanks fail? What will cause auto actions?
Fail open to the main condenser on loss of air/power.
If HI-HI level and/or BTV comes off open seat, vent to condenser opens, vent to extraction closes.
What condenser pressure will trip the turbine?
7.5” HgA
What thrust bearing wear will trip the turbine?
40 mils
What stator cooling flow will trip the turbine?
549 gpm with 70s delay.
Where do the 3rd and 5th stage HP turbine extraction go?
3rd stage - 1st stage reheat and #7 FWH
5th stage - #6 FWH
What LP turine stages have extraction steam?
8, 9, 11, 12
How is second stage reheat steam regulated using the RSLLV and RSHLV?
The RSLLV is ramped from 15 to 65% power. The RSHLV opens at 65% and the RSLLV remains open.
At what power level can the RSSV be opened?
A pressure switch set at 10% controls steam to the source valves for 2nd stage steam.
What is the sequence for starting the turning gear motor on the main turbine?
Piggyback motor starts
TG engages (if <2rpm)
Slow speed motor starts
When should MSRs be placed in service following an outage?
If load will be >15% for 12 hours to prevent last stage bucket erosion.
What is the power limit for placing 2nd stage reheat in service?
95% power since 2nd stage reheat is approximately 5% steam flow.
How can you lose electrical protection to a bus?
lose control power
For 4160V breakers and above, when do the closing springs charge?
When the breaker closes (springs are always charged)
What will cause the WRF supply breakers to load shed?
degraded voltage with SIAS (prevent double sequence event)
What is required to initiate a fast bust transfer on NAN-S01/2?
Xfr switch in auto Generator trip Early b contact on normal supply breaker closed synch check relay no lockout voltage on S03/4
Name the NC priority loads.
CEDM normal ACUs
RCP coolers
Nuclear sample coolers
Normal chillers
What is normal NC discharge pressure and when does the backup pump start?
100 psig normal.
Backup starts at 79 psig.
What RU monitor normally monitors NC flow? What if EW is aligned?
RU-2 or 3
What will close the NC containment isolation valves (401,402 and 403)?
What do the safety relief valves (615 and 615) on the NC return lines inside containment protect against?
They ensure closure capability of isolation valves during RCP high pressure seal cooler tube rupture. Setpoint = 135-150 psig.
What will isolate EW if aligned to NC? Which train?
A SIAS or low EW surge tank level will isolate EW A only, since B has manual vavles.
What order should the NC supply and return valves be opened?
Return should be opened first to prevent reliefs from lifting.
If the standby NC pump is started at the switchgear, will the CR recieve an amber lignt?
Yes. The amber light circuitry compares if the pump is running vs. CR switch position.
NC containment isolation valve has (2) breakers, why?
To protect the containment penetration. Typical for most/all containment penetrations.
What type of detectors are the startup channel excores and what are the power supplies?
BF3 proportional detector
NNN-D11 for channel 1
NNN-D12 for channel 2
What does the high CPS bistable do in relation to the NIs?
At 10,000 CPS (used to be 2000) an annunciator is triggered to alert the operator to turn off the startup channel detectors.
What type of detectors are the control channel excores and what is the power supplies?
Boron 10 lined ion chambers
NNN-D11 for channel 1
NNN-D12 for channel 2
What would be indicated if a linear amplifier on a single control channel excore were to fail?
1/2 of actual power.
What type of detectors are the safety channels and what are the power supplies?
U-235 fission chambers
What does the BDAS alarm indicate?
Possible inadvertant boron dilution, or power increasing, since setpoint does not automatically adjust.
Alarm can be reset to clear when power increase is desired.
What is the result of a lower safety channel failing to 0?
Linear power will decrease, log power is unaffected.
What is the result of a middle safety channel failing to 0?
Linear power will decrease, log power will be 0
What is the normal operating voltage of the non class batteries and how long will they supply power?
135DC for 2 hours.
What is unique about unit 3s NNN busses?
NNN-D16 has a class backup power supply instead of a load shed similar for D15 and D16 on other units.
What happens if NNN-D11 loses its normal power source?
Auto transfer to backup.
What is required if closing the normal supply breaker to the class 4160V class bus locally?
Normal and alternate supply must be open.
What is required to close the alternate supply breakers to the 4160V class busses?
The DG supply breaker must be open (prevents cross tie of DGs)
What is the purpose of the B train disconnect switches?
Disables CR operation in ase of a CR fire.
What is the normal and backup cooling for the spent fuel pool pool cooling system?
NC is normal, EW is backup.
What will the status of the pool cooling pumps on a LOOP once it is restored?
Not running but may be manually started.
What is the basis for the 23’ above irradiated fuel requirement in the SFP?
Iodine absorption.
What is the battery and or charger requirement when operating SDC valves 653/654?
The battery must be connected to the bus to prevent overloading the charger.
If grounds are detected on the PK bus where will alarms be recieved?
Local and CR
How is the swing charger prevented from supplying both PK busses?
Mechanical interlock
What will start/stop the normally running charging pump?
Stop if PZR level +15% increasing
Start if PZR level +14% decreasing
Must be green flagged
What will start/stop the standby charging pump?
Start if PZR level -23% decreasing
Stop if PZR level -14% increasing
Must be green flagged
At what levels will the PLCS level transmitters alarm in the CR?
25% low
60% high
What PZR level increase will start the backup heaters and why?
3% increase in anticipation of an insurge.
What happens to the PLCS if Tc input fails high at 15% power?
Setpoint goes to max
standby charging pump starts
letdown goes to min
What happens to PLCS if TC fails low at 100% power?
Setpoint goes to min
normally running charging pump stops
letdown flow to max
backup heaters energize (assumes 3% insurge)
What happens to PLCS if the selected PZR level transmitter fails low?
All heaters trip (<25% level)
Standby charging pump starts
LD to minimum
Level will increase until other channel selected.
What happens to PLCS if the selected PZR level transmitter fails high?
backup heaters energize (3% insurge)
Normally running charging pump trips
LD to maximum
PZR level decreases until other channel selected or RX trip if no action.
What happens to PLCS if NNN-D11 is lost?
Master controller loses power = 0 output signal
LD will isolate
Normally running and standby charging pump stop
What happens to PLCS if NNN-D12 is lost?
PZR level control channel X loses power (buffered signal lost).
LD will isolate (loss of power to LD isolation valve 523)
What happens to PLCS if NKN-D42 is lost?
PLCS control circuit loses power.
LD isolates, charging pumps stop (manual control avail)
Loss of remote heater control
Loss of LDCV and BPCV indication
What happens to PLCS if IA is lost?
LD will isolate
Chg pumps manually controlled to maintain pzr level
What do the red, black, and white on black pointers typically indicate on a controller?
Red = Actual/measured parameter
Black = Local setpoint
Black on White = Remote setpoint
How does a loss of the PC affect the plant monitoring system?
Annunciators work, but alarm points do not show up on alarm screen. Operator to verify alarms at RK cabinets.
What is unique about the Unit 1 if the supply to PN is lost?
For A and C, there is no auto transfer switch, so PNA or C will be de-energized until manual switch to the voltage regulator is accomplished.
What does the FORWARD TRANSFER and REVERSE TRANSFER BUTTONS do on the static transfer switches do?
Forward transfers to the inverter (normal source)
Reverse transfers to the voltage regulator (backup)
What precautions are involved with cycling PN?
CEAC and CPC computers shall be turned off first.
What is the PPCS high and low pressure alarm values and do they have any functions?
2285 high - heater cutout (reset at 2275) 2160 low (reset at 2200)
What are the setpoints and functions for the backup heater control bistables?
2200 - heaters turn on
2225 - heaters turn off
What is the heater cutout level and where is it reset?
Cutout at 25%
reset at 27%
What is the high pressure heater cutout?
What does the backup heater setpoint override do and how is it initiated/reset?
It allows backup heaters to be energized above the 2225 psi backup heater setpoint. It is operated by an on/off switch.
There is a 10s delay to cancel or re-initiate.
If the B class heaters are taken to local at the RSDP, will they respond to level and/or pressure cutouts/starts?
What is the status of the pressurizer spray valves and proportional heaters with the following PPCS controller outputs:
0% 16.5% 33% 50% 100%
0% (25 psid error) - heaters full on, spray valves closed
16.5% (0 error, normal) - heaters at 50%, spray valves closed
33% (25 psid error) - heaters off, spray valves off
50% - heaters off, spray valves full open
100% - no change, same as 50%
What is unique about the class backup heaters?
They will trip on a SIAS. There is a separate override.
Remains in effect until SIAS clears.
What is the result of the selected PZR pressure transmitter failing low with no operator action?
Heaters energize, spray valves stay closed. Eventual trip on hi PZR pressure (2383 psi).
What happens to PPCS if the non selected pressure transmitter fails hi?
PZR trouble annunciatior
PZR pressure hi-lo annunciator
no actions
How does a loss of NNN-D11 affect PPCS?
Pzr press transmitter 100Y fails low
Pzr level transmitter 100Y fails low, heaters cut out
(3) selectors switches need to be taken to X channel
How does a loss of NNN-D12 affect PPCS?
Master controller fails - 0 output
Pzr press transmitter 100X fails low
Pzr level transmitter 100X fails low, heaters cut out
How does a loss of NKN-D42 affect PPCS?
Loss of bistable control, all heaters off on low level cutout.
How does a loss of PKA/B affect PPCS?
Aux spray valves 205/203 fail closed and valve position is lost.
How many PPS trips are required for a reactor trip?
2/4 on the same parameter.
How does a loss of a single PN channel affect CPCs?
3 matrix relays de-energize (2) initiation circuits, (2) RTSG breakers open, no reactor trip.
How does a loss of a single PK channel affect CPCs?
(1) RTSG initiation circuit is de-energized, (1) RTSG breaker opens.
What is the purpose of the DNBR/LPD operational bypass? When is it placed in service and when is it automatically removed from bypass?
It bypasses CPC trips (rod position) to allow startup
The bypass is placed in service manually below 10-4% and is automatically removed from bypass above 10-4%.
What is the purpose of the low PZR pressure operational bypass? What are the limits of placing it in service?
Allows for RCS heat up/cool down. Is only permitted when RCS pressure < 400 psia and is removed automatically >500 psia.
What is the purpose of the Hi log power operational bypass? When is it placed in service and when is it automatically removed from bypass?
Allows power increase during startup. Must be manually placed in bypass above 10-4% (interlock) and below trip setpoint of 10-2%. Bypass is automatically removed when power is reduced below 10-4%.
What will happen if a single PPS trip parameter is placed in bypass?
The logic becomes 2/3 for trip. This allows for maintenance or testing.
How and where are the ESFAS signals reset?
Only 1 PB needs to be pressed at the ARC cabinet.
What will pressing the Low SG pressure reset PB do?
The SG low SG pressure trip and pretrip setpoints will lower by 200 and 100 psi below current pressure.
What RPS controls are available at the RSDP?
low press bypass switch and permissive indicator, low press reset switch, low press pretrip indicator
press reset switch, pretrip indicator
What is unique about the AFAS logic circuits and why?
There are (2) parallel relay paths allowing the valves to cycle on level while the pumps run continuous until the condition is reset.
What is unique about manual initiation of the AFAS and what issues could this cause?
The switches on B05 are maintained. If not returned to normal position, feed valves will remain open and overfeed is possible.
How is DAFAS bypassed?
8 keys located in ARC 5 and 8.
If RCP speed starts to slowly lower, what will happen to DNBR as calculated by CPCs?
It will gradually decrease until 95% RCP speed and then a trip will be generated.
Which ESFAS actuation does not have an initiation reset at the PPS cabinet?
What is the result of a loss of PW?
Loss of cooling AOP directs crew to trip reactor.
Where can PW return to CW?
Normally to the CW header
Alt, to tower #2.
What auto functions are associated with the PW pumps?
Standby pump auto starts on low discharge pressure of 40 psi.
What is the minimum required level in the CW canal to prevent PW pump air binding?
Where can an 86 lockout be reset for the PW pumps?
At the switchgear only.
How will PW pumps be affected on a loss of power and restoration to the NB bus?
The PW pump will be sequenced back on with TC and NC pumps as follows:
NC = 10s TC = 15s PW = 20s
What are the power supplies to QSPDS?
PNA - train A
PNB - train B
What does the TEMP SAT MARGIN-RCS recorder display and where is it located?
It displays the most limiting of RCS or upper head saturation margin and is located on B02.
How is an out of range CET indicated in QSPDS?
What conditions for a heated junction thermocouple indicate a void?
When 200F (90F is normal) is sensed between the 2 thermocouples or an unheated thermocouple is at 700F.
What does a step change on the QSPDS level indicate?
The next HJTC is uncovered, the void is increasing. This is not an indication of an increased leak.
What is the range of the thermocouples?
200F to 1800F required, but accuracy is expected up to 2300F.
What is the pressure input into QSPDS?
PZR pressure only and is compared against other parameters to determine subcooling margin.
How is upper head saturation margin determined?
Using the hottest 3 HJTCs.
How is REP CET saturation margin determined?
By a representative CET temperature.
Which QSPDS parameter is invalid with RCPs running?
Plenum reactor vessel level.
If the seal bleedoff isolation valve is taken to close, what happens?
It will not close if the RCP is running.
What starts/stops an RCP oil lift pump?
IT will auto start on an RCP trip. It will run until secured by the operator.
The lift pump needs to be manually started to satisfy permissive for RCP start.
What are the temperature restrictions for running 2 RCPs? 3 RCPs?
Only 2 RCPs allowed up to 200F (LTOP)
Only 3 RCPs allowed 200-500F (Brittle Fracture/Core LIft)
What electrical concerns are there with starting an RCP?
If a deisel is paralled to the same SU XM, deisel damage is possible.
If any PK battery is disconnected from its bus, PN distribution panel may be lost.
What speed must the RCP reach in 14s to avoid auto trip after start?
600 rpm.
What causes the pressure drop across the RCP seals?
Capillary tube seal cooler
What is the RCS design pressure? Safety limit?
Design = 2500 psi
Safety Limit = 2750 psia
Where can the reactor vessel head vents be vented?
RDT or containment atmosphere
What type of detectors are the ICIs and what do the background detectors provide?
Rhodium detectors, self powered.
Background detectors provide flux compensation (interactions with bare wire)
What is the power supply to the class annunciators?
What will the status of the RK system on a loss of NKN-M45 and a SIAS in the 3 units?
Units 1 and 2 will lose all annunciators. Unit 3 will lose half since NNN-D16 has a class backup.
Which RU-1 containment building atmosphere monitor channels are tech spec related for leakage detection?
Channels 1 and 3. Particulate and gaseous (not iodine)
How does a loss of IA affect AR?
The suction valves fail closed and the discharge fails to through filter mode.
What does a hi-hi alarm on RU-7, AS Condensate Receiver tank monitor?
Diverts condensate to LRS.
Which RU monitors will initiate a CREFAS?
Which RU monitors will initiate a FBEVAS?
Which RU monitors will initiate a CPIAS?
What does a hi-hi alarm on RU-141, Condenser Vacuum Pump/GS exhaust monitor, do?
Shifts exhaust to through filter mode
Which RU monitor is not normally in service at power?
RU-17, ICI
What is the status of RPCB when the TEST/RESET button is depressed? What happens if it is pressed twice?
It will not actuate.
Selected CEAs will be de-selected.
What is the status of RPCB if the AUTO ACTIVATE OUT OF SERVICE is depressed?
No RPCB auto actions.
What events will cause a RPCB and which one will generate a QO block?
Loss MFP - causes QO block
What is the status of CEA control after a RPCB?
The RPCB signal is locked in for 10s which blocks CEA control. After this clears, CEAs can respond to RRS or operator action.
What will happen on a RPCB if a group 5 rod is on the hold bus or does not drop?
Immediate reactor trip.
What does a setback do and how is it cleared?
Moves turbine CVs to 60% at 480%/min.
Cleared by reducing load limit pot to illuminate light.
How does RPCB respond to a loss of NNN-D11 and NNN-D12?
D11 - No rod drop or runback/setback
D12 - Rods drop, setback and no runback. RX trip.
What signals are sent from RPCB to EHC during a RPCB?
Load set increase inhibit
What will occur on a RPCB if PT-1024 fails low?
RPCB will occur and turbine will continuously runback. Reactor trip.
What RPCB signal is sent to RRS?
What is the RRS design basis (in conjunction with RPCB)?
Control reactor and turbine power for the following:
Any size load rejection (100%)
10% step change in NSSS load
5%/min ramp in NSSS load
How is CEA motion demand determined in RRS?
Temperature error compensated by rate of change of power error.
How is Tref determined in RRS?
Tref program based on TLI.
How many excore control channels are there and what is the range?
At what total error (degrees F) will RRS initiate a withdraw or insert signal?
3 F
What will occur if RRS sends a high rate withdraw signal?
The high rate demand light will be lit, but rods will withrdraw in slow rate.
What is required for RRS to be placed in test?
CEDMCS must not be in AS
PLCS must be in LOCAL or MANUAL
RRS will come out of test if above is violated.
How will a loss of NNN-D12 affect RRS?
No input to rod control
Tave fails low
What happens to RRS if a SBCV drifts open?
CEAs will step out.
RCS will cool from increased steam demand
What signals does RRS send to CEDMCS?
Speed and Direction
What are the safety hazards associated with the GEN SEAL OIL/H2 DIFF PRESS/ LO HYDROGEN alarms?
Hydrogen escaping the generator (explosive hazard)
What is the likely result of prolonged operation of the emergency seal oil pump?
Decreased hydrogen purity.
ESOP does not pull from vac tank
Where does the hydrogen side of the generator seals drain to?
Hydrogen detraining tank
Where does the main seal oil pump take suction?
Vacuum tank
Where does the emergency SO pump take suction?
Bearing oil return header
During normal operations, what is the SO flow path?
SO header, Vacuum Tank, SO pump, Seals, LO tank
How is SO vacuum tank level maintained?
What is the difference between the SSE and the OBE?
The SSE is the max seismic activity for shutdown, OBE is the max that allow continued operation.
What limits are placed with aligning CS to SDC?
Cannot be aligned when RCS temperature >200F and pressure >250 pisa
How are SITs filled?
HPSI B only
What can be used to augment pool cooling during high heat load?
During an ESD, why is SI throttled as soon as throttle criteria is met?
Prevents pressurized thermal shock.
What is one indication of RCS voiding (PZR reaction)?
PZR level increase when spray is activated
What is the concern for SI with a LOCA outside of containment?
Not enough containment sump inventory during RAS
What is a possible consequence of stopping HPSI pump and not closing SIT fill/drain valve?
SIT will flow to RWT.
How does having the SDC bypass valve open do to indicated flow?
Flow will be read but will be bypassing the core
actual cooling < indicated
Where is the LTOP located?
Between 653 and 655
Where can the HPSI pump discharge?
All 4 cold legs and 1 hot leg
What is the SDC max heat up rate and what is the limiting component?
19 F/min which is based on the SDC HX.
What is the SDC temperature design limit?
350 F
What are the temperature limits for the LPSI pump regarding seal life?
RCS should be < 300F
and <135F if operated longer than 4 days.
If the CS pump breaker is anti pumped and a SIAS occurs, how can the pump be started?
Take to start twice
once to clear anti pump, once to start
What pressure will lift the LTOP?
467 psia
What interlock is associated with SI valves 651, 653, 655?
385 psi or greater will keep valves closed.
What is the LPSI shutoff head?
210 psia
most questions just require that you know it is less than 300-400
How much flow is provided by LPSI mini flow and how much is required for continued operation?
100 gpm from mini flow (good for 1 hour)
2400 gpm required for continued operation
What is the shutoff head for the CS pump?
290 psia
How much flow is provided by CS mini flow and how much is required for continued operation?
150 gpm from mini flow (good for 1 hour)
2100 gpm required for continuous operation
What is the CS rumble region and what will occur if operated there?
1800-2800 gpm
pump damage
What is the shutoff head of the HPSI pump?
1800-1950 psia (rough numbers)
What are the 5 design criteria of the ECCS?
Peak cladding T <2200 Clad oxidation <17% thickness Max H2 generation <1% if all clad reacted Coolable geometry Long term cooling
What is the design bases of SDC?
75F/hr cool down/heat up
What are the containment design temperature and pressure (CS designed to maintain this)?
Containment temperature <300
Pressure <60psig
What is the pressure reduction design of CS?
Reduce containment pressure by half in 24 hours.
If you have a SIAS and HPSI has a brighter than normal green, what happens if you take pump to start?
Override light comes in, no start yet.
What does a white light on the SESS system indicate?
Equipment inoperatble
If you initiate a manual SESS alarm, what color light do you get?
How does PPS interact with SESS?
It sends signals so you know if equipment should be in actuated position.
If SBCS master controller is in LOCAL-AUTO and steam pressure is lowered via manual operation, how does the permissive setpoint change?
Permissive setpoint will increase based on lower pressure.
Permissive is inaffected by master controller.
With a RPCB, what occurs if PT-1024 fails high?
Rods drop, Setback and runback to 60% only.
If SBCS valves are throttling open and the SBCS is selected to EMERGENCY OFF, what occurs?
Bottom of cylinder is vented, IA is applied to top and valves close.
What is the SBCS condenser inerlock and what does it do to the valves?
5.5 “ HgA (2 of 3 shells)
Closes SBCS valves to condenser
How does SBCS know there has been a load rejection?
Compares Steam flow vs. PZR pressure
What happens if FT-1011 fails low?
Modulation setpoint raises.
If PZR pressure transmitter 100Y fails low, how is SBCS affected?
Downward bias on setpoint.
What happens to the SBCS master contoller if power is lost and then restored?
Goes to Manual if <2s
Goes to emergency off if >2s
How many SBCS permissives may be in manual at one time?
Only 1 to prevent multiple valves opening on single failure.
What happens to the SBCS controllers when a QO signal is generated?
They are set to 83.3% (6 valves open) then then modulate to desired position based on pressure.
When is a quick open block generated?
Loss of feed pump
Reactor trip (group Y)
Reactor trip with Tave<573.5F (group X)
How do you reset the condenser interlock for SBCS?
Howe does SBCS fail on loss of power or air?
What is the TS required spray pond level? What about CR indication?
13’-6” (12’ useable required per TS, which equates to 1’-6” extra required)
14’-0” required in CR to account for uncertainty
What is indicated by a flow mismatch on spray pond supply and return?
Pipe break/leak.
What cools CW pump motor lube oil coolers?
What will auto start a TC pump?
Low header pressure (55 psig)
How is temperature control obtained in TC?
Throttling HX outlet and bypass valves.
What will result on a loss of TC?
Reactor trip will be required because MFPs cannot continue to operat.
What administrative interlock is associated with the TC HX outlet and bypass valves (similar for NC)?
At least 1 must be full open.
What are primary concerns with loss of normal chillers?
Containment temp. rise (tech spec)
Main generator collector housing temp. rise
CEDCMCS cabinet room temp. rise
What will close the containment isolation valves for WC? Is there an override?
There is an overide.
What will trip the A normal chiller?
SIAS (powered from PBA-S03)
How do the supply valves for charging pump ACUs fail?
Fail open.
How will a loss of NC affect the normal chillers?
They trip on low NC flow
Who is required in the CR during fuel handling?
RO and Reactor Engineering Representative
If count rates are increased 5x after an assembly is placed, what should be done?
Withdraw last placed assembly and observe response.
What is the overload for the fuel transfer machine?
If the A supply and exhaust are being run on the Aux building, what happens if B supply is taken to start?
A supply trips, B starts.
What are the AF supply dampers and how do they fail?
PK powered and they fail closed.
What will start the elec. penetration room essentials?